
Trying to write fanfic


Idk what I'm doing aaaaaaa -- also if you'd like to support me, pls use my ko-fi lol at ko-fi.com/ireallyhatemyself <3


Hey guys! If you follow me for any of my ongoing fics---don’t worry!! I am still working on those! Life is busy (and expensive), so I decided to open oneshot fanfic commissions! I figured it would be a great way to stay active in the community with shorter, more manageable, works. And it’s up to y’all what I write! It could be completely smutty (or not), and up to 10,000 words! More details below:


some thick pen sketchies of some fluffy RoyEd :')) Maybe I'll color the rest and repost it later!

(can you tell I apparently can't stick to an art style?? lmaosaskdja)

ALSO GUYS I LIVE AAA (sorry i've been ghosting for like a year lol, oof;;)

first of all---THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THE BEAUTIFUL SOUL THAT DONATED $9 TO MY KOFI AUG 16!! <33 I'm so touched and I didn't forget about it for a single day! Sorry it took me so long to get around to acknowledging it ;w; to that person out there, you're the best, thank you <3

next---I FINALLY UPDATED MY FIC!! See the next chapter of the angsty I Promise I Won't Leave You This Time here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/30540108/chapters/128097235

it's been busy lately but I've been good and I hope y'all enjoy the update!! <3


Hi! I really love your fanfics (I've only read 2: Breath, and Sweat) and they are FANTASTIC :D I think they are flawless! But I've heard news of a Rengoku x Tanjiro... FR?! Tanjiro's gonna cheat?! Oh well. I hope the flame hashira's good in bed ;) anyways just wanna congratulate for the amazing work, take your time (but plz not to long), and have a great life. You seem like a very nice person and would def wanna be friends.

Love, Ash

P.S. plz draw lower... god im cringe but fr how big is Giyu??


AAA, oml this reply is so late but aaa tysm!! <3 and lol NAUR the way I'm being exposed rn, lmaooasdhkjash. I'm happy to hear you really enjoyed the fic though!! And lol, I haven't abandoned the series, but I haven't had time to work on it much yet but yes! There will be some Rengoku x Tanjiro during a brief breakup period, heehee. It'll actually be quite angsty tho, so I hope you're ready for that! And aww, thanks so much for the kind words. You seem like a very nice person too! <3

Love, Arie



TO THE PERSON WHO BOUGHT ME MY FIRST COFFEE ON KO-FI—OML I LOVE YOU SO MUCH HOMIE!!! <3333 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! (Bro I literally cannot put into words how much getting the notif MADE my day—it’s been lowkey rough here irl and it like took me out of this lowkey depressed daze I’ve been living in. Like I haven’t had any time to write fanfic or draw for months, but today I managed to make time for it just to finish these sketches and I just cannot tell you how much I appreciate your generosity ;v;) I CRIIII. TYSM <333333


I honestly wasn’t expecting much when I made that ko-fi account, and just the idea that someone went out of their way to donate just blows my mind—to whoever you are, I’M SO GRATEFUL. YOU’RE THE BEST.

In celebration of my first-ever coffee gifted, I’m posting some art!! This is a sketch of Ed I made a LONG time ago about a moment in the upcoming chapter in ‘I Promise I Won’t Leave You This Time’ (unfinished and unposted atm, oof. Coming soon, though!!). Roy’s reaction hadn’t been drawn yet so that’s what I managed to whip up today! I was originally going to wait until I updated the fic to post these sketches, but I’ve taken so long anyways—so might as well drop it now, akjsdhaksj. To the person who donated (ILYSM HOMIE <333) and to everyone else who reads my work—I’d like to once again promise that none of it is abandoned!! I’m just busy (and slow) ;w; Thank you so much for your continued patience, and I hope to get something to y’all real soon!!

(Also, again to the person who gave me the coffee—idk what work of mine led to here, but I hope FMA was one of them if only so that this post with new RoyEd sketches can be a show of my thanks <333)

And because I am obsessed with Ed’s cat-eyes (as y’all know), here is a close up, lmaoisdkjash

Okay, gotta do finals now (lmao, oof)—stay safe, lots of love!!


hey i’m so sorry to bother you, i’m here from ao3 from ur demon slayer trilogy. I was just wondering if you still plan on making part 3

btw i love your work sssssm you write so beautifully

the smut is INSANE, who knew biting is hot

anyway, sorry to bother you x hope all is good


Oml, you're not bothering me!! Thank you so much for reaching out! <3

As for the trilogy, I do still plan on making part 3 (as well as finishing part 2, heehee.) The only thing is that I'm really busy these days and unfortunately don't have nearly as much time as I'd like for writing fanfic, so there's probably going to be a really long wait to be honest. Same thing goes for my other works as well ;v; I appreciate y'all's patience so much, though!

AND AAAA TYSM!! It makes me so happy to know you liked it, haha---and aksjdhakjsd, that's so embarrassing for me lmao, but thank you so much for your kind words! AND SAMEEE---I didn't realize I was that into biting until I wrote it lmaoosjdak (I mean, whatt?? Whoooooo said that?? asjkdhask)

Lol, fr tho, thanks so much! I hope all is good with you too! ^^


Oh no, I made another angstyy thingggg ;v; 

It’s a wip of this animatic I’ve had in mind for my fanfic ‘I promise I won’t leave you this time,’ and it’s lowkey spoilers but I can’t help myself, asjdhajksd. I also finally updated after months!! You can check out the new chap here: 

Summary:  Edward remembers something he wishes he didn't (again.)

Edward secretly wished for Roy to notice his suffering already. He wished for Roy to say something, close the distance between them, hold his face, caress his cheek, gently swipe his thumb underneath the cut, say ‘I’m sorry.’
Roy never did.

A drawing of a hypothetical scene from chapter 10 of my angsty Royed fic :’) 

I know I said that the next chap was mostly written, but I accidently keep writing more than I meant so it’s still taking a while to get that entire thing together, oof. Thanks for everyone’s patience on that end! For now, here’s some art to hold you over <33

Idk why, but drawing Ed’s face gives me so much serotonin so here’s a close up lmaoosdjasj


your suffering is my suffering




Another updated chapter on my angsty RoyEd and another arts today!!

This one is nothing to do with the update tho and is actually lowkey spoilers for the *next* chapter lmaooooo. I couldn’t help myself-- the moment I wrote it I needed to draw it ;v;

This scene isn’t there yet, but you can read the newest chapter (ch. 11- Lies) here!!


Me:  *writing the fanfic* Ed woke up with his hair a tangled mess, and very tired, sleep-deprived, hug-deprived, a total wreck, etc. etc.

Also me: *drawing him* UM ACTUALLY Ed’s kinda drop dead gorgeous 24/7 and 365 days without even trying ajsdhakjsdh  

lmaoooo, anyways, I feel a lot more comfortable using procreate now so here’s my new favorite style-- sketchy pen!! Ofc I had to draw grownup!Ed with it first, lol. This is his ‘just-woke-up’ fit that he’s been in the last two chapters of my angsty Royed fic; you can read the latest (and angstiest) chapter posted a few days ago here!! 

It’s chapter 10, ‘Brittle Glass,’ and it’s literally the WORST part so far (emphasis on so far), and definitely a big oof moment indeed, so pls heed the tags if you read it! 

Also I promise I’ll eventually draw Roy--- as you can tell I just have a bit of an Ed bias ajskdhaskjdh  


New chapter (Ch. 9) up on the angsty Royed!! Shouting out the GORGEOUS comic strips by @jjyany and @justafaller in the author’s note and featuring a beautiful rendition of a scene also by jjyany!!

Thanks so much again for the incredible fanart! ;w; Also big thanks to everyone’s who’s been patient for the update-- this one is almost 20 pages!!

A little teaser: 

I'd forgotten I could be this happy, Edward thought. The idea didn't really fit, though, as if detached from the rest of reality.
He... could be happy?
Why did the thought feel so wrong? So out of place?
Edward and Roy were still smiling at each other, and the moment abruptly flashed, like a picture. Colors bled apart. Everything froze.
Suddenly, the warmth vanished, and it was cold, and dark, and—    
The first thing Edward woke to was pain.

“Seeing Him Again.”

This fic is incredible and does an amazing job at capturing the tragedy of Ed’s situation.

AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH @justafaller !! <3 Another amazing comic strip based off my Royed angst fic by an amazing artist!! ;v; I’m so grateful for y’all oml. GUYS CHECK IT OUT IT’S SO GOOD ASDJHASKDJHASK


There is an angsty RoyEd fanfic written by a sweet author @ireallyhatemyself-ao3 and omg i legit sheared a tear Riza is so sweet that I had to draw one of Riza and Ed moments where Ed accidentally calls her by her first name. Aah wish I could draw a clear image I have in my mind from the fic ;w; my drawing skill is not there yet(SAD) maybe oneday but u see how much i'm into the fics XD

The fic has some mature content btw, so beware of the tags.

BEAUTIFUL FANART by @jjyany​!! <3 Aaaaa, it’s SO good, I love how they recaptured this scene! It’s so nice, aaa ;w; 

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