
It’s Super Dyanmic Cooking Time!


Pan aligned asexual greyromantic genderfluid person
I have autism anxiety depression bipolar and ptsd
Loves joke characters in fighting games way too much
Chronically silly

Weird young lady with a low husky voice and rings under her eyes hesitates for a statistically significant amount of time when faced with an "I'm a human" checkbox


I've said this many times before -if you call yourself a feminist and you're silent about ANY person being oppressed around the world by violent dictators/regimes/governments (among many injustices) you're not a feminist. If your feminism isn't intersectional, it's not feminism -it's white feminism. If you don't know about or aren't talking about Sudan and the rampant sexual violence against Sudanese women by a terrorist genocidal militia -then GET TO KNOW and start talking about it because this is horrifying. I'm so tired of seeing mostly white women come to the frontlines of issues when it only benefits or impacts them. I'm beyond embarrassed for you.

We know of at least one Israeli drone company that has an exclusive relationship with ShotSpotter; others are courting sheriff and police departments that already have ShotSpotter in place. 
WIRED just revealed that a shocking 70% of ShotSpotter surveillance microphones monitor predominantly Black, Brown, and low-income neighborhoods in the U.S.
Now Senators Edward Markey and Elizabeth Warren have called for a federal investigation into whether public funding for ShotSpotter technology violates civil rights law.

Click the above link to read more, and add your voice to the call for investigation of ShotSpotter surveillance tech. (USA)


I thought I needed a new laptop but nope, youtube is slowing down your PC if you have adblock on on any open tab...

To be very clear about this: CPUs aren't magical devices that can operate forever. They generate heat. They wear out over time. This happens faster when they're operating near capacity. This is not just an attempt to inconvenience you; this is an attempt to damage your property.

For the "crime" of not wanting to be tracked/have ads pissed into your eyeballs 24/7.

Even if you've paid for the "privilege" of the latter.

Fuck Google, and I hope they get sued into oblivion over this.

i see everyone in the notes talking about newpipe but nobody's talking about youtube alternatives for desktop


it is a free, open-source alternative YouTube front-end. in addition to not having ads, it has other great QoL features like a download button. try one of the several instances on that link up there ^^^^


Your first mistake in art is thinking you draw men and women inherently differently

I'm serious, this is genuinely not a joke. There's no wrong way to do art but you do make a mistake when you think that you draw men and women differently without any overlap or gray area, like they're two opposites and that's how they'll always be FOREVER. Treating two genders as vastly different is absolutely the incorrect way to think about things and considering how anatomy is one of the first things you practice when you start drawing human or human adjacent characters, it becomes harder and harder to unlearn as time goes on

When learning to draw, you need to understand that there's more body types for ALL genders than just "flat as a board with no hips" and "slightly thinner waist with larger chest"


It always amazes me that these people can never confront me, or prove I'm "anti-black," they just rely on the age old mantra of listen and believe, and the worst part is, people uncritically do just that.

It's all about canceling people, trying to make a mob go after them and dogpile, no discussion, no understanding, and no punctuation.

These people really are incapable of thinking for themselves, huh?


Goku gets the love when he wants it, always.  :3

Only posted one of the references above because I think you guys gets the general gist that there were three original refs. It would turn into a really long post otherwise.

(Used pen in Medibang)

Original by @snoozemutton! Thank you for such a cute reference.  :)



I am Laila Shaqura, a Palestinian, displaced from northern Gaza to the south due to the war.

We live in very difficult conditions here, especially after entering Rafah. There is no safe place to go. We now live in a tent west of the city of Rafah, where insects, garbage, and epidemics spread due to the lack of necessary treatments and clean drinking water. We were all infected with hepatitis and it was very difficult. In addition to that, the very high temperature here in the tent, the bombing and destruction everywhere, we live in terror here.

Our future and education have been destroyed, neither schools nor universities.

Amon was supposed to have finished high school this year, and then I would go to university and fulfill the dream of years, but unfortunately everything was destroyed. Our homes, our memories, and our childhood were destroyed.

Even the basic necessities of life have become unavailable.

In fact, we are struggling to survive.

There is no safe place and there is no solution but to leave the country, but unfortunately travel costs are very high.

My uncle set up a fundraising link for us to help evacuate us to safety.

Please help us and share it on your page or with your friends, thank you🩶


i want everyone who has not once spoken up about the islamopbobia uprise since october and only ever spoke up about antisemitism or has not spoken about either, to actually shut the fuck up about the pro palestine university protests or if you speak of it, do not forget to mention the israeli "counter protests" as well, where groups of Zionists say the most horrific, islamophobic and racist slurs ever and nobody is saying anything. talk about that for once and acknowledge it (i know you only like to pick on muslims and palestinians tho) and if you dont do that, like i said, just shut the fuck up in general about the protests.

Hahaha an ex-idf soldier showed up to counter protest and told my (Palestinian) friend, "I've killed two girls who look like you." Totally unprovoked.


sure you love your "weight gain as health" trope when it happens to skinny characters but would you still say you like that trope when it's fat characters putting on weight? genuine question


“The Sleepover of Frieza”  [Read this, please]

Ok… I can explain this. This is not what you think xD

One day, a friend gives me an idea. 

We were talking about how Frieza has his nails and mouth, y'know… The makeup [?]

Then he told me something like: “LOL I can imagine Frieza in those places where people goes to make the manicure” I laughed so hard. Then I said to him: “No, wait… What do you think about Frieza in a Sleepover with Zarbon painting his nails. And Jeice brushing Zarbon’s hair?” 

And he said “Yeah! And his dad with a tray of cookies, leaning on the door”. We agreed to this and then this is the result of all that shit we were talking about. 

Oh god, I’m not sorry P.S: Poor Vege-plushie ;–;


Throw back Tuesday!

I’ve decided to toss in some of my older art for flavor. Here is one of my personal favorites!

Ginyu Sundae has always been one of my personal favorites. Enjoy!

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