


This is what posting your artwork after a mutual posts a big life update feels like


yall better be just as outraged about this as you were about notre dame


This is even WORSE.

To elaborate why this is worse: Art and religion are all well and good. But information can be critical. When libraries burn, information can be lost forever. Because we photograph art. We have blueprints of the Cathedral. The Notre Dame cathedral did not burn to the ground, only the wooden structures did. The entire library and everything within is gone here. Another reason this is worse? It was DELIBERATE. It was bombed. Accidents like Notre Dame happen all the time. But bombings don’t have to happen. So yeah, if you cared about Notre Dame, logically you should care about this too,


I like that people keep saying that dungeon meshi doesn't have any fan service but all I've seen for like, days is a dragon lady ripping her shirt open and having like a very large amount of underboob. I think maybe I've been breaking bad'd about what dungeon meshi will be like when I eventually get around to watching it


the fanservice market is so saturated right now that it basically doesn't count as fanservice anymore unless you can see her fully erect throbbing penis on-screen


I would never be mean to my friend and lover public transport but the bus does take the piss sometimes


the place adventure time has in just culture in general is so so funny to be because it's so prevalent whether through just merch with characters on it or designs directly referencing the style/aesthetics and yet most people have not actually seen the show past season 1-5 (including me until like a year ago!) so if you try to explain any post s5 adventure time plot where it basically became a complete different show you sound fucking insane. they don't even know about princess bubblegum's gay cousin chicle. they don't even know about my dear friend fern.



Watching the new tasting history and very charmed by the fact that the whole Michelin Star system apparently started out as, like, a galaxy-brain marketing campaign for the concept of road trips.

"Our master plan to sell tires is becoming the most prestigious restaurant critics in the world' is admittedly possibly the Frenchest thing imaginable.


when i was post op after top surgery i had a good friend there with me to help recover. but the nurse didnt get the memo and when i woke up she was like “ok i’m gonna go get your girlfriend and bring her in to see you!” and i remember being so zonked on anesthesia and so disoriented i just laid there thinking wow…… all that an they’re bringing me a girlfriend too this place is amazing


what is your most controversial video game hot take? 🎮🎮🎮

The pursuit for photorealism in games is a fruitless endeavor that only results in bloated file sizes that take too much space

mario is a woman and just really butch


students at Emory university in Atlanta set up a solidarity encampment that lasted all of three hours before the Atlanta Police department and Georgia State patrol came and forced them off the quad. They threw tear gas into the crowd, shot students with rubber bullets, and tased students. multiple students and faculty have been arrested including freshmen and tenured professors. friends of mine were tear gassed and had their belongings taken by the police, other friends have been arrested for "disorderly conduct" and are currently at the DeKalb county jail, where they'll likely be held overnight. the selections of which students have been arrested and which haven't are transparently racist and targeting black students. students from Morehouse and other Atlanta colleges were arrested as well. I'll update this post with more information as soon as bail is posted but they're still processing the people who have been arrested. if you can call the school or donate to the bail fund please do, and you can follow stopcopcity and emorystopcopcity on Instagram for more information. this isn't the first time Emory has called the cops on student protesters - just last year they called in the apd to shut down another solidarity encampment for stop cop city. stop cop city has lost traction outside of Atlanta but the fight to stop cop city and the fight to free Palestine cannot be separated from one another.


students at Emory university in Atlanta set up a solidarity encampment that lasted all of three hours before the Atlanta Police department and Georgia State patrol came and forced them off the quad. They threw tear gas into the crowd, shot students with rubber bullets, and tased students. multiple students and faculty have been arrested including freshmen and tenured professors. friends of mine were tear gassed and had their belongings taken by the police, other friends have been arrested for "disorderly conduct" and are currently at the DeKalb county jail, where they'll likely be held overnight. the selections of which students have been arrested and which haven't are transparently racist and targeting black students. students from Morehouse and other Atlanta colleges were arrested as well. I'll update this post with more information as soon as bail is posted but they're still processing the people who have been arrested. if you can call the school or donate to the bail fund please do, and you can follow stopcopcity and emorystopcopcity on Instagram for more information. this isn't the first time Emory has called the cops on student protesters - just last year they called in the apd to shut down another solidarity encampment for stop cop city. stop cop city has lost traction outside of Atlanta but the fight to stop cop city and the fight to free Palestine cannot be separated from one another.

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