
I'm the gay heretic your pastor warned you about

@hereticallygay / hereticallygay.tumblr.com

22 | blaque | nb lesbian | TERFs/radfems/gender crits dni | main @lesvlbes | I'm trying to figure out what my religion is. |

There’s literally three entire different fucking genocides happening at the same time right now all with funding from Western government what the actual fuck.


jewish people aren’t committing genocide israel is committing genocide and if you still haven’t wrapped your head around that very simple fact i don’t want anything to do with you frankly


“yeah israel forcibly sterilized their ethiopian refugees but it was only for a couple of months!!” y’all lost the plot.


Ahmad Abu Shamla, a Palestinian man, was killed by Israel in Rafah. He had been working for France since 2002 in the French institute.

Wanna know why he was still in Gaza? Because France refused to put his 4 oldest sons in the list of people allowed to evacuate through Rafah. Because of his job France could repatriate him and his family but they chose to put only part of the family in the list and refused to put his 4 older sons. Ahmad told the rest of his family who were on the list to leave and he stayed behind with his 4 sons and on Saturday he died because of his wounds after the house he was staying at was bombed. He was killed by Israel because France expected him to leave his sons behind.

It’s just so fucking disgusting I wanna throw up.

France 100% killed him. Who in their right mind would expect a parent to leave 4 of his children behind knowing perfectly they might not survive? They knew that by denying entry to 4 of his sons either all of the family would stay in Gaza or part of the family would stay.

It took France a whole month to evacuate them cause they were evacuated only in mid November. And while Ahmad was in Gaza, Reem, his wife who evacuated with their nieces and their 2 other sons, was fighting to get their 4 sons on the evacuation list that way Ahmad would be able to come with them.

Some representatives are sending letters to the ministry of foreign affairs telling her to evacuate Ahmad’s 4 sons so his death wouldn’t be vain. But the fact that he had to die for his story to even be public.

This man worked for France for 2 fucking decades.

France killed him.

Allah yarham shouhada.


To argue that support for armed resistance means excusing massacres is so patently ludicrous that it doesn't merit a response. It's little better than claiming that support for the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising logically entailed condoning the bombing of Dresden or Hiroshima. And there is an intense dishonesty and self-indulgence in the maudlin cry that the uprising of the Palestinians is simply another turn in a cycle of tragic, senseless violence. The underlying assumption is that true liberation could be achieved only if Palestinians meekly accepted their fate of exile and death and made sure not to disturb with their defiance the Beautiful Souls of Western liberals. Alas, Palestinians value their freedom, their dignity too much; that is their unpardonable sin.


If you can, please donate to the Internet archive, links in the description. The loss of the archive would be devastating for dozens of reasons.

I know the Library of Alexandria comment sounds like an exaggeration. It absolutely is not. As of May 7, 2022, the Internet Archive holds over 35 million books and texts, 7.9 million movies, videos and TV shows, 842 thousand software programs, 14 million audio files, 4 million images, 2.4 million TV clips, 237 thousand concerts, and over 682 billion web pages in the Wayback Machine. It’s been operating since 1996, the loss of knowledge would be impossible to ever completely come back from.

The lawsuit from Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins, John Wiley Sons, and Penguin Random House alleges there have been significant revenue losses because of their controlled digital lending program. For context, most libraries in the US also use CDL to distribute books to their patrons wherever they are but those programs are run through for profit companies and the libraries are often paying a very high fee to so their patrons can have access to digital books. The Internet Archive’s program is completely free but they have a policy of not digitizing and lending anything less than 5 years old.

The lawsuit goes on to note that authors often own larger shares of their revenue of digital vs. print copies of their books. So the publishing companies, seeing that they’re underpaying their authors, are essentially blaming a library for being free instead of bumping up what authors earn on print copies. The Internet Archive’s 5 year policy is designed to protect authors anyway as that’s when books typically make the most money.

Hey by the way The Internet Archive is also one of the most cited places on Wikipedia. If it goes down a good chunk of Wikipedia will go back to “citation needed” or citations will lead to dead links.


Please support the survival and transition fund of this Nigerian transfemme! Her name is Lola, and as a Nigerian lesbian myself I'm aware of just how dangerous Nigeria is for queer Nigerians.

She's currently in need of money for survival and gender affirming care. The homeless shelter she was staying at will be shut down by the end of June. Her previous organizer ghosted her with whatever money was donated, so I have stepped in to help.

Please share and/or donate!

We're roughly 1/15th of the way there! I believe we can help Lola as long as people keep boosting and donating!

I really appreciate every single person who's donated and/or shared this! You're totally allowed to post this gfm on other pages/blogs if you like.

Please help this Nigerian trans femme survive. Nigeria is a very dangerous place for trans women and queer people of all types.


Okay, USA followers, you know how we all hate bank fees? I mean, you overdraw your account by $1.23 and you get charged $25.00? That's evil.

As of Jan 26, 2022, the Biden Administration CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) is bringing the hammer down on junk fees. This is more than just bank fees - this is going after the junk fees on things like prepaid cards, loans, bank transfers, credit card late fees, even closing costs on a mortgage.

The CFPB needs public comments, like the opinions of real people who are affected by these fees, to build a case about telling financial organizations that THEY CAN'T CHARGE THEM ANYMORE.

The CFPB says it’s particularly interested in hearing from older and lower-income consumers, students, service members and people of color.

There's some good detail about the comments in this investopedia article. The easiest way to comment is to send an email to FederalRegisterComments@cfpb.gov. Include Docket No. CFPB-2022-0003 in the subject line of the message.

Note that these are public comments. They will be published online through the CFPB website. Don't include account numbers, social security numbers, or full names. Tell a story - tell about the time you overdrew your account by $1.23 and the bank took $35. Tell about how you signed up for a credit card and the company charged you a bunch of fees you didn't even know about. Tell about how you transferred money from your savings account to a checking account and the bank charged you $2.50.

These junk fees are a slap in the face of ordinary people who can't refuse to pay, and the CFBP is taking aim at the banks that charge them. To read what CFPB director Rohit Chopra had to say about this call to action, click here.

You have until March 31, 2022 to submit comments.



Y'all know the hole I just asked your help digging me out of like, literally last week?




I haven't seen anything about this yet on here so here goes

some of y'all may remember Gavin Grimm for suing his Virginia school district who was refusing to let him, a trans man, use the men's restroom. They (Gavin and his lawyers from the ACLU) finally won the case recently after over 6 YEARS when the Supreme Court refused to hear it, meaning the lower court's ruling in Gavin's favor stands. That is great news, however, all of the money (1.3 million USD) from the payout was for covering legal costs. None of it actually went to Gavin.

(well technically not literally none he apparently got a single dollar which just seems tremendously rude imo)

In May of 2021 Gavin, who has epilepsy, suffered several seizures, and was in a coma for 4 days. Since then he has been unable to work or drive and has struggled to make ends meet. A GoFundMe was set up to try to help cover his housing costs and has raised enough to help pay for an apartment for him and his cat for a bit, but he is still in need of our help. A few days ago he and a friend also set up an Amazon wishlist with various things that would be needed for the apartment, such as kitchen equipment, cat food, furniture, pillows, cleaning supplies etc

a lot of the things have been covered but a lot are still needed so if any of y'all have some money to spare right now and want to help Gavin out, please do :) and please spread the word, I haven't seen many posts about this anywhere yet



(the eggs are old and so are the things in the pots we just havent cleaned the fridge out yet)

im remaking my post bc i cant access my paypal rn and cant transfer any of the money from it at all and still and bc i cant get to any of the money i desparately need $200 dollars so i can go grocery shopping until i get paid biweekly while im doing doubles for another week straight. im the only person who works in my household due to my familys disabilities and i cant take food from the house bc there isnt much already and its for my gfs grandparents (ill be buying them food with the money as well we're gonna buy cheap so we can stretch the money)


(if u have my paypal pls do not send to it bc i cant access that money)



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