
Weeeee ... are in the future!

@snapbacksteven / snapbacksteven.tumblr.com

| Ben | he/him | 26 | I REALLY LOVE STEVEN UNIVERSE Personal blog: @stebens Twitter: @SnapbackSteben Pillowfort: @SnapbackSteven

Tumblr is unfortunately not the most far-reaching social media site. I don’t quite have the means to share info and resources here as I do on twitter.

So if you want to learn more about what’s happening and what you can do, even if you don’t have a twitter account, bookmark my twitter, where I’ve already retweeted many posts pertaining to current events and will continue to do so.


I’m so thankful for everyone’s passion and energy to support the movement in all ways, and this is a reminder to also take care of yourself. 🙏💕It can be easy to burn out, and it’s better to continue supporting long-term versus running out of steam now. Don’t stop supporting the movement, but let’s stay mentally and physically healthy too!

Source: chibird.com

Robert Eads was a transgender man who transitioned later in life and as such it was deemed inadvisable for him to seek sex reassignment surgery. He was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1996 but was refused treatment by more than a dozen doctors, some for personal reasons and others on the grounds that taking him on as a patient might harm their practice. When he finally found a doctor to treat him in 1997, the cancer had already metastasized to other parts of his body, rendering any further treatments futile. He passed away in 1999. His life and death was the subject of the award-winning documentary Southern Comfort (2001).

As i’m sure many of you have heard, the Trump administration just passed a ruling that would remove LGBT+ anti-discrimination protections in health care and health insurance. I immediately thought of this man’s story when I heard about the ruling. Stories like this are the reason why those protections are necessary.

It’s easy to feel hopeless with all the bad news our community has been bombarded with recently. But we have to keep fighting, and one way we can fight is through legal means.

Here are some organizations who have announced plans to take action in court. If you can donate to any of them, please do!

LAMBDA Legal: one of the first to announce they would take legal action against the ruling, LAMBDA Legal is the oldest and largest national legal organization advocating for LGBTQ+ people and people with HIV.

Transgender Law Center: the largest American transgender-led civil rights organization in the United States. The stated mission of TLC is to connect transgender people and their families to technically sound and culturally competent legal services, increase acceptance and enforcement of laws and policies that support transgender communities, and work to change laws and systems that fail to incorporate the needs and experiences of transgender people.

Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund: Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund is committed to ending discrimination based upon gender identity and expression and to achieving equality for transgender people through public education, test-case litigation, direct legal services, and public policy efforts.

American Civil Liberties Union: a nonprofit organization founded in 1920 “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States”


here's a carrd to send pre written emails to ask for justice for several of the victims of police brutality and racism


Heads up, everyone should be writing their letters, it’s easy to set up a filter and send pre-written emails directly to the trash bin or a spam folder, and it’s even more likely to happen with a hostile force like the police.

Better worded by twitter user jackcalifano

This is critical!!!


Hey, if you’re not black and can’t get out and protest but want to know how you can help black people, consider donating to the Black Covid Relief Fund which goes directly to black people who’ve been affected by this pandemic. Black People are being disproportionately affected by this virus and anything you can give helps.

Lots of notes, not a lot of donations. Imagine if you all have just one dollar. Reach in them pockets.

i wanna attest to the help ive received from this fund in case anyone had any doubts

afronerdism is doing good work and has definitely helped more than just me w this fund support her bcuz the government aint doin shit


Matthew Rushin, a young black man with Autism and ADHD, was sentenced to 50 years in prison after being in a car accident, after which he was manipulated into pleading guilty for attempted suicide and murder with the promise he could return home to his mother who was battling cancer at the time. 40 years of the 50 were suspended, but he still has to serve 10 years.

There were serious injuries during the accident, but no one died. Matthew has never been in trouble before.

In the words of his mother, “Matthew has been my rock through my battle with cancer and understands what life is all about.Matthew exemplifies what it means to be a productive member our community, he is a loving, caring, compassionate about life and everything that surrounds it, student at ODU, worked at Panera and volunteered throughout our community.”

Here is the full story from his mother

His case is not getting nearly the amount of attention it deserves. Please sign the petition and reblog this. Here is the official Facebook, and Instagram page is @ justice4matthewrushin


ik i said it before but if you care about black artists you should really be spreading the word and helping out Amina Mucciolo rn

she’s a black, autistic, queer woman and this is the second time a big brand has profited off of her & her ideas without even so much as acknowledging they were hers to begin with.

Lisa Frank and Hotels(.)com literally caused her to be evicted in October by stealing her home design for a pop-up hotel. neither companies have issued an apology or compensated her for this to this day.

also, MGA Entertainment is the parent company of Bratz as well for those who were unaware. just thought that was interesting

also i know this post is getting rly long but please reblog this version too!! her gofundme from the Lisa Frank incident still hasn’t reached its goal, and you can support her further by supporting to her shop & buying her art or funding her directly!


A stunning photo showing Filipinos practicing social distancing during a protest to #JunkTerrorBill #JunkTerrorBillNow 

Because Filipinos aren’t undisciplined. They simply know what rules protect them and what do not.

Also shown: Protesters kneeling in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. 

MORE PHOTOS AND SOURCE CAN BE FOUND IN THE REBLOG BECAUSE TUMBLR HIDES POSTS WITH LINKS. If you have Facebook, share the original post there, which has more amazing photos of the protest. 


I’m fairly sure most of us are aware that nearly 50% of the victims of extrajudicial police killings in the US are disabled, and I’d like to think most of us have also thought through the fact that being black and disabled is a lot more dangerous than being white and disabled.

But I’d just like to add the results of this study to your pool of knowledge.

Just sit with that for a moment. More than half.

Anonymous asked:

Are you going to any protests?

It’s sure an incredible coincidence that this anon with this exact same wording is getting sent to so many people, officer

In case any of y’all haven’t heard by now, don’t answer anything like this. Don’t brag about your actions online. You don’t need the spotlight, don’t trade your safety for a few good boy points


Tell your emergency contacts (safely) and that's it. Folks organizing the protest in your area will give further details on how you can spread the word.


The President of the United States is deploying military forces against civilian protesters and is trying to make anyone who is against fascism a terrorist.

You are in a dystopian novel. Act that way.


List of Black Lives Matter and Racial Equality Petitions to sign:

Donation Links


Tumblr is unfortunately not the most far-reaching social media site. I don’t quite have the means to share info and resources here as I do on twitter.

So if you want to learn more about what’s happening and what you can do, even if you don’t have a twitter account, bookmark my twitter, where I’ve already retweeted many posts pertaining to current events and will continue to do so.


While the officer’s charges have moved up to second degree and the other three officers are being charged, don’t let the movement die. Our work is far from over. Black people are still far from safe and we are still far from free. However, don’t ever let people tell you that protesting doesn’t work. Don’t ever let people tell you that making noise does nothing in the end. This is history being made right in front of out eyes, but we can’t let it go now. Keep talking, keep donating, keep petitioning, keep protesting, keep sharing links, keep working. Black lives still matter!



if you cannot protest or donate, and you’ve been retweeting and reblogging your ass off, here’s another thing you can do from home to help out later on down the line.

we are dealing with a fascist police state. fascists love nothing more than controlling the media and taking away primary sources of their evildoing, so lets take some steps toward taking that power away from them.

the wayback machine is a tool from the internet archive, a nonprofit website that seeks to capture websites as they change over time. the wayback machine is free to use and will be able to help protect all of the first-person accounts of the crimes being committed by the state during these protests for human rights.

this is what the homescreen of the wayback machine looks like:

that blue circle is where you put a permalink to a tweet you want to add to the wayback machine

that red circle is how you find the permalink to a tweet. click “copy link to tweet” and put it in the blue circle above, and there you have it! save what you see. don’t let anyone take away all of the documentation of these crimes the state has committed and declare it fake news.

fuck the cops. fuck orange mussolini. fuck racists, and fuck fascist government regimes.

dont forget: there’s nothing more punk than voting, libraries, and loving each other.


I’ve seen on Instagram that the family ask that her picture not be circulated to respect her nation’s traditions. If you see it, please advise the people who posted it and share another post without her face. This is not an excuse to erase her murder, so keep writing and saying her name: Chantel Moore.


remember that police brutality won’t end with the ballot box in november. it won’t stop just because a democrat is in office. ferguson happened while obama was president. standing rock happened while obama was president. he deployed the national guard for these. his response was just as severe to these communities as trump’s; he just wasn’t so public about it. police brutality and systemic racism are not political problems but SYSTEMIC problems. this means that the system causes it, not the president, governor, senator, congressman, or city council. if you want this to end, you have to go beyond right or left wing, and dismantle the entire system. if you think this is going to end in november, you’re sorely mistaken; they’ll just get better at hiding it.

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