@dirthair-blog / dirthair-blog.tumblr.com

walter kugler / book thief

he should, by all logic, be doing everything except laying flat on the floor - overtaken by a convulsive fit of laughter. his nose is probably broken (it keeps making a crunching noise whenever he moves his face, like walking on gravel), and going by the curious spin in his peripheral; he’s quite possibly got more than just a minor concussion. Iron spreads over his tongue as the blood that has rushed down the front of his face (quite certainly because of his broken nose) gets in every crevasse of his laughing features. “You--” he chokes out as the laughter dies down to a wheeze, “You sure as hell know how to throw a punch”. Obviously, going by the look of her it shouldn’t be a surprise, but he’s been burned one too many times by the don’t judge a book and whatnot, so he supposes he’s allowed to be a little surprised when he’s knocked off his feet with one deliberate punch. That’s not supposed to be possible, no matter the size of his opponent, not when he’s been fighting for as long as he has. “not to be forward, but lets be friends” it may be the concussion talking, or the fact that he’s, in general, a bit of an idiot - but he knows a good time (and a good friend) when he sees one. “and your friend is hot. maybe that was the forward part of this, i don’t know, i have a concussion.” 

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