For ships of all shapes and sizes ;)

@naruto-multishippers-anonymous /

Serving, in particular, members of the Naruto Multishippers Anonymous discord server, and the Naruto Community at large.
Fancops will be blocked

Naruto Multishippers Anonymous!


Naruto Multishippers Anonymous is a collective of like-minded adults who simply love shipping ninja. This blog was made solely to share their passions, and work, as well as other cool things they find in the Naruto fandom ;)

Connected to this blog is a server where we all gather to gush over our favorite ships in a respectful, fun environment, chat about fandom content, and share their own!

In addition to general multishipping channels, ship-specific channels are organized by village/generation for customized access, including:

  • The Founders, Kagami, and the Ootsutsuki
  • The Sannin, Sakumo and their students
  • Kakashi and other teachers
  • Konoha Twelve
  • The Akatsuki
  • Suna
  • Oto
  • …and more!

Since members are required to be 18+, all channels are considered not SFW.


Anonymous asked:

Hi! i think i might have been kicked from the server? It was there on my list a moment ago, but when I came back from my shower it was gone. It was likely because Im a lurker, I love the discord but I've been so overwhelmed since covid started that I never say anything. I'd love to come back and try and be more active, but I understand if it's not possible.

Hi! Yes, we are trimming inactive members, but we more than welcome lurkers!

Please go ahead and dm us at @kitty-rose so we can send you another invite.

Thanks so much for understanding!


I call this piece “he comes in on the storms” for @kakairu-mini-bang event for the theme Gods/Monsters!!

I personally also like to imagine this fits in with the “slice of life” option because Iruka absolutely invites Kakashi in every time he shows up for tea and just act domestic together which probably means this area gets a lot more rain then it really should.


Some birthdays, Yashamaru reflects on his name. Some, he suffers through. Others make life worth living. (Death has always followed him.)

One chapter, 9364 words. Rating: Teen and Up Relationships: Yashamaru/Anko, Rasa/Karura, maybe Sasori/Rasa Tags: tw blood, tw blood sacrifices, tw suicidal ideation,tw some shinobi gore,tw Sas’ mind control jutsu?, Minor character death, But major in our hearts, Most people live AU!


The young toddler looked up at her mother, a lollipop stick poking out of her mouth.
“What have you done to your baby brother?”
“Kisses,” Karura announced before pulling out the lollipop from her mouth and placing a sticky bubble-gum-lollipop flavored kiss on baby Yashamaru’s forehead. It matched all the other ones she’s placed all over his face. The baby sat upright on the bed, not at all concerned about the mess his sister made.
“What did we say about keeping your baby brother clean?”
Karura looked at her baby brother who no longer smelled like mild soap and powder. She knew that her mother’s tone said ‘trouble’ but could not figure out why.
Kamala sighed and picked her son up from the bed. “Oh, Yashamaru. Will I have to present you to the temple all covered in sugar?” Then she turned to Karura. “If you keep coating your brother with that, then the ants will carry him away.”
Karura giggled mischievously. For a moment, Kamala thought better the ants take him than the god of death he is named after.

Clown Motel - Chapter Four 'Breakfast for Two'

Summary: It's Hidan and Kakuzu's seventh wedding anniversary and Hidan wants a honeymoon since they never went on one when they got married. Kakuzu is tired of hearing about it and agrees, leaving the planning to Hidan and trusting him to pick a suitable place. A mistake, as Hidan decides to book a room at the Clown Motel for their honeymoon for a laugh.

The weekly challenge in the @naruto-multishippers-anonymous server really helped get this finished!


I feel like there’s needs to be, like, handbook for authors who post on Ao3 for effective metatext.

By metatext I mean like tagging, summary, and authors notes (especially initial authors notes at the beginning of a fic). The means by which we communicate to our readers what they’re getting into.

Because we kind of all have to learn it by osmosis and there are conventions but nobody’s really taught them at the start, so there’s inconsistencies and misunderstandings or people just not knowing things through no fault of their own.

This ends up breeding frustration and confusion and in the worst cases resentment, hurt, and aggression.

I’m severely tempted to make such a handbook and get it circulating.

I think it would do fandom a lot of good.

Good news, I’m writing it


I’m at 9680 words, roughly 16 pages single spaced, with two or three sections to go.


First draft done. 11,100 words, 29 pages with formatting

The final draft is getting cleaned up right now. I’ll probably be figuring out how to post it tomorrow.

On which note, anybody know the best way to make a PDF available online?

Okay it is done!

Go here for the PDF, or here to view the whole document as a tumblr post.

I recommend the PDF.

Related note: the post length limit on tumblr is apparently more than 13,000 words.

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