
Youichi my Beloved


Quinn, She/Her Feel free to send in requests! I will do them to the best of my ability!

Here’s the whole video. It’s called “Don’t Be A Sucker” and it’s 17 minutes long.

don’t just scroll past this actually watch it, it’s only 2 minutes long. If you re-recorded this today word for word with modern actors and places, it wouldn’t even look out of place as a PSA

300,000 notes and i can’t find a transcript


Transcript: (sorry for the language!)

Speaker: “I see negroes holding jobs that belong to me! And you! I’ll ask you, if we allow this thing to go on, what’s gonna become of us real Americans!”

Hungarian man with clear foreign accent: “I’ve heard this kind of talk before, but I never expected to hear it in America.”

Young man: “This man seems to know what he’s talking about.“

Speaker: “What are us real Americans gonna do about it? You’ll find it right here in this little pamphlet—the truth about negroes and foreigners! The truth about the Catholic Church! You’ll find…” [audio grows quieter as camera shifts to the onlookers]

Hungarian man: “You believe in that kind of talk?“

Young man: “I dunno, it makes pretty good sense to me.“

Speaker: “And I tell you, friends, we’ll never be able to call this country our own until it’s a country without… without what?“

Other man: “Yeah? Without what?“

Speaker: “Without negroes, without alien foreigners,”—the young man is nodding, following along—“without Catholics, without Freemasons! You know these…“

Young man: “What’s wrong with the Masons, I’m a Mason.” Looks to European man worriedly, “hey, that fellow’s talking about me!“

Huungarian man: “And that makes a difference, doesn’t it.“

Speaker: “These are your enemies! These are the people who are trying to take over our country! Now you know them, you know what they stand for. And it’s up to you and me to fight them!” A bunch of the onlookers in the vicinity wave him off like he’s crazy and turn away, “fight them and destroy them before they destroy us!”

Speaker: “Thank you.“

One man in the now somewhat awkward crowd: “claps“

Young man: *is visibly uncomfortable*

Hungarian man: “Before he said Mason, you were ready to agree with him.”

Young man: “Well yes but, he was talking about… what about those other people?“ *the pair sit down on a park bench*

Hungarian man: “In this country, we have no ‘other people.’ We are American people, of course.“

Young man: “What about you? You aren’t American, are you?“

Hungarian man: “I was born in Hungary. But now, I am an American citizen. And I have seen what this kind of talk can do. I saw it in Berlin.”

Young man: “What were you doing there?“

Hungarian man: “I was a professor at the university. I heard the same words we have heard today. But I was a fool, then. I thought Nazis were crazy people, stupid fanatics. But unfortunately it was not so. You see, they knew that they were not strong enough to conquer a unified country, so they split Germany into small groups. They used prejudice as a practical weapon to cripple the nation.”


Rage. In my heart. All-consuming. FUCK AI.

For those who don't know, this piece is titled 'Unfinished Painting', by Keith Haring. He painted it about a year before his death of AIDs. I believe he actually finished other pieces between this one and his death. He left the majority of the canvas blank to represent his life and art career cut short due to HIV/AIDs. This was a deliberate choice and commentary about all that we lose (both personally and culturally) by ignoring the AIDs crisis at the time (1989). He was devastated he didn't have time to make more art. 'Finishing' Unfinished Painting is straight up spitting on Haring's grave and shows no understanding to the meaning behind the art. The AI interpretation doesn't even follow his extremely recognizable shape language and symbols. This is why people are angry about AI art. All commerce images and no meaning or humanity


I've been trying not to call people mean names when I get into arguments so now my default when I get a lil frustrated is to say "babe" which as u might understand is not particularly conducive to customer service

Had a guy piss me off so badly yesterday I called him babygirl

For reference im a scrawny 19 year old girl weaing top much eyeliner and he was a 40 year old man in an American flag carhartt jacket. We were both so surprised the disagreement just ended right there


Only one thing y’all can take from trans women. Notes.

i hope all of these girls have a great day and i love the girl who forgot her wig but the sis with the hijabi damn near made me cry sob i love this <3333333

Another thing abt this video: nearly every beauty involved is Indigenous or Black, the two minority groups of trans women that frequently get left out of discussions when it comes to highlighting trans women and their beauty, and the two groups at the highest risk of violence while trans. These women deserve love and praise just like y’all’s favorite white women do. Show up for Black and Indigenous trans women.


one of my favorite gags is when the characters huddle and gossip. these were the only ones I could remember off the top of my head but I think there's more


I have to restore some honor to Marcille, it’s actually Falin who has the shitty handwriting


I wrote a novella!

It’s called The Light Below, and is a historical fiction featuring a deadly illness, different worlds, alchemy, and spelunking lesbians. It’s great, trust me. It’s about 30 pages long, so 17000 words, which is a medium-sized novella. Although not published, it’s been edited by a professional editor, and I wrote it for a school project, so the alchemy and geography parts are historically accurate, or as close as I get them. It’s completely free, so if anyone wants to check it out, and maybe give some feedback it would be much appreciated!

Excellent writing! The dynamics between Azalea and Cecilia are believable and very human. I love the comparisons between the cave and a live animal. You really brought the setting to life, along with human error and fear of the unknown, and the tenacity and compassion the main characters show are beautiful. Great job here!


Daiya no Ace as Brooklyn 99 quotes (pt. 3)

Miyuki: battle axe!
Eijun: upper cut!
Maezono: disembowlment!
Kuramochi: guys, i was a baby. my first word was 'dada'
Sanada: i want to show you a picture from last night that really upset me
Raichi: okay, but in my defence, dad bet me 50 cents i couldnt drink all that shampoo
Sanada: that's not what i wanted- you drank shampoo?
Raichi: no
Oota: guess what i'm holding behind my back!
Kataoka: before we begin, what are the parameters of the guessing game? how many guesses do i get? is there a time limi-
Oota: forget it, you ruin everything
Nori: hey, do you happen to know my blood type?
Shirasu: yeah, b positive
Nori, yanking out iv: WELL I GUESSED WRONG
Itsuki: you know what? there is no pleasing you
Narumiya: that is accurate
Raizou: oh, man, if i go ten minutes without checking my phone, my little pumpkin crop dies on my farm
Raichi: this is not the time for stories about your digital squash, dad
Haruichi: i need your help
Ryousuke, pulling out a knife: okay, who do I kill? i won't do kids, that's a rule, but that's negotiable if the kid's a dick
Harada: Kamiya, keep an eye on Shirakawa today. he's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched
Kamiya: sure, i'd love to see Shirakawa get punched
Harada: try again
Kamiya: i will stop Shirakawa from getting punched
(Shirasu and Nori are flirting)
Kuramochi: they gotta knock that off
Maezono: loosen up, dude
Miyuki: summer of love, baby
Kuramochi: it's march, man, shut up
Eijun: how long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Rei: couple of weeks
Oota: six months
Kataoka: jury's still out
Tetsu, making a plan: step one, Tanba will fake a medical emergency
Tanba: no need to fake it, always having at least one
(in a fight)
Eijun: we don't need guns! I have a lighter, we get some hairspray, make some flamethrowers. Let's fry these bitches!
Chris, calmly: no one is frying any bitches

Happy Lesbian Visibility Day!

Hello all you wonderful and amazing lesbians! Today, April 26, is Lesbian Visibility Day!! It’s a day dedicated to the L identifying folks of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The origins of the day have been lost in time but most believe it was started in 2008.

The day’s main focus is strengthening lesbian pride and shining a spotlight on various lesbian issues. Including:

● The erasure of lesbians of color.

● The erasure of lesbians who do not identify as cis women.

● The hate crimes that continue to be commited against the lesbian community.

But, most importantly, it’s truly a day to recognize and acknowledge lesbians of all kinds.

So, to all the wonderful fat lesbain POC’s, thank you for existing. You are valid, worthy and loved.

Happy Lesbian Visibility Day!

Mod Kisa


Fanfic asks for readers AND writers

  1. What is the strangest fact you’ve learned from reading fic?
  2. What is the strangest fact you’ve learned from writing fic?
  3. What is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were reading it?
  4. What is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
  5. Where is the most dangerous place that you’ve read fic?
  6. Where is the most dangerous place that you’ve written fic?
  7. What was the first commercial property (book/movie/tv show/etc) that you realized was actually professional fanfiction?
  8. What’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
  9. What’s the best insult you’ve read in a fic?
  10. What’s the best insult you’ve written in a fic?
  11. What’s the most unexpected crossover you’ve read?
  12. What’s the most unexpected crossover you’ve written?
  13. What is the smallest tag you read on AO3? (fandom, ship, trope, other)
  14. What’s the smallest tag you’ve written for on AO3?  (fandom, ship, trope, other)
  15. What is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read? (whole fic or chapter)
  16. What is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written? (whole fic or chapter)
  17. Which show that you watch has the best theme song/opening credits?
  18. Which scene from your fandom do you read most often in fics?
  19. Which scene from your fandom do you write most often in fics?
  20. What is your favourite line from the source material (book, tv show, film, etc)?

Writing Ask

A request for 31 & 48 from the lovely @veenadaiya for misawa/miyusawa! Thank you so much for sending this in!

31: Blame me

48: Shackles

It’s dark. The only light source is a single lantern in the corner of the room and concrete is pressing against his back uncomfortably. He's chilled all the way to his bones, cold seeping in through his clothes even though they're made for these situations. He shifts his wrists to a more comfortable position. Well, as comfortable as they can be while in iron shackles, chained to the wall of the basement of a building god knows where. Again guilt washes over him like an unstoppable wave. Kazuya hadn't meant for the mission to stray so far from its parameters. Sawamura wasn't meant to be here, iron clamped around his wrists and neck craned awkwardly in an attempt to watch the stairs.

"Blame me." Kazuya's head whips up from where he'd been scrutinizing the lock on Sawamura's restraints as though he could remove them if he glared at them hard enough. He meets Sawamura's eyes, and they're burning. There's no self-pity or worry in his stare, and Kazuya stares, barely able to keep himself from gaping at the brunet with blazing golden eyes.

"That's what you were thinking, right? Don't. It's not your fault." Kazuya just stares at the massive idiot in front of him. The idiot that knows him too well, apparently. He inhales slowly, and he's glad the dark hides the fond quirk of his lips. Then he bursts out laughing.

"O-Oi! Don't laugh at me! I'm trying to be a decent person here, you tanuki bastard!" Sawamura's loud protests just makes Kazuya laugh harder, because of course that's what the golden-eyed boy is concerned about in this situation. Not escape, not his injuries, but Kazuya, asshole extraordinare and his number one antagonist. It's just so Sawamura. A faint sound of clinking fills the gaps between Kazuya's snickers and Sawamura's endless offended noises.

"See if I ever comfort you again, asshole!" He ends up grumbling. Kazuya's amusement doesn't die down and he can't bring himself to squash the affectionate swell in his chest as Sawamura mumbles and complains about Kazuya's terrible personality. The sound of chains rattling against the floor causes Sawamura to look up in surprise, only to be met with Kazuya's most assholish grin possible as he holds up two twisted bobby pins. The younger boy gasps.

"Miyuki Kazuya, you are good for something after all!" Kazuya frowns.

"Hey now, I'll have you know that I'm invaluable," Kazuya's tone turns to mock hurt before sliding back into teasing.

"I could always leave you here..." He pretends to consider it as Sawamura panics on the floor.

"You can't do that!" He squawks, visibly outraged even in the dim light. Kazuya's heart pounds faster at the sight of the adorable pout on the younger boy's face.

"Be a good boy and I might come back for you!" He sing-songs, getting to his feet and leaning in until he's a nose length away from Sawamura's face. It's now or never, he supposes, and he'd much rather have it than lose it. As Sawamura sputters indignantly, he grabs the front of the other boy's shirt and presses his lips to Sawamura's. Immediately Sawamura goes silent, and Kazuya pulls back, lips tingling. He smirks and straightens up.

"Bye bye now!" He makes his way up the basement stairs, a howl of, "Miyuki Kazuya!" following him closely on his way out. His teasing smirk slides away, replaced with a darker look. He's not going to let their kidnappers lay another hand on Sawamura. The idiot may have forgiven him for landing them in this mess, but Miyuki still blames himself, and he intends to make up for it. He leans into his communicator, hidden well in his shoulder and pressed the message button.

"Hey Kuramochi, how quickly could firefighters arrive at my current address?"


(In case it wasn’t clear, Miyuki was planning to torch the place)

I hoped you liked it! Sorry I couldn’t get it out earlier, school was kicking my ass big time. Feel free to send in an ask or a request, and I will try to perform them to the best of my ability. A pair of characters (not necessarily a ship), though I can write for misawa, kuraryou, tetsujun, and kuramiyu without being all awkward about it!!!

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