
yeah can i get a uhh

@passumbapper / passumbapper.tumblr.com

big mess of a blog. expect lots of birds, reptiles, insects, other naturey things, and occasional music and fandom junk. about | twitter | soundcloud

I thinks folks expressing incredulity at the quality of the writing and composition in Calvin and Hobbes are often missing the context that Bill Watterson is arguably the most influential sequential artist of his generation. Like, this is a guy who once told the editors of nationally syndicated newspapers to go fuck themselves when they wanted to mess with his panel layouts, and not only did he keep his job, he got his way. He could have had literally any gig he wanted, and he chose to be the Sunday funnies guy because that's what made him happy. He's basically the Weird Al of sequential art.

Watterson considers comics to be as true an art form as painting and films and literature, capable of reaching just as high as any other medium. Calvin and Hobbes isn't accidentally high art. Watterson made it what it is on purpose. And when he was done, he stopped. No movie, no spinoff, no reboot. He considers the comic to be its completed form, in exactly the medium it is supposed to be. He believed in comics in a way few others ever have, and he fought tooth and nail for the right to take his own work, jokes and all, seriously.


why the fuck is it called the xbox 360 what does 360 mean???????????????????

when u see it u turn 360 degrees and walk away

turning 360 degrees would face you right back to the xbox you dipshit


love how we drag around carcasses here


I was trying to explain to my grandma what being bisexual meant and saying that I looked at ladies butts and she was all “You’re not GAY everyone checks out ladies rear ends” and my sister was like “I have never wanted to look at a ladies butt” Later my grandma called me and was like “I THINK I MIGHT BE A LITTLE GAY”


I just saw this on Reddit

But it was posted like this and as I didn’t remember the post, I asked

And I had to look it up and found the original and saw that it indeed was posted to Reddit edited?? To look??? Like it was an interaction between??? Seth Everman??? And me???



laughing my ass off at the fact they finally made an assassins creed game that takes place in japan but they made it so you have to play as either a girl or a black man and these geeks are on suicide watch

also the man in question is a real guy who existed and was one of nobunaga's right hand men

which reminds me that they have to lock the wikipedia page because racists are so mad theyre pretending to be japanese in the wiki page edit notes


listening to the pronunciation samples wikipedia offers of different types of consonants and you know what, I don't believe some of these are actually different sounds. I think this is some audiophile shit like gold-plated cables.


someone's mad they didn't encounter more phonemically contrastive environments during their critical period of language development

official linguistics post

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