insanity is just a state of mind

@josh--lymans /

Sara. 26. yankees islanders bruce springsteen and endless tv shows

Happy birthday Alan Alda! Born January 28, 1936. "'Never Have Your Dog Stuffed' is really advice to myself, a reminder to myself not to avoid change or uncertainty, but to go with it, to surf into change."


Francis Ford Coppola wanted an up-and-coming Al Pacino to play Michael Corleone so badly that he continually brought the actor in to test for it, all while the studio kept pushing back in hopes of landing a bigger actor. But Coppola was addicted to Pacino, and in this aforementioned moment he admits that editor Marcia Lucas — George Lucas’ then wife and Star Wars editor — was the one who cut Pacino’s test reels together before telling Coppola that he had to hire Pacino for the role because he undresses you with his eyes.


good things will happen 🧿

things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿


this for real fucking works


Please don’t take your pets for granted. Even if you’re frustrated that your dog has been barking all day or your bird has been screaming for attention, remember you are all they have in this world. Give your fish that extra water change. Give your dog or cat that tummy rub they’ve been begging for. Chop up some fresh fruit as a treat for your rodents or reptiles. Just spend some time with them. Be compassionate to your animals. They are living creatures that are alive simply because you wish them to be. They may only be a small part in your life, but to them, you are their everything.

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