
welcome to the mess


warning the mess is not fun_ Rie_she/they_ISFP_not a swiftie_21
I go by Rie_ call me it if u want.
she/they. in my early 20s.
I am pro choice. don't follow me unless u are too.
also warning, don't follow me if u can't handle getting your dash flooded with my stuff once every 3 weeks or so. i'm not on much but when i am, OH BOI, u will know.
Other than random shit, I mostly post about: Narnia, The Umbrella Academy, The Sandman, Bridgerton, and First Kill.
I also post about the Grishaverse, TWD, Star Trek, and Sex Education on occasion.
I am currently obsessed with Narnia the most tho.

Warning: I am not a fan of Taylor Swift. Now, if you (a swiftie) can respect that, I can respect you and your posts about Taylor. Let's act like adults, we can have different opinions.


Two Truths and a Lie!

Rules: Share two truths and one lie about yourself, tag five people to guess your lie and to share their own, make sure to guess the lie of the person who tagged you!

and 🤔 mmm I wanna guess that 3, you never went to music festivals, is your lie? I’m real tempted to say 2, but even smart people can repeat grades for one reason or another. Ohh I love this game, though I’m pretty bad at guessing games. I got tagged by@de-sire-blog

Now mine, which I had a lot of trouble coming up with xD

1. I used to get into lots of trouble for fighting and what not in school because anger issues~

2. I was basically raised at renaissance fair for how often my parents and I attended from my birth until I was about 6-7.

3. I once had plans to become a musician and/or actor until I realized my social anxiety was way too terrible, so I settled for doing art instead.

  1. I learned the alphabet by myself when I was three or four.
  2. I really like brussel sprouts.
  3. I prefer forks over chopsticks.

“Now is that a truth or a lie?” -Harrison maybe

pass it on ❤️

who do I even tag without pissing people off I’m scared of everyone 😭😭

Mmmm I’m going to say the chopsticks one is a lie

1. I learned to ride a bike as a teen

2. I have swam with whale sharks before

3. I used to foster a snake for several months

No pressure tagsss

uhhh for some reason i’m wanna say the bike ones a lie CACKLES either the first or the second

1. i have independently raised a duck to adulthood

2. ive been doing digital art seriously for about five years

3. i know almost all of my extended family members

and uhhh tagging @biopsyofaspeck @its-paperd and @a-whispering-echo !!!! if you wanna

ooo, im gonna guess the family one is a lie! not dure though! hehe

1.I have never been paid for any kind of artwork

2. One of my organs doesn’t do its primary function

3.I have owned over 10 cats in my lifetime


I’m going to guess 3, it is possible but I just feel like it’s the lie

  1. The first fandom I was in was FNaF some time in March of 2015 and the first FNaF game I knew of was FNaF 2
  2. I have never had a Pineapple in my whole life despite not being allergic to them, and this does include anything either containing Pineapple and pineapple flavoring
  3. Before I got Tumblr I had a 5 social medias, being: Wattpad, Pinterest, Discord, Reddit, and YouTube

after thinking this over ima say 3

1. i have gutted a lamb

2. i’ve made a bow and arrow

3. the first random ive ever been in was undertale in 2016

Im gonna say it’s 1 bc my brain say so e

1. My first fandom is MLP

2. My favourite letter is the letter “E”

3. I read a ton of fanfiction

3, because you’re too lazy to read fanfiction and only do so when it’s like really good.

Okay my turn.

  1. Once my step-grandma almost shot me on Valentine’s Day.
  2. I once drank a half-gallon jug of milk on Christmas Eve.
  3. There have been two times I almost accidentally burned my house down.

I GOT TAGGED BY 3 PEOPLE. Okay uhhh Large’s lie is 2, Zerm’s lie is 2, and Daydreams lie is 1

  1. I got punched in the face and got a black eye after saying “Houdini”
  2. I stuck my hand into a live electrical wire while knowing it was a live electrical wire and proceeded to say “it bit me” afterwards.
  3. I caught a t-shirt from a t-shirt cannon while at a concert for my favorite music band when I was 15.

I feel like it’s 3. You don’t seem like the kinda person to go out to concerts

1: When I was a kid, I tried to count as high as I could and when I didn’t know what number came next I asked my parents so I could keep counting

2: Me and my family go out to eat often

3: I tell my dog I love her every single day

@superstar-ethereal, @heartstopper-lover123, uhhhhh fuck, @juno-punk@divvydarling, and I guess @krispdreemurr. There. That’s five. FUCK I don’t have a lot of friends

aaa i cant decide

i think it *might* be 2 though? 1 seems too specific compared to the others to be a lie and 3 has supporting evidence

anyways my turn! :D

1. i’ve broken a bone before

2. i electrocuted myself once

3. i’m left-handed


I feel like it’s 2 buut I could be wrong XD

  1. I’m hyper mobile, especially with my arms, shoulders and back
  2. I once broke my right arm by jumping on and off a piano stool with an open umbrella
  3. I convinced a 9 year old on Roblox that when you turn 21 you have to compete in a social media experiment where you have to fight to the death to prove that you are strong enough to survive (they cried)

My guess is number two.

As for mine,

  1. I voiced a secondary character in a college film during Easter of ðe year 2017
  2. I have survived þeough some of ðe later stages of hypoþermia.
  3. I often scare humans wiþ how low my voice goes when I get frustrated and start turning Scottish.

I do hope you all enjoy ðis puzzle.

As for tags, I tagged most of my follower base yesterday, so in order to allow ðem to recover, I shall only tag @decoysender & @bellaphomet3 . I hope you two and whoever else enjoy!


Number 3!

1) I went to a camp to prepare for English olympiad even though I didn’t get accepted to participate in it

2) In another camp I won first place diploma in world skills discipline of teaching english online

3) I went to a third camp where we were supposed to improve our English up to C1, but at the time I was good enough to not do anything half the time


1 is wrong

1. I have been to a nuclear power plant

2. I participated in the production of a rocket that reached over 3km in hight

3. I have been in the Nacelle of a wind turbine

And whoever wants to


i feel like #2 is wrong? but on a technicality

1. me and a friend snuck out at a school dance and stole every stapler in the school (that we could find)

2. i’ve been in the news (unrelated to #1)

3. i’ve touched an asteroid fragment (at my college’s planetarium)

I feel like 2 is wrong on the basis of it being the shortest. Like if it were true you’d say “I was in the news for x”

1. I once received full marks on a national problem solving competition.

2. A world war 2 era bomb was once found in my neighborhood, so I had to evacuate for a day.

3. I was once head pupil at my school (exam season now 😭)

Those were surprisingly hard to come up with. @mintyflavoredtea @wolffuwu @blankochan @cado124 @213kay and anyone else who wants to :3


wolf thinks 2 is wrong (this is her guess before you gave her the answer)

@blankochan will probably get this wayy too easily

1.wolf knows python better than one of her college teachers who is supposed to teach us python

2. wolf constantly wears a collar and sometimes even forgets to take it off when she showers

3. wolf has bitten 3 people before

@donutsalami @118sexen + anyone else


1 and 2 are fairly believable,, but you only bit 3 people?? impossible. Therefore it *must* be three right?

Well then :))

1. I have a very low pain tolerance (i’m a twig lmao), but I am not ticklish at all.

2. I learnt Morse code alone because I was bored.

3. When I was little I mistook wine for grape juice and it was the first time I tasted alcohol.

Thanks for the tag Amora! I think 1 is the lie.

1. I’ve never broken a bone

2. I’ve never been stung by a bee, but they love my sister (she’s been stung like four or five times)

3. I’ve never been to a concert

Let’s see if y’all can guess which one is the lie!

thanks for the tag! i’m gonna guess three is the lie??

  1. i’ve never been outside my country
  2. i’m left handed
  3. i accidentally shot a bird with a bow and arrow on a school camp once

tags!! no pressure of course, @earlgreycoffee5 @touloserrrr @fierceyetflawed @midnights-dragon @south-downs-cottage let me know if you don’t want to be tagged :)

@the-stars-are-ineffable sounds too detailed to be fake, so I’m gonna go with 1??? TY FOR THE TAG BTWWWWWWW <333

alright hmmm

1. winter is my favorite favorite favorite season ever

2. i named my cycle Dwayne bc it’s a Rock Rider cycle lmfao

3. I obsessively eat olives out of the jar even though they spicy asf and I hate spicy shit

guys lmk if you want me to add/remove anyone I’m just freeballing this shit

I feel like the olives is a lie!!! (Did I get it?)

1. There’s a 17 year age gap between me and my youngest sibling

2. I didn’t have a double bed until I was 22

3. I dyed my hair bright blue the minute I turned 18


Hmmmm, the 17 year age gap sounds believable, and the double bed sounds very specific, so I'm say that #3 is the lie! You didnt dye your hair blue as soon as you turned 18!

#1. I am one of 5 kids (the oldest one is my half-sibling on my dad's side).

#2. The first fandom I was a part of online was (unfortunately) Harry Potter.

#3. I am double jointed and enjoy showing it off to people.

No pressure tags: @soursileu @noctqrnxl @ofmonstersandmagicians @iseeasong @theworstcreature and anyone else who wants to try out!


They Do Not Exist (1974) by Mustafa Abu Ali (watch)

from PalestineCinema.com:

Salvaged from the ruins of Beirut after 1982, Abu Ali's early film has only recently been made available. Shooting under extraordinary conditions, the director, who worked with Godard on his Ici et Ailleurs (Here and Elsewhere), and founded the PLO's film division, covers conditions in Lebanon's refugee camps, the effects of Israeli bombardments, and the lives of guerrillas in training camps. They Do Not Exist is a stylistically unique work which demonstrates the intersection between the political and the aesthetic. Now recognised as a cornerstone in the development of Palestinian cinema, the film only received its Palestine premiere in 2003, when a group of Palestinian artists "smuggled" the director to a makeshift cinema in his hometown of Jerusalem (into which Israel bars his entry). Abu Ali, who saw his film for the first time in 20 years at this clandestine event noted: "We used to say 'Art for the Struggle', now it's 'Struggle for the Art'"

there's only one thing worse than an awful book, and that is an awful book with ONE tantalisingly compelling element


an awful book is nothing. You can put it down and never think of it again. An awful book with ONE idea that perfectly captures your imagination can chip your soul out through your eyes with every sloppy syntax error and gaping plot hole while you scream, unable to look away

Don't worry that's just the parasite's gestation period. Give it some time and it will erupts from your body as a better book.


[Image Description: an instagram informational reading "reminder that "g*psy" is a slur. it doesn't mean free-spirited, or wanderer, or vagabond. it is a racist slur. the romani people have been saying this for awhile and it's time we listened" an image of the romani flag sits in the centre of the graphic. IG: merakicauldrons]


Liberals watching Biden move heaven and earth to provide Israel with every munition in our arsenal so they don’t have to slow down their genocide in any way: well at least it’s not Trump doing it. Because then genocide would be bad



If a website has a paywall, like New York Times, DO NOT use the ctrl+A shortcut then the ctrl+c shortcut as fast as you can because then you may accidentally copy the entire article before the paywall comes up. And definitely don't do ctrl+v into the next google doc or whatever you open because then you will accidentally paste the entire article into a google doc or something!!!! I repeat DO NOT do this because it is piracy which is absolutely totally wrong!!!


Also do NOT append "12ft.io/" before a URL ! Typing an URL like this https://12ft.io/<URL> will redirect to a site that would break the display of the page by removing the paywall !


Honestly it's kind of prohibited to mash CTRL+P before some paywall windows can load in to get a PDF of the article. Really shouldn't be done tbh very dangerous🤷🏿‍♂️ ❌️


"Edmund, I've got a bad feeling" is such a funny line if you take it in context with the "the last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid" line from PC. Because Caspian and co are probably like... yeah bad feeling, it's Eustace, what good feelings could you have? but then Edmund's probably thinking something like... dear god, please don't let this be as dramatic as the last few times, we don't have enough men to fight another war rn.


Children don't need religion to develop good morals. I'd argue that certain religions get in the way of that because they encourage you to do things because a deity approves and it will lead to you having a good afterlife or whatever. And I don't know about you but I find that to be self-serving.

Not to mention, the fact that religion can advocate for immoral things.

Let's just teach children to be good just because.

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