♡ H A S E N H E R Z

@reh-sa / reh-sa.tumblr.com

Re(h)sa, Germany // reh-sa@gmx.de
Trying to look at the world doe-eyed. My heart beats in rythm with the echoes of a stormy night. // painter at day, dancer at night
♡  http://hasenherz.net     twitter:_hasenherz_     IG: _hasenherz_     ArtStation: hasenherz

I'm really sad I haven't uploaded anything for the entire last year. It's not that I'm not drawing anymore, it’s that I disliked everything I drew recently. Instead of improving, I feel like I'm declining, and what used to be fun is doing nothing for me but making me depressed nowadays. I think the absolute worst thing I ever did for my art skill was studying design+illustration. The constant pressure, competition and judgement from others has turned drawing into something that is just scary and making me feel miserable and ashamed. During my final university exam, one of the professors told me I should stop illustration because I am bad at it. Even after university, I couldn’t shake these negative feelings off.

Luckily, I’m not working in design area anymore and I’m now studying IT on the side 😊 I want to become as happy and carefree about drawing again as I used to be. Also, over the years, more and more people from real-life have started to follow me online, and it added strongly to the feeling of being watched and pressured. I am constantly scared somebody from real life will comment on my art or my interests and then, I go hide away in a rabbit hole in shame instead of uploading anything. This is why I’m going to remove some (non-fandom) people from rl in the next days from my art accounts... please don’t take it personally.  It’s just that I am happiest when I can be a stranger on the internet.

To anybody else, thank you for still being here. Let’s go cozily into autumn  🍂

Anonymous asked:

hi, i’m not sure if it was you, and if it was, perhaps it was posted on your old blog, but do you still have that one drawing with laurent in a field of poppies? i think it was the beginning of a comic or something like that. it was honestly so beautiful, i still remember it to this day. sadly i can’t find it one this blog so i thought i’d ask you 🌹🌺🌹🌺

Hi!! I'm thinking hard, but no, sadly that wasn't one of mine.

But I think I might know which one you mean. Could it be this art by mudaclow? I love it too!!!! It's from such a pretty AU! Sadly, the artist seems to have deleted themself...!

Anonymous asked:

your art is holding my heart hostage. i originally came across it while scrolling through the captive prince tag and find out you made ASOIAF art as well??? That picture of daenerys just took my breath away. Nicaise is my favourite character though and i was wondering if i could use your art in my banner? (for my banner?? idk i'm new here and with credit of course)

Thank you thank you thank you!! 💕

I'm always so happy when somebody loves both ASOIAF and CaPri!!! Even though I haven’t drawn that much art of ASOIAF over the years, it is actually one of my oldest fandoms ever. And one of the main reasons why I like CaPri so much, too! The characters in CaPri are very tragic and morally-grey, and gave me similiar vibes to our Westerosi friends 😊 That makes me think, Daenerys and Nicaise are roughly the same age. Had Nicaise a bunch of dragons, that would be total chaos.

All the CaPri fans who read this, please give the ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ series by GRRM a try haha!

Also yes, you can use my art as long as you credit~

Anonymous asked:

dude I LOVE your art so much!!! the way you draw daenerys is exactly how i imagine her when i read the books and this is the first time i've seen someone portray her the way i see her. seriously, you're amazing, keep up the good work <3

Aah thank you!!! I am a bit embarassed haha! The last time I drew Dany was in 2013. Thank you for even liking my ancient art!  💕💕 I wish more people would draw her bald or with short hair, since it burns off after the first book. So for the most part of the series, it should be rather short. Funnily enough, I actually started to work on a new pic of smol!Dany recently. Here, a little WIP for you, dear Anon!

Anonymous asked:

hiii your art is amazing!! would you ever consider making fanart for korrax asami?

Thanks 💕 Sadly, I don’t even know what that is, so most probably not, sorry! 🙇


Hi there! I recently created this wonderful brush set consisting of 20 Greek ornamental borders. Perfect for digital art and enhances every chiton 😉🌿 Available on gumroad: https://gumroad.com/l/uLnjR Next to an .abr brush set (suitable for Adobe Photoshop), the high-res .png and vector files are included as well, so you can place these graphics in any art programm!

Anonymous asked:

hii your art is amazing omg^^ I was wondering what brushes you use for your art ? (sorry if you've posted them before haha)

Hey 😊 Thank you!

Haha I’m very boring, because I basically just use a single brush. I use the standard solid hard round brush in Photoshop with 100% opacity, 100% flow, 0% spacing and no opacity pen pressure. This way, you’ll get these super hard edges with no blending whatsoever.

Rarely, I also use some pattern brushes for backgrounds which I have made myself, to draw things more fast. Like plants, petals, clouds, ornaments,... I’m actually going to release some of them next month, so maybe you’ll like these 😉

Anonymous asked:

you have like the most beautiful style i have ever seen

Aaaw thank you  💕💕💕💕 I feel so down about my art lately, so this is such a lovely thing to say!

Anonymous asked:

Oh my god, your recent captive prince art killed me. Damen's smirk is just so amazing, the perfect mix of smug and handsome. Like my internal dialogue upon viewing that smirk is "I'm gonna wipe that smirk off that smug handsome face, kissing it off would only be slightly more fun than punching it off" it's such a wonderful beautiful piece

Hahaha, thank you so much! I’m glad I was successful at conveying this feeling, because I think this is exactly how Laurent feels most of the time. “Not sure if want to punch or to kiss. 😅”

Anonymous asked:

aa your rhaegar and jon art is so gorgeous! also rhaegar’s outfit reminded me so much of daenerys’ outfit when she arrived in dragonstone, was that a coincidence or not? either way the art is so beautiful.

Thank you so much ♡ Coincidence, since I haven’t seen anything from the Game of Thrones TV show except for the very first season, and I don’t draw anything directly related to it. However, when I try to come up with outfit ideas, I search around on pinterest and look at costumes from different movies and shows. I prolly have seen the Daenerys outfit before 😊 

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