@shezooms /

INDEPENDENT  MAX  MAYFIELD  FROM  STRANGER  THINGS.   est.  october  2017.   prev.  teamzoomer.   loved  by  tala.

that s3 poster drop making me miss max more than ever ? more likely than u think


bad influence sentence starters.

’ come on, it’s no big deal. ’ ’ can you throw caution to the wind just this once. ’ ’ why do you hang around people who are a bad influence? ’ ’ my parents think you’re a bad influence on me. ’ ’ it’s not going to kill you to do it this one time. ’ ’ don’t worry, i never get caught. ’ ’ it’s not like they’re going to catch us. ’ ’ are you in or are you out? haven’t got all day. ’ ’ you distract them and i’ll run inside real quick. ’ ’ if we get caught just tell them i forced you too. ’ ’ it’s not rocket science, just sneak out when they go to sleep. ’ ’ come on, it’s not like it’ll be the end of the world. ’ ’ it’s not sneaking out if they never find out. ’ ’ i’m sorry, remind me of what a guilty conscience is again? ’ ’ it’s okay to break the rules sometimes. ’ ’ you can’t die from bending the rules a little. ’ ’ they’ll never find out because neither of us will tell, right? ’ ’ i won’t tell if you don’t tell. ’ ’ are you going to snitch me out if we get caught? ’ ’ are you going to come with me or not? ’ ’ it’s not that hard to tell a little lie. ’ ’ don’t worry, i got it covered. ’ ’ stop being such a big chicken all the time. ’ ’ you seriously need to do this stuff more. ’ ’ this is not being a criminal, we’re just having fun. ’ ’ i’m not under the influence, okay? i can drive. ’ ’ it’s just a one time thing, how bad can it be? ’ ’ it’s not like you have to do it every day. ’ ’ they will not find out, i promise. ’ ’ no one will know because we’ll do it at night. ’ ’ it’s not like anyone can actually get hurt. ’ ’ you’re going like that? you clearly over think too much. ’ ’ it’s just some stupid party, calm down. ’ ’ if you don’t come then who’s going to make i don’t do anything stupid? ’ ’ you are such a party pooper sometimes. ’ ’ stop being a sissy and just do it already. ’ ’ stop being a crybaby, just do it. ’ ’ i’ll do it with you, come on. ’ ’ okay, on the count of three, you ready? ’ ’ it’s not like you’re stepping out to commit murder! ’ ’ stop thinking so much and just do. ’ ’ why don’t ever wanna do something with me? ’ ’ it’s not illegal, just come on. ’ ’ you have to prove your not a chicken. ’ ’ you never want to do anything, why not? ’ ’ come on, we’re going to play chicken on the road. ’ ’ it’s a harmless prank, can you just chill. ’ ’ nothing wrong can happen with a prank. ’ ’ just tell your parents you’re coming to my house for the night. ’ ’ it’s not that hard to lie to your parents. i do it all the time. ’ ’ one day, you’ll realize, it’s not that bad. ’ ’ you cannot go and tattletale this time. ’ ’ just so you know, no one likes a tattletale. ’ ’ are you actually crying right now? i can’t tell. ’ ’ seriously, man up already and do it! ’ ’ for the record, nothing i do is actually illegal. ’ ’ come on, it’s going to be so much fun. ’


W. BYERS : hawkinscleric

          ❛  i know.  ❜   he looks down at his hands, palms sweaty, trying not to show any sign of weakness.   ❛  i usually don’t  —  i just wish they’d stop, you know?  ❜   she was right. they didn’t need to know anything about him. nothing about what he’d been through.   ❛  it’s just kind of stupid.  ❜

       teeth  nibble  on  her  bottom  lip  as  she  watches  his  gaze  be  cast  downwards.   despite  all  the  problems  she  had  to  deal  with  ---  her  step - brother,  her  step - father  ---  she  knows  her  troubles  can’t  be  worse  than  will’s.      well,  i’ve  heard  middle  school  bullies  are  some  of  the  worst  people  ever next  to  nosy  adults,  so...    ❜   she  nudges  his  side  playfully.       yeah,  i’d  definitely  say  they’re  stupid.    


J. GORDON : comissioner

          ❝ you dropped this. ❞   gordon hands her the coca-cola can that dropped from her backpack. it was still full, now a bit shaken and stiff. a welcome opportunity, however, as he’d been keeping an eye on the four hawkins boys that seem to have the biggest link to his current case.   ❝ good that i caught you, would you mind if i asked you a few questions ?

       she  turns  at  the  sound  of  the  metallic  clang  of  her  coke  on  the  rough  concrete  only  to  be  met  with  it  already  being  handed  to  her.   a  thank  you  sits  on  her  tongue  as  she  takes  the  soft  drink  from  him,  ready  to  be  verbalized  until  he  speaks  first.      uh...    ❜   max   pauses.   from  the  looks  of  it  he  was  an  officer  or  detective  of  some  sort.   did  she  really  have  a  choice ?       sure.    


N. WHEELER : nancy--wheeler

Nancy snorted a very unladylike laugh at Max’s confession, a hand immediately flying to her mouth to stifle it. “Sorry, sorry that’s not funny. It’s just … no one’s ever CARED this much before about what my little brother thinks. Including me.” she was only partially kidding in an attempt to cheer the younger girl up. But the humor was born from truth; it really was strange, meeting someone who seemed genuinely upset that Mike was shutting them out. But upset she was, so Nancy immediately changed her tune from jovial to sympathetic, her eyes softening as she met Max’s gaze. “Look, the thing about Mike is … he LASHES out when he’s angry. Or upset. And he was both for … a long time.” Nancy knew she didn’t need to tell Max what the emotions were about, or why they seemed to have stopped in recent weeks - Max had seen Eleven for herself. 
“I doubt it was personal. He just couldn’t bring himself to scream at the people he already knew, so … you were the unfortunate TARGET.” 

       a  confused  expression  paints  her  features  at  the  older  girl’s  reaction,  brows  knitting  together  as  she  listens  to  her  speak.   max  didn’t  know  whether  nancy  was  attempting  to  be  light  hearted  or  not,  though  what  she  couldn’t  understand  was  how  it  was  supposed  to  be  amusing  ------  maybe  it  was  because  mike  was  her  annoying  younger  brother  or  something,  but  still.       yeah  but...  i  don’t  think  it’s  such  a  valid  excuse.       take  it  from  someone  who  knows,  she  wants  to  say,  but  she  holds  her  tongue.   she  had  a  lot  of  pent  up  anger  and  frustrations  herself  and  she  was  never  that  mean  to  anyone  for  no  reason,  even  with  all  the  crap  she  had  to  deal  with  at  home. 

❛    i  mean  this  in  the  least  offensive  way  possible:  your  brother  is  a  piece  of  work,  nancy  ------  i’m  sure  you  already  know  that,  though.    


how this happened, i am still so unclear. but thank you from the BOTTOM of my cold, dead heart for 250+ followers of my little damaged girl. in the nine months i’ve been writing her, the ST fandom has been through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. having seen pretty much every end of the rpc spectrum, i am so so so grateful for where my blog is right now. surrounded by some of the most supportive, inclusive, and talented writers i’ve ever met. bolstered constantly by a community that is kind, patient, and judgment free. this is just a poor attempt to say thank you to some of the people who make it that way. 

THE RIDE OR DIE — people who have been with me through thick and thin

@riddencrown - sav. i know you hate happy things, but bare with me on this one. because i’ve written and re-written this paragraph so many times in my mind and it’s NEVER good enough to get out everything i want to say. honestly, this nancy blog isn’t what it is without you. as my friend, ever since that insanely deep conversation we had, you’ve been my rock. forcing me to be honest when i’d rather pull a nancy and retreat inwards, not letting me get away with my nonsense when there’s an important breakthrough to be had. you always make time for me, even when i KNOW you don’t have a lot of it. and IC? … god, what is there to even say? whether it’s steve and nancy or sloane and ferris, my heart is utterly stolen by the pairs we write together. i love that i can just vomit ideas or hcs on you and you’re just as enthralled by them as i am. you can’t go anywhere, because i’m keeping you forever and for always <3 ily.
@byerstrange - becks, you KNOW what a creepy fan girl i am of yours. was for years, still am. you’re a beautiful writer, talented artist, and incredible friend. always there with a kind word, or a helping hand when i’m floundering with my lack of skills (or brain capacity). thank you for taking as many chances as you’ve taken on me, because i’ve grown so much just from sharing creative spaces with you. your attention to detail forces me to be so intentional about my own choices, and my replies to you come so slow because i always spend that LITTLE extra time on them … because i know you did. you do on everything you create; there’s thought, introspection, and cohesion threaded through every single word. it’s honestly very inspiring, and i hope you know that while being your friend means the WORLD to me? i will still always look up to you. 
@loyaltyburdened - ande. oh ande. i’ve already written you a multi paragraph love letter on this blog before, so coming up with a concise way to express my love for you is a challenge. but i guess i’ll try to summarize by saying that you are 100% irreplaceable to me. there’s no one else i’d rather start writing a character for, nor anyone else whose mike i’d rather play big sister to. i’m grateful every time to make time for our babies out of the billions of other things you have to do, because in a lot of ways i’ll always be that random nancy blog who sent you a random shout out thinking you’d never see it. every reply i get, every message about nonsense, is special because it’s still very special to me that i even know you. <3
@icarusinvited - billy. my darling. for as little as we’ve actually written together, i am so attached to you its insane. thank you for always picking me up when i’m down, for cheering me on when i’m excited, and for being patient with me when life gets in the way. there is no bigger cheerleader for me in the rpc than you, and i’m not entirely sure i deserve it. but i’ll keep accepting it, if it keeps you and all your amazing, diverse characters close to me. ily.

THE INNER CIRCLE — people who shape my rpc experience into what it is

@kngstcves // @batteryacidfcknuts // @whittledgiraffes // @kingcfnoone // @writerrhapsody // @shcstough // @sondered // @golddustgxrl // @storytellerwheeler // @fawcettsprayed // @hawkinsown // @byersxbrother 

THE NIFTY NEIGHBORS — people whose blogs i admire but don’t get to interact with much

@perfectioncursed // @posxisms // @cheertm // @shezooms // @damnmouth // @fifityshadesofplaid // @griefburdened // @jerksredeem // @leathercrown // @punchesback // @packedmind // @lipstickandaprayer

“i’m not supposed to tell."


       ❛    why   is  it  because  it’s  a,       a  pause,  fingers  forming  quotation  marks  in  the  air  as  she  continues  with,       boy  thing  and  i  wouldn’t  get  it  ‘cause  i  don’t  have  a  prostate  gland  like  you  do ?       her  eyes  bore  into  him  with  a  look  of  expectancy.   she  and  mike  haven’t  been  at  each  other’s  throats  as  intensely  anymore  compared  to  when  they  first  started  hanging  out,  but  the  snide  back  and  forth  wasn’t  something  that  died  down  just  yet  ——  if  it  were  to  ever  die  down,  that  is.

and  besides,  it  was  fun  to  get  him  all  riled  up  sometimes   ❛    you  know,  for  someone  who  kept  another  human  being  down  in  their  basement  for  weeks  without  any  of  the  four  other  people  in  their  house  knowing,  you’re  really  not  getting  any  better  at  being  subtle,  so…  come  on,  michael.    ❜   she  sighs,  arching  an  eyebrow.       spill.    

@loyaltyburdenedsecrets  sentences accepting !
Anonymous asked:

hi, im too shy to approach you but i just wanna say that everything about your max is so cool and every time you're on my dash, i die a little inside bc! so great!

ahhh what ! !  please don’t be afraid to approach me, it may take me a while to get to inbox and IM stuff but i am just here, a human embodiment of a cabbage sdfghjhgfdxc

       ❛    uh,  it’s  not  that  hard  to  ride  it,  you  know.   maybe  a  little  at  first,  but  you  get  the  hang  of  it  eventually.       shoulders  lift  in  a  light  shrug  as  she  moves  the  skateboard  back  and  forth  with  one  foot,  looking  at  her  hesitantly.       i  can  teach  you  if  you  want.    

@promiseburdened   .   starter  call.

       ❛    alright,  stop,  stop,  stop.       her  hand  is  held  up,  signalling  dustin  to  pause  his  (  awfully  confusing  )   explanation.       you  do  realize  that  i  haven’t  played  dungeons  and  dragons  before,  right ?   i’m  not  gonna  understand  anything  you  say  if  you  don’t  use  all  of  this,       she  waves  a  finger  around  the  table.      to  help  me  get  which  part  is  which.    

@hawkinsbard​   .   starter  call.

       ❛    you  new  around  here ?       she  casts  her  a  quick  side  glance  before  fixing  what’s  inside  her  locker  again.   did  this  school  get  a  new  student  every  year ?       good  luck  with  that  locker.   the  kid  who  had  it  before  used  to  just  bang  his  fist  to  open  it,  so  i’d  get  the  lock  checked  as  soon  as  possible  if  i  were  you.    

@facedfear​   .   starter  call.

       ❛    hey  ------  watch  out !!       max  swerves  the  board  just  in  time,  only  centimeters  away  from  nearly  running  over  the  other  girl’s  feet.   so  much  for  the  forewarning.   ❛    sorry,  i  guess.     ❜   she  steps  on  the  edge  of  her  skateboard,  tipping  it  upwards  and  catching  it  with  her  right  hand.      but,  uh,  you  didn’t  move.    

@fitncssfreak   .   starter  call.
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