
Smalltown thief


Evil every leap year

Listening to Jeffrey Combs and Bruce Abbott giggle about all the fun they had between takes in the commentary to Bride of Reanimator and how they hope their “amateur film project” from the set never sees the light of day hits real different after Brian Yuzna mentioned Herbert West “feigning fellatio on his co-star” in the behind the scenes vhs tape


Congratulations to this one person who has written 23 out of 40 existing Garth/Benny fics and has basically never written anything else. Imagine this must be the best day ever for you 🎉


I love this. There is a special kind of feeling when category 5 supernatural events occur that just make me so happy and gleeful. Like here we all are, still clowning, still joking about this unparalleled media experience. Its been an honour SPN fandom.

Cheers and congratulations to DJ and Ty. Our unexpected RPF werepire ship ✨️🙌✨️


“um gwen is a posh-coded/tory character who implicitly seems to believe that the upper class is looking out for her…because being a bootlicker with bad politics is one of the Worst Things you can be in today’s society, she must be irredeemable” it’s almost like stories explore complex characters in ways that make you uncomfortable😔😔😔 if only stories were mediums through which imperfect characters change in interesting ways😳😳😳

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