


archived. muses now at serenitystored.


or, well, I will be. hopefully it will be up and running by friday - or at least by the end of this week! there won’t be many changes. there will be a change in blog name. and as for muses - most of them will be the same as the ones already here, as well as some removals and additions. I’m more than happy to keep all the character relationships built on this blog.

threads and asks will not be following me to this new blog. it’s a fresh start for me.



or, well, I will be. hopefully it will be up and running by friday - or at least by the end of this week! there won’t be many changes. there will be a change in blog name. and as for muses - most of them will be the same as the ones already here, as well as some removals and additions. I’m more than happy to keep all the character relationships built on this blog.

threads and asks will not be following me to this new blog. it’s a fresh start for me.


sleepy girls are so cute. when they mumble, their voices low and quiet? adorable? those big yawns and biiiig stretches?? so cute! resting their head on your shoulder and giving you that lazy smile before they drift off again? oh my goddddd!!!


📚 - If your muse appears in multiple sources (book, show, movie, etc.), which version of them do you like better and/or prefer to write?

  • Cornelia: cornelia’s main sources are both the cartoon and the comics. I personally prefer the comic version of cornelia but I tend to defer to cartoon!cornelia when writing since I’m still reading my way through the comics
  • Flora: it’s a similar case for flora who has her cartoon version (which there are multiple versions of), comics, movies, etc. and as for preference I usually go with cartoon flora (the OG cartoon and its earlier seasons, usually the first few seasons) with some divergence


Send one of the emoji below! Some questions may require specifying a muse if the mun runs a multimuse blog.

✏️ - Do you prefer writing canon characters or original characters? Why? 📚 - If your muse appears in multiple sources (book, show, movie, etc.), which version of them do you like better and/or prefer to write?- Is there anything in your muse’s canon history that you wish to change? 💫 - If your muse were a Pokémon trainer, which six Pokémon would be on their team? 🗝️ - If your muse was suddenly transported into an RPG, would they be a warrior, rogue, mage, or some kind of cross-class? You can name a specific class from a series. 🍒 - What color do you think best describes your muse’s personality and why? 🍂 - What verse are you dying to write with your muse? 💕 - Are there any specific ships that you want to write with this muse?- Do you like to write AUs and crossovers or do you prefer to strictly stick to your muse’s canon source material? 📸 - Do you make Pinterest boards for your muse(s) and/or ships? 💿 - Do you make playlists for your muse(s) and/or ships? 🎀 - Which thread has been your favorite to write so far? 🌟 - If your muse was a demon and needed five items to be summoned, what items would they be? 🔮 - If your muse was a witch, which animal would be their familiar? 🔪 - Marry, fuck, kill! Who would your muse choose between these three muses/characters? [NOTE: you muse provide three names when sending this question!] 🌈 - If your muse were a deity, what would they be the deity of? 🍞 - Your muse is suddenly in a food fight to the death. What food do they pick? 🎮 - Who does your muse pick in Mario Kart? Super Smash Bros.? Tekken? Mortal Kombat? [NOTE: feel free to send in other games where a player must choose a character!] 💭 - Which muse of yours do you wish to write more with? 🔗 - Do you think you would be friends with your muse in real life?- SEND ANY QUESTION FOR THE MUN NOT LISTED ABOVE!

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