
grinnieyoongi is my main blog



update: still really wanna do mushrooms with Harry


a bisexual pop group called Both Directions

a pansexual pop group called All Directions

an asexual pop group called No Directions

a questioning pop group called Which Direction

a helpful pop group called That Direction

a lost pop group called Can I Have Directions

a married pop group called Dammit Why Won’t You Just Ask For Directions

Anonymous asked:

It's all Harry's fault. A proper journalist would have asked that question instead of writing that Harry likes to create an aura of sexual ambiguity. WTF does that even mean? When a minority tries to claim you as one of them it's your responsibility to set the record straight. Before releasing her album Janelle Monae made it clear where she stands. She is queer. Taylor Swift made it clear she's straight. Harry needs to stop being a coward.

*screams into the abyss* who the fuck do y’all think you are to demand from other people (celebrities included) to explain their sexuality to you? so what, so YOU will feel better? no one owes you anything, no one. the same way you don’t owe anyone anything in that regard. grow the fuck up


This is something that’s always baffled me about this fandom. I don’t understand how someone can sit there and DEMAND to know something personal about someone they’ve never even met before. Besides, when you do get an answer about someone’s sexuality, you all deny it to hell and back. You just want to be told what you want to hear and if you don’t get that, you’ll throw a tantrum. 


I don’t have many followers on this blog but I’m posting this to kinda keep track of my opinions and shit about Harry’s HS2 era (because Twitter doesn’t offer enough characters). 

The Rolling Stone article was beautifully written and threw me a bit off guard with how open he was about some of the things he spoke about. From trying an ice sauna, to listening to the fabulous Joni Mitchell, to biting the tip of his tongue off while doing shrooms, it baffled me because for once it felt like we got a glimpse of the Harry that he’s been hiding away for years. 

He’s been able to choose and decide what he wants to share and what he doesn’t rather than locking away everything. I’m glad he’s at a place where he can do that, because nobody likes to lock every single one of their feelings away. 

Harry has always taken the term “fragile masculinity” and smashed it onto the ground in a thousand pieces. Men are taught from an early age that showing emotions isn’t manly, yet Harry has a whole group of friends that he can happily lean on and tell everything too, which is a heartwarming thought. 

Despite everything in the article, the thing that stuck out most to me was his interest in smooth jazz. I took a music theory class in high school, and Bill Evans’ “Peace Piece” was the song I picked apart and wrote an entire essay on. Everything from the first note to the gorgeous melodies, I’ve listened to it at least 1500 times. Again, it’s something that surprised me. He’d always come off as a soft rock type and it gave me butterflies that he knew that song.  

Something that didn’t surprise me (that apparently surprised a lot of people?) was the fact that he openly admitted to doing shrooms. Which, in all honesty, could be a gate to his creativity. I’ve tried a lot of psychedelics (I went through a phase), and shrooms are the most tame ones I could think of soooo. . . Also, everyone experiments at some point, right? My boss makes tea out of shrooms and just drinks it for a little trip. I don’t know, maybe it’s because it’s so normalized around me that I don’t see a problem with it. *shrug*

Long story short, I’m very excited for HS2. And I would really enjoy doing mushrooms with Harry Styles. 

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