
Jesse the Meme Daddy™

@lolzorlikesundertale / lolzorlikesundertale.tumblr.com

17|Genderfluid|They/Them|Pan|Taken |Nsfw Blog: @lolzorlikesweirdshit|ADHD, OCD, depression, possible Aspergers, and social anxiety, oh my!|*gets attached to everyone*|Avatar by @burntpasta|Header by @leibhaber|RP blog is @askazzyandfriends.|Askbox and Submission box are always open!

PSA: stop telling people with ADHD to “make their faces better” because you think they look stressed. I’m not stressed, I’m just authentically listening to you!

In fact, let’s stop telling ANYONE to “make their face better.”

Yea, that would be great.


i love having adhd and continually thinking about and analysing conversation in my head but then being unable to actually articulate how i feel when asked on the spot 


People use air quotes when talking to me about the fact that I “have ADHD” and take Adderall “to help me function.”

I do the same thing when talking about my brother’s “broken leg” and use of pain meds “to help him manage the agonizing pain,” and suddenly I’m an asshole.

Mental health issues aren’t less than physical issues, people. I mean, seriously, it’s almost 2018. C'mon!


i love that one old timey 1910s trans dude who has a tiny wikipedia page for himself that he earned entirely due to him starting fights in bars and being the city’s hottest casanova

oh my GOD this is the best list

“ “[DEADNAME] Again" “ 

Like this glorious jerk got arrested so many times that was literally ALL THEY HAD TO WRITE IN THE PAPER

He was a vagrant street kid and Seattle girls were all over this guy, to the point where it caused a moral panic. There’s a famous anecdote about a women proclaiming her love in Denny Park and then trying to shoot herself, but most of these reports were falsely worded in a way that suggest his female admirers were “upset about being deceived” when really they were upset that he was wooing other women, or trying to get his attention by being as extra as possible.

What you also should know is that back in the day “seduction” was a literal crime that could put you in prison (unless you married the woman you seduced) but since he wasn’t cis they couldn’t really CHARGE HIM with anything. Legend.

I especially like “Seattle Woman Appears in Men’s Clothes Because She Says Her Features Make it Possible.”  I can’t imagine anything but someone going “Hey!  You can’t dress like that!” and him responding “Oh yes I can.  You see, I look very good.”

I want a TV show about him


Found it 😎

The wall of memes

Mate you don’t even know


space shit is cancelled until we solve homelessness and poverty

I mean, the military budget of the USA is around 824.6 billion. 

Clearly, it’s space stuff that’s taking up all money that could otherwise go to help people. 

We can’t cut the space budget. We need it to launch the billionaires into the sun


At its peak, funding NASA returned 8 dollars to the economy for every dollar it was given and singlehandedly advanced technology by decades. The money doesn’t get launched into space: all the benefits stay here.


Fuck this “Cut science and art because poor people exist!” bullshit.  Make fucking rich people pay their damned taxes.  That *ALONE* solves the vast majority of the problems.  Make employers hire more people, not keep condensing job duties into more and more single positions (some of us are getting sick of doing the work of three people on barely the salary for one of them).  Demand pay rates increase so that EVERYONE with a job makes enough to support themselves.  Demand better health care, so that people don’t lose their homes and jobs because someone in their family got fucking cancer, or chronic illness, or severe injury.   Science isn’t the problem.  The problem is capitalism and greed.

just for the damn record, on what OP meant.

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