

@chrisrin / chrisrin.tumblr.com

i'm chris [he/him] and i post art || homestuck, last life/hermitcraft, mcc, and the magnus archives || asks are open, feel free to send one! ||
Anonymous asked:

do you ever go to cons? i just found out you were at a crane wives concert near me and i'm wondering if i may have encountered you in the wild and not known it

not recently! but i have in the past, yes. i went to MegaCon Orlando a few times when I was younger (before I had an online presence). I'd love to do tabling at cons some day, it's in my plans, but far in the future :)


Couldn't just stop at one Boat Boy, so tried to give Joel a shot! (I know it would've made more sense to go with a Stratos theme but I like Azalean color scheme too much)

Anonymous asked:

Hello! I ordered a set of your charms on the 15th of April and I’m in the US. Should I be worried about this or just keep waiting?

If you want to reach out to me directly over DMs with your order number, I'm happy to look into it further with you. You shoooould've gotten a tracking number that'll tell you where it is in your e-mail. If you haven't, DM me and we can chat further! I would look up info but I have no idea which order you are ;_;

Also, you might be apart of the batch I just sent out today, if that's the case you should be getting it in another week or two! I got a little sick so it took me a bit to get this final set out.

But again if you want further details, feel free to reach out to me over DMs or e-mail me at chrisrinshop@gmail.com


I will never get over how weird it feels to have tragic and emotional chapters of your life where you just also still go to work, and the grocery store, and see funny videos online all while feeling such paralyzing fear and heartache

life just goes on no matter what


Ugh, was having a great time mocking my recently imprisoned rival when I noticed the camera positioning makes it so that I appear behind the bars, thus framing me as trapped in a metaphorical prison of the narrative, now my whole day is ruined. Fuck.

I get it, man. The other day, I survived a shootout, only to realize that a stray bullet went through a mirror in such a way as to look from the camera's perspective like I got shot in the head through the mirror, so now I have to acknowledge that something that could be reasonably referred to as "me" really did die that day, and it's just like "jfc, gimme a BREAK"

ugh dont even get me started on how the other day i tried to sit on the throne of my conquered foe and light a cigar to celebrate my victory but the lighter wouldnt work and it had to be lighted by the vizier who used to work for my enemy but that i enlisted to work as a double agent and help me in my coup. that jerk afterwards said with a devilish smile "ill always be at your service my liege" and i just KNOW that he said that exact same thing to the previous ruler. signifying that my victory was phyrric since i am still caught in an endless cycle of violence and betrayal. that really spoiled the whole mood

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