i'm a doctor, not an escalator

@defiantgalaxy / defiantgalaxy.tumblr.com

im ✨✨ star trek ✨✨ 23

man the bravest shit you can do in this world is love indefinitely

there's so much heartbreak and loss out there that sometimes caring about anything feels like a weakness. but despite all the risks that come with being vulnerable there are people out there who just love and love and love without thinking twice and on god that's whats keeping the earth on its axis


the Federation itself as a concept is so funny because the founding members are

  • the Vulcans, who have been friends with humanity for years but don't seem to actually like them all that much, instead regarding them with a sort of perverse fascination usually reserved for virology labs
  • the Andorians, who were fighting the Vulcans for like a hundred years
  • the Tellarites, who don't like any of these people and whose cultural trait is arguing, and
  • humans, whom nobody knew existed until last century when they shot themselves into space on a heavily modified nuke, invented world peace and won a fight with the nearest imperial superpower

like imagine you're the Romulan Empire and these weird monkeys who've barely figured out interstellar travel show up on your doorstep in the equivalent of a shipping container with missiles strapped to it, kick your ass in front of everybody, and then start a friendship club with 3 of your neighbours who all hated each others' guts until like a year ago. now I understand why every Romulan on the show is so angry


Just watched the search for spock again for the first time in a while, and maybe I’m just a bit emotional rn but omfg dude. :( the whole “oops i came back wrong, sorry i died, sorry i dont remember you right” thing is poignant as fuck. And everyone is just happy to have him back. I fully believe spock got ship of theseused there and i dont think post genesis spock is the same guy. I feel bad for him. I know he is still Spock but it must be very discombobulating. :( and hes just like “I Need To Get My Marbles Back so i can be this guy correctly STAT”. But egeryone already loveshim:(

Bonus: tag team spock cradling


imagine being average federation citizen doing a wikipedia dive on Amanda Grayson for like a book report or whatever and you click on “spouse” and it links you to a guy who was thee vulcan ambassador to earth for like 200 years and publicly called the klingon ambassador a murderer once and you think huh neat and click on “children” and the first person listed is described as “career criminal, activist and religious evangelist” with a rap sheet as long as your arm ending with him taking the entire government hostage in nimbus iii and then no death date he's just listed as “missing” and the second kid is a starfleet science hero you've seen on the poster of like 7 different documentaries on space netflix and you notice his year of death is listed as 2285 but “years active” goes on like 20 years past that so you look closer and yep “death” is only the 7th item in a list of like 20 section headers also he's apparently the reason earth isn't completely underwater right now? then you read his sister's article and it's all “starfleet's first mutineer” “blamed for starting the first federation-klingon war” “lauded for ending the first federation-klingon war” but is weirdly vague on what happened to her after that and the article is edit locked and her year of death has like 6 annotations attached to it


Finally finished this comic project. I decided to make the full thing available here. This is my first time making something like this, so thoughts and comments are much appreciated.


This sounded too good to be true, so I did a little bit of fact checking.

Mike Ilitch did in fact pay Rosa Parks' rent for years, but it wasn't because she was laid off. She needed a safer place to live after she was assaulted in her own home at the age of 81. He paid her rent from that point onward, for the rest of her life.

The more you know 🌈⭐

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