

Hello everyone! I decided to create a new artblog which can also be my main blog! My old artblog @darkbutterfly95 was a sideblog which I don´t like anymore because it bothers me in some ways.  

I don´t want to delete my old blog so I am goiing to reblog my recent art from my old blog. I wish I could transfer in to this one and let this blog be the original poster but that´s too awkward now I guess ^^´ So I am trying to tag them as my own! 

I want to thank every single one of you for appreciating my art content! I hope you will still enjoy and follow my art on this new blog! 

I apologize for this awkward  change but I can´t wait to be more active again and also interact mor with you! 

Thank you very very much and have a wonderful day!!!

So I created a new artblog! 

Please follow me there if you are still interested in my content! I won´t post anything here anymore. 

Goodbye and see you at my other blog! Also with a new fanart to celebrate the holidays! 

Thank you so much <3


This might be a little sudden but I kinda want to make myself a new artblog, one that also is going to be my main blog, so a whole new tumblr account. I just don't know if I should delete my recent posts and post them again on my new blog or if I should belog them to my new blog🤔 ...I don't know what's the easiest way😅😅😅


Happy Birthday to my Lord of the Night❤🎉🎂🧛‍♂️💋

I actually wanted to do a more father/daughter fanart but I had another idea for that which would take some more time so I decided to do smth else!

I hope you like it❤❤❤❤~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Raphael and Amy are in my top five of fave characters and my main fighters in all SC games!

I honestly can't express how much I love them💕💖❤

When I was a child/teenager I was strongly obsessed with them and Rapahel was my ultimate husband and pretty much shaped all my aesthethics💖 (gothic, victorian, vampire stuff etc.)

I even attended a fencing class when I was 16! But I never became as graceful and beautiful as Raphael and Amy lol (it also seems like a pipe dream to me lol)

Today I may be a little less obsessed BUT I still love him to death! I also see him a little differently than I did back then bc Raphael is in fact a cold, arrogant and smug asshole lol he is super evil and totally mad. But amongst all of these bad traits he has the biggest soft spot for Amy and that's sooooo CUTE!

I also think if he didn't get malfested he could have been a pretty ok guy but then again I am a sucker for tragic stories🥺💗~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I could talk about them all day but I think I should shut up now lol

Hope you like it💕💕💕


Some days ago I had a funny dream about FP and Jyuto. It literally was the last ARB event but Ramuda made an outfit for Jyuto and he did not like it at all lol

I especially remembered Jyuto's awful looking hoodie arms and Ramuda's pouting!

I thought it was too iconic not to draw! Hope you like it💖

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