
So Many Damn Colors


Art Student | Very confused | Likes cats

“i say no wuckas, but deep down i have many wuckas” is going on my tombstone


male gaze is not 'when person look sexy' or 'when misogynist make film'

death of the author is not 'miku wrote this'

I don't think you have to read either essay to grasp the basic concepts

death of the author means that once a work is complete, what the author believes it to mean is irrelevant to critical analysis of what's in the text. it means when analysing the meaning of a text you prioritise reader interpretation above author intention, and that an interpretation can hold valid meaning even if it's utterly unintentional on the part of the person who created the thing. it doesn't mean 'i can ignore that the person who made this is a bigot' - it may in fact often mean 'this piece of art holds a lot of bigoted meanings that the author probably wasn't intentionally trying to convey but did anyway, and it's worth addressing that on its own terms regardless of whether the author recognises it's there.' it's important to understand because most artists are not consciously and vocally aware of all the possible meanings of their art, and because art is communal and interpretive. and because what somebody thinks they mean, what you think somebody means, and what a text is saying to you are three entirely different things and it's important to be able to tell the difference.

male gaze is a cinematographic theory on how films construct subjectivity (ie who you identify with and who you look at). it argues that film language assumes that the watcher is a (cis straight white hegemonically normative) man, and treats men as relatable subjects and women as unknowable objects - men as people with interior lives and women as things to be looked at or interacted with but not related to. this includes sexual objectification and voyeurism, but it doesn't mean 'finding a lady sexy' or 'looking with a sexual lens', it means the ways in which visual languages strip women of interiority and encourage us to understand only men as relatable people. it's important to understand this because not all related gaze theories are sexual in nature and if you can't get a grip on male gaze beyond 'sexual imagery', you're really going to struggle with concepts of white or abled or cis subjectivities.

:whispers: also Death of the Author means you have to exercise self-criticism and recognise the bias YOU as the audience bring to interpreting a piece of work. Yes, your reading is valid. But to what extent are you extrapolating from your own experiences, privileges & lacks of privilege, past traumas, etc.? How might this affect your interpretation of the text?

More people need to understand that part, too.


never forgive trigger for what they cut


started ranting abt this to a friend... i'm still so irritated that they didn't include this


It also emphasizes how different this is from the magic we've seen from her before. Like, it was a major, albeit comedic, plot point that her water walking spell doesn't even work if your hair is too dirty. She isn't super particular about hygiene just because she likes to be clean, or thinks it's icky otherwise, this is a serious practical concern that her magic doesn't work as well without that purity. A difficult spell, requiring precision and with high stakes for failure, you would expect her to spend an hour beforehand fastidiously sterilizing everything involved like she's about to do brain surgery.

But this isn't that kind of spell. This spell is playing by an entirely different set of rules. This is magic that was created by, and for, people who are soaked in blood.


Character who is shown to be a strategic and analytical mastermind in every scene cannot figure out that the two lesbians sitting next to each other are very madly in love


is she even your girl if she doesn't use dark forbidden magic to bring you back to life after your tragic but heroic death and then insist on checking every inch of your naked body which she apparently knows intimately to make sure there are no injuries?

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