
Little Mistress Lexie


My Kitten wanted me to start a Tumblr Profile. Now she gets to deal with the consequences. This madness is the consquences. (No Minors)

whoa canada

someone needs to turn down that sass level

Two things to know about Canada!

  1. We are smart enough to know hot things should be hot.
  2. We are sorry if you don’t

fun story about the reason they do that (at least in America)

once this lady spilled her McDonald’s coffee on herself and ended up getting like 3rd degree burns and since there was no warning on the cup she was able to claim she didn’t know it would be hot (or at least that hot) and won a lawsuit against McDonald’s for $1 million


That’s what the media smear campaign against her would have you believe, anyway. The truth of the matter is that the McDonald’s in question had previously been cited - on at least two separate occasions - for keeping their coffee so hot that it violated local occupational health and safety regulations. The lady didn’t win her lawsuit because American courts are stupid; she won it because the McDonald’s she bought that coffee from was actively and knowingly breaking the law with respect to the temperature of its coffee at the time of the incident.

(I mean, do you have any idea what a third-degree burn actually is? Third-degree burns involve “full thickness” tissue damage; we’re talking bone-deep, with possible destruction of tissue. Can you even imagine how hot that cup of coffee would have to have been to inflict that kind of damage in the few seconds it was in contact with her skin?)


Yeah I’m tired of people joking about either the “stupid” woman who didn’t know coffee was hot or the “greedy” woman making up bullshit to get money.

She was hideously injured by hideous irresponsibility, it was an absolutely legitimate lawsuit and the warning on the cups basically allows McDonalds to claim no responsibility even if it happens again. Every other company followed suit to cover their asses.

So they can still legally serve you something that could sear off the end of your tongue or permanently demolish the front of your gums and just give you a big fat middle finger in court. “The label SAID it would be HOT, STUPID.”

obligatory reblog for the great debunking of the usual ignorance spouted about this case

obligatory mention that the media smear campaign to twist teh facts on this case and get public opinion against the victim was deliberate and fueled by the right wing tort reform movement

it was seized upon to limit the rights of consumers to hold giant corporations accountable for wrongdoing

watch the documentary Hot Coffee, it lays out all of the facts and examines the response to this case and explains why everything you think you know about this case is bullshit, and explains why tort reform is bullshit in an entertaining and informative manner

The woman injured in Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants was 79 years old at the time of her injuries, and suffered third-degree burns to the pelvic region (including her thighs, buttocks, and groin), which in combination with lesser burns in the surrounding regions caused damage to an area totaling a whopping 22% of her body’s surface. These injuries that required two years of intensive medical care, including multiple skin grafts; during her hospitalization, Stella Liebeck lost around 20% of her starting body weight.

She was uninsured and sued McDonald’s Restaurants for the cost of her past and projected future medical care, an estimated $20,000. The corporation offered a settlement of $800, a number so obviously ridiculous that I’m not even going to dignify it with any further explanation.

The settlement number most often quoted is not the amount that the corporation actually paid; the jury in the first trial suggested a payment equal to a day or two of coffee revenues for McDonald’s, which at the time totaled more than $1 million per diem. The judge reduced the required payout to around $640,000 in both compensatory and punitive damages, and the case was later settled out of court for less than $600,000.

Keep in mind that at the time, McDonald’s already had over 700 cases of complaints about coffee-related burns on file, but continued to sell coffee heated to nearly 200 degrees Fahrenheit (around 90 degrees Celsius) as a means of boosting sales (their selling point was that one could buy the coffee, drive to a second location such as work or home, and still have a piping hot beverage). This in spite of the fact that most restaurants serve coffee between 140 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit (60 to 71 degrees Celsius), and many coffee experts agree that such high temperatures are desirable only during the brewing process itself.

The Liebeck case was absolutely not an example of litigation-happy Americans expecting corporations to cover their asses for their own stupidity, but we seem determined to remember it that way. It’s an issue of liability, and the allowable lengths of capitalism, and even of the way in which our society is incredibly dangerous for and punitive towards the uninsured, but it was not and is not a frivolous suit. Please check your assumptions and do your research before you turn a burn victim’s suffering into a throwaway punchline.


jesus, i actually didn’t know about any of this, thanks for clearing that up

Always reblog. The deliberate misinformation/corporate propaganda about this case is misogynist and ageist as FUCK.


Frankenstein enters into a body building competition and finds he has seriously misunderstood the objective


…a doctor who built a body.


For what is possibly the first time in the history of pop culture somebody actually really specifically does mean the doctor… and someone tries to correct them.


yesterday’s episode of doctor who got 8.2 million viewers which is one of the highest ratings the show’s had in years and larger than both matt smith and peter capaldi’s first episodes so fuck you to anyone who said this show would fail and lose its audience with a female doctor you misogynistic pricks


Free Rope Tutorial Masterlist

new and improved!  updated 7/24/18


Anatomy for Rope with IPcookiemonster Shibari Safety by DeGiotto Rope Shibari Safety by Esinem.  (Part One) (Part Two)


How to Coil Rope by Degiotto Rope How to Join Ropes by @wykd-daveTwisted Monk How-to:  over a dozen beginner-friendly faves, including: *karada (aka diamond harness or body harness) *pentagram harness *single column tie *basic chest harness *strapon harness *basic hair tie @ropebaby​‘s youtube channel, featuring: rope bra basic crotch rope diamond crotch rope rope corset and more! Futomomo by Degiotto Rope Triangle Chest Harness by Tied Up Tee  Hishi Body Tie by Epic Rope Hishi (Diamond) Leg Tie by EpicRope

Ties for Partners (Intermediate)

Hogtie by Twisted Monk​ Hishi TK by EpicRope​

Hip Harnesses (Intermediate/Advanced)

Crystal Heart Hip Harness by @shibarikumaDynamic Hip Harness by Moco Hip Harness by Nina Russ Tobutsuru Hip Harness by stefanobirdofprey Peach Tie by Tifereth


Gote Shibari (also called a TK) by Esinem Fluid Strappado for Limited Flexibility by Moco


Watching this (and fearing broken ankles with each loop) I can’t helping thinking about that old quote Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, except backwards and in high heels.

But no, if you watch closely you’ll see she doesn’t even step on the last chair. That means she had to trust that fucker to lift her gently to the ground while he was spinning down onto that chair. That takes major guts. I’d be pissing myself and fearing a broken neck if I were in her place. Kudos to her. 

I can’t stop watching this. 



Okay so this is true, but a tiny part of a wider truth. 

Ginger Rogers was a FUCKING BADASS. Ignore for a sec the rampant sexism in Hollywood (they once bleached  her hair blonde in wardrobe without telling her beforehand), the fact that she fought her whole career against typecasting and stereotyping from fellow actors (Katharine Hepburn famously said of the Astaire/Rogers partnership “she gave him sex. He gave her class” ) for starting out in musicals, and went on to have a career lasting over fifty years, winning a Best Actress Oscar (Kitty Foyle, 1940). But… JUST focusing on the Astaire movies…

Not only did she dance “backwards” in high heels, the dances were a task in themselves. Astaire was an absolute perfectionist and choreographed for himself, so as a younger, less experienced dancer Rogers came in at a disadvantage and worked her ass off to match him. 

Then there’s the filming complications… these numbers were filmed in ONE TAKE. So one thing goes wrong and you have to start over. Maybe you make a mistake or maybe your dress flies up because…

Ginger had to contend with her wardrobe. Dancing in heels is the norm at this time, but dancing in a dress designed for cinema cameras… not so much. They were heavy, embellished, uncomfortable, restrictive and cumbersome and essentially a third member of the dance, strapped to the body of one partner.Not only did she have to dance and look good, she had to control the dress too!

Take this routine from Swing Time… (it gets going proper at 1:30ish)

This dress has weights, YES WEIGHTS, sewn in to the hem to make it fly out and create a visual effect. So it’s heavy, it hurts if it hits you, and your partner gets mad if it hits him. So you gotta control it. 

Well it turns out all these factors on this set, this particular day aren’t going so well. So you’re doing take after take, here’s no labour laws, so at 4am after 18 hours you’re still going, even though part of the routine requires you to spin up those curved stairs with no rail at high speed….

Okay so now back to those high heels. In Ginger’s autobiography she vividly remembers this night as the night she bled though her shoes. They did so many takes, her feet blistered, bled, and the white satin high heels she was wearing finished he night pink because they were literally full of blood. And still they keep shooting. She keeps dancing.

The take they use in the film is the last. Early hours. Bloody feet. And she spins, acts and bosses out until that last second. Because she was that professional, talented and bloody minded. This is the last set of spins… 

So I say once again. Ginger Rogers was a badass.

She did everything Fred Astaire did backwards, in high heels, wearing a 20 pound dress, exhausted, injured and standing in a pool of her own blood. And watching her perform, you would never know.


So, trying out a new pet-name, I decided to call my wife “Vanilla Bean”– just giving it a go because vanilla is my favorite flavor and beans are cute and she’s my favorite and also cute. 

Now, apparently “Vanilla” is plain and boring and baby did not appreciate being called plain and boring, and so here is a list of the pet names she’s given me in last few minutes:

- My saltine cracker

- The concept of Kansas

- My dearest manila folder

- That beige color they paint offices

- Bleached white rice

- You blank word document, you

- My perfect suburbs Republican

- Tap water


which spongebob character is the white gay friend

larry the lobster next question

larry is that type of gay w/ masc4masc and “no fats no fems” on his Floundr bio

Floundr bio I’m out

i had to read this on my dash and now you have to too

How dare you do that to Larry. He is pure and precious and he would not discriminate against fat people in his bio. You ever watch the episodes with him in it? He’s always super nice when it comes to Spongebob’s lack of muscle and always tried to encourage him. Shame on you.

drag them!

He’s nice to Spongebob because Spongebob is a twink.

true. but Spongebob is also fem so

So that would mean Patrick is a bear?

I wanna fuck sandy squirrels

… anyway.. point is Larry the Lobster is a fem ally, accepts every gay, and he encourages everyone to be the best they can be

And from what i heard recently, Larry deleted his Floundr since he started dating Don the Whale who’s an MoC (mammal of colour) and is bestfriends with intersectional feminist woke icon Sandy Cheeks

If anyone’s problematic, it’s squidward’s lazy ass who probably has “discreet” on his profile, only sends torso pics, and would block you when you ask for a face pic

and yes Patrick is a bear who’s a twink chaser hence, his need to accompany spongebob in almost every episode. he want that spussy

I choked because of this

I died at spussy and twinkbob

Stop putting this on my dash



Within the BDSM community there is an often overlooked group of people: The Daddys of Little Dommes. When one speaks about being or having a 'Daddy' it is almost always associated with DD/LG. But not all Daddys are Dom. There are some very brave men out there who are willing to take on a Little Domme. I say brave because Little Dom/mes at their heart are arbitrary and brutal. A Domme who will sulk at the hint of a safe word and who's rules are created based on their whims at the time. That being said they are also usually pacified with the introduction of stuffies and lollies. Or in my case copious amounts of lollipops.

Within DD/LG, as with many BDSM relationships, it is the Sub who gets pampered and cared for. That is not the case for SD/LD. Here it is the Domme who demands constant attention and affection. But that does not mean that the Sub is left with nothing. The Sub of a Little Domme is given all the love and devotion that a Daddy in traditional DD/LG receives.

There is another trick up the sleeve of a Little domme's Sub. When in Little Space the domme is somewhat responsive to signs of authority. Like a precocious toddler this is often ignored. But with a firm voice and a soft hand (and a lollipop) a Daddy can convince his Little into a somewhat less vicious state. I've seen this done by a little Domme's Pet before where the pet subdued the extremely bored Little by encouraging them to draw on the Pet's leg (this became more effective when @bubblepet presented me with a lollipop).

The Daddy capable of taking on a Little Domme simultaneously has the caring, guiding, and playful characteristics of a traditional Daddy whilst maintaining the deposition of a chew toy. They are a wonderful group of people and deserve to be heralded for there bravery along with all other Subs belonging to Little Dom/me's.

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