
The Mind Cave


Poking into the deeper, darker undersea caverns of my mind.  Which is a pretentious way of saying this is a blog of my experiences with internet hypnosis files, especially adult-themed ones.  This blog is adult-oriented and QUITE NSFW!

Hypnotists And Ladders.

Alternative Title: “The stupidest idea I have had within the space of this week”

A few days ago I was playing a board game with some friends and I noticed how we would always read out the text on the card we played, regardless of how often the card came up. By the end of the game, we all knew a few of the cards off by heart, including ones we had never played, just because of this repetition.

I’ve also been on a bit of a game design kick recently and have been reading a lot about board design for games. These two things combined in my head to create the question: “Can you make a board game that hypnotizes people as they play?”

Well, I had a think and I came up with an idea. I decided to share it because frankly an idea this stupid needs to be shared, so I quickly knocked up a crude but functional board for it. And yes, it is basically just snakes and ladders with a twist. I went for snakes and ladders, because it has very simple mechanics that don’t get too in the way, as well as forcing players to repeat certain parts of the board.

You Will Need:

-One counter per player

-D6 die


How To Play:

-Each player places their counter on the Start square. Everyone rolls and the person with the highest goes first.

-The player rolls the D6 and moves the number of spaces show on the die. When they land on a square, they read out the text on the space.

-If the space you land on has the start of a green line, you move to the space the green line is attached to (which will always be down the board). Reading both the space you land on and the space you end up on.

-If the space you land on has the start of a red line, you move the space the red line is attached to (which will always be up the board). Reading both the space you land on and the space you end up on.

-Repeat until one person gets to 0.

-Additional Rule: Enforce the exact finish rule. If a player ends up on space 0 but has not moved the full amount of their roll, they move backwards the remaining amount. A player only wins when they roll exactly enough to reach the final space.

Going to be honest, the hardest thing about making this was splitting an induction in to a lot of small phrases that could be read together in random orders. I’m still not a fan of some of the squares, but they mostly function alright.

With 3-4 players all reading the squares, it should form a crude induction that mixes in a few styles of suggestion to hopefully hit all the major bases. Of course I can’t guarantee this without play testing but with the correct priming you should at least get something from at least one player.

So yes. Hypnotic snakes and ladders. I do wonder if this concept could stretch to other games, but those would require more edits to both change the board and to change the rules to fit better.

Filing this away...


Please consider sending me some money. Bills have been a burden this month. I am working my butt off at various jobs but it is challenging. My googlepay is zanymo@gmail.com.

I hate doing this. Thank you. If you would like to schedule a session or arrange for alternate donations PM me.


Please help my friend if you can. (Reblogging helps.)


Zany is a great person and you should consider helping them

Signal boost!

For my friend ❤️

Agreed. @zanythoughts is a genuinely good person who deserves the best. Please, if you can spare it, send some their way, commission them for a session (you will not regret it the slightest), etc.

Thank you to everyone that has reblogged this or sent me a little. It means so much. I don’t love making this a practice but this plus some hard hitting work on my part will get me though. Y’all warm my heart.


i love sir patrick stewart more with each passing day.

See, guys. This is how you do it. Notice the words “Not all men are like that” are never spoken.

He knows men are like that

his father was like that to his mother

he has experienced the pain firsthand, of what it’s like when men are like that

and he never wants men to be like that again and he fights tooth and nail against the men who are still like that

And moreover, he acknowledges his privilege [as an older white male who is famous/well known] and uses it to speak up. He knows what he is, and he never has to say he’s not like those men he fights against—he never says it, his actions speak loud enough for everyone else to see it. 

Sir Patrick Stewart, everyone.


People are protesting that we must boycott the film Bohemian Rhapsody because, and I quote, “the trailer erases Mercury’s homosexuality by having him flirt with a woman and whitewashes him!” Which is funny, because these people are basically erasing Freddie Mercury’s bisexuality and his relationship with Mary Austin and whitewashing Rami Malek at the same time in order to back their shitty excuse of an argument.

Now, repeat with me:

Freddie Mercury wasn’t gay, he was bisexual. Rami Malek is Egyptian.

Freddie Mercury wasn’t gay, he was bisexual. Rami Malek is Egyptian.

Freddie Mercury wasn’t gay, he was bisexual. Rami Malek is Egyptian.

Freddie Mercury wasn’t gay, he was bisexual. Rami Malek is Egyptian.

This has been a PSA.

Please don’t boycott this movie, my dad worked on it and said that Brian May was talking to him and saying that he was so happy that they were true to how Freddie was and how Rami was doing an exceptional job at portraying him


Sending love and strength to all members of the LGBT community, PoC, disabled people and women in the USA right now. I am so sorry you have to contend with this. And I am so sorry that you have to use your courage and perseverance to fight such and bloody-minded, frustrating fight. In a more caring, unified world this wouldn’t even be an issue, and you’d be able you use your energy on something far more positive. Maybe one day.


Let me in-

-terrupt-troduce-itiate. -grain-trigue-gratiate. -vite-hibit-stigate. -fluence-duce-toxicate. -fest-fect-ebriate.

Let me in-

-sert-spect-vestigate. -trude-tertwine-filtrate. -vade-tensify-timidate. -struct-jure-capacitate. -hale-dulge-seminate.

Let me in-

-tervene-tercept-carcerate. -sist-stall-doctrinate. -terlope-fuse-cubate. -teract-vent-novate. -voke-spire-vigorate.

Let me in.

Written By: Kevin Cuartas

Much can be accomplished when the mind is open


More hypnokink childhood markers…

So, I was rewatching Meet the Robinsons. Love that movie. It’s super fun. And I remembered liking it a lot and I remembered the dinosaur and all…

Only, I forgot that the dinosaur was being mind controlled with a hat. As was a frog. And they repeat commands and follow them and refer to the command giver as Master. So….


Side note, this sort of thing with a mind control hat would make an AMAZING scene…

@minddiver ? Feels up your alley…

0.0!!!  yes please!!

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