

i love ikemen series☁️ currently obsessed with ikerev♥️♠️ and in love with jonah👑 not very good in english but i'm trying. i post/reblog spoilers of ikerev. she/her | intp |21+

Memories of Love and Alice ~ Thank you for your everything ~ (Ensemble stories translation)

The last new collection event in IkeRev JP was one that featured all the characters, and it also had some group stories. I'll work to translate them all, though the individual character stories will take a while as they flash back to the routes, and it will take me a bit of searching to figure out what chapter those flashbacks are from and to get the original text of each route.

In the meantime, here are the two ensemble stories. First is the event prologue, Cradle's Foundation Day, and second is the early clear story, The Trial to Thank Alice.


Ikerev Hogwarts AU (feat. Mc)

Literally it's,,,, inevitable they're getting a Hogwarts AU I cannOT stop thinking about how absolutely fitting this is. It's almost canon. Holy shit.im also trying to keep this related to the relationships and situations in the canon storyline so I'm listing things out first!
(I'm like 90% on my idea that Loki would live in the forbidden forest and Oliver and Blanc would be teachers)
  • They'd all be in different houses, of course, the colors suggest ravenclaw/Gryffindor but you can't look at Edgar and tell me that boy is not a Slytherin.
  • Both Lance and Ray would probably be at the top of their class, lots of ppl looking up to them, lots of girls swooning over them
  • Ray doesn't care tho he'd still go play pranks with fenrir and get in trouble. I can imagine he was pretty disappointed when they were put in different houses, Fenrir in Gryffindor and Ray in ravenclaw but I bet they'd have seen it coming.
  • Fenrir def tries to sneak into the ravenclaw common room, of course bringing MC, Luka, and Seth with him. he would NOT be able to guess the riddle to get in for the life of him.
  • But never fear Ray'd never leave his buddy hanging.
  • Sirius would bonk Ray and Fenrir's heads, he'd be about a year or two above the rest, and he's the mother hen of the group so it's his R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y
  • "Ray, you're going to get ravenclaw deducted about a thousand points if you keep this up!" He'd tell them, while bringing literally all the pillows he can into the ravenclaw commons, MC in tow with mugs of hot cocoa
  • "but that's only if we get caught"
  • "be quiet fenrir, eat your snacks."
  • He loves them all he does.
  • Lukas always out past curfew though, let's be real here he'd be out practicing or studying with Edgar
  • He'd literally begged the sorting hat for anything other than Gryffindor, the last thing he wanted was to be subject to his brothers obsessive fawning. The look of despair on 2nd year Jonah's face when he got Hufflepuff though....he had been hoping since his first year he'd get to be in the same house with his little brother.
  • Cut to Lance patting him on the back reassuringly
  • Edgar is laughing
  • Jonah is crying
  • Mc and zero are cheering bc fuck yeah hufflepuff!!!!!
  • Speaking of Jonah he knows 17 different spells to apperate mille fuille
  • Edgar, Luka, Fenrir, Zero and Harr play quidditch and no matter whos playing, Jonah's always cheering for Hufflepuff.
  • "hmph!! Luka, without a doubt will win this one!!!"
  • "Jonah... Hufflepuff isn't even playing, it's Slytherin and Gryffindor" says Lance decked out in ravenclaw spirit merch.
  • Seth and potions. Holy crap hes a master of it, knows every elixer (but mostly the ones that make your skin sparkle brighter than unicorn blood) and probably is hiding 70 books from the restricted section under his bed.
  • Only MC knows. (They go out to Hogsmeade every Saturday to talk about girly things)
  • Catch Sirius In herbology any time of day I P R O M I S E you he would never leave if he had the choice.
  • Probably chills out with mc and Harr in there and helps them if they need extra help with studies
  • Fenrir will duel anyone anytime, defense against the dark arts is his JAM and he knows it. Nobody can whip out their wand faster than him.
  • Also zero mc and Luka, Hufflepuff angels. Sweetest ppl ever, they would totally all bake sweets together.
  • Lance still dissapears on immunization day.
  • Never fears Kyle always knows where he is, always sneaking off into the forbidden forest.
  • Tbh he probably made friends with the centaurs in an attempt to escape the needles.
  • Mc is hella good at care of magical creatures, she's probably the next Newt Scamander.
  • Heaven save them all she'd probably befriend dragons if she could
  • Okay but Lance, Jonah, Edgar, Zero and Kyle would probably kidnap MC for sleepovers too except suprise kidnapping.
  • They'd probably buy A whole ton of magical candy and hide out in the common room.
  • Rules??? What are those???? No MC will have sleepovers.
  • Lancelot was probably like
  • "Jonah go get MC we're gonna have a sleepover tonight. I need to study anyways."
  • "but we have to be in bed by 10??? Lancelot the rules???"
  • Deep down Jonah doesn't care tho.
  • He cares when Sirius shows up.
  • But not too much bc mc brought some of Lukas cupcakes.
  • Edgar bought his weird candies and put one in Jonah's mouth while he was sleeping.
  • Poor guy screamed so loud he woke up all the paintings, and the Slytherins all the way in the dungeons
  • Needless to say, they got caught that time, Edgar thought it was hilarious
  • Sirius Lance and Harr tho, that's def a trio.
  • Lance undoubtedly supports both his ravenclaw buds, prolly would make MC wear ravenclaw merch with him if Hufflepuff wasn't playing and ravenclaw was
  • She'd do it tho Harr deserves it.
  • Ray and Fenrir jinkxing each other in the halls 👀
  • One time Fenrir used MC as a human sheild against a transfiguration spell from Ray and never had Seth ever shaken anyone as hard as he did fenrir that day.
  • ALSKDKSLAL little mc as a mouse for the rest of the day omg theyd all take turns carrying her around
  • Fenrir would take her anywhere she wanted to go to make up for it he'd feel so bad
  • Okay but MC would totally work so mf hard to bake all of them all treats with spells that's boost their energy and motivation before O.W.L.S
  • Also I just thought of first year Lance meeting MC for the first time
  • "wtf is a Hufflepuff?!?"
  • ">:0 me?!?"
  • I just think Kyle would do all of his studying in the infirmary
  • He's probably like pretty into muggle studies too
  • And he probably has an obsession with the butterbeer in Hogsmeade (bc if hes at Hogwarts he's probably still a minor and therefore should not be portrayed consuming alcoholic beverages)
  • V passionate about curing magical diseases and researching herbal medicine
  • Prolly takes Lance to Hogsmeade after he escapes immunization day so he can calm down
  • MC will go with them too she wants to SUPPORT
  • I bet they'd rack in the most points for their houses
  • But also somehow redact the most points
  • It's a mystery
  • No it's not it's just that they probably don't care much about the rules

Okay I could keep writing for these bbys forever but this post is so long already ;-; I just think they're neat~ but for now I'mma have to keep it simple, probably write some fics with this au, cry about it,,, Gryffindor Lance tho, I just, I love him


Jonalot Week is back once more this year to celebrate our lovely King and Queen of Hearts! This year, the event will be held during 13-19th of June 2022, so be prepared to give the royal couple some love!


Day 1, 13 June // Affection

Day 2, 14 June // Hero

Day 3, 15 June // Mirror

Day 4, 16 June // Forever

Day 5, 17 June // Special

Day 6, 18 June // Jealousy

Day 7, 19 June // Free Day


Anonymous asked:

Omg congrats on 1000+ followers!!! I was wondering if I could request MC x Jonah “Stay strong no ones going to hurt you ever again” (I’m in need of some serious angst at the moment 😅) But once again congrats!!!!

Thank you so much! I hope this Jonah angst is enough to quench that angst thirst!

When had it begun to rain?

The darkened sky above, hazy through clouded irises. The stars blending together into twinkling streaks across the navy background, like an impressionistic painting smeared on a narrow canvas. The cool colors above her body pressed against the damp cobblestones.

Splashes of rushed steps in puddles.

Distant voices muffled.

Unable to move any limbs, Alice gazed up at the sky she’d grown to adore. Similar to her own yet vastly different. For under this moon and stars, a whole new world lived, filled with the ones she held most dear.

Yes, she loved this sky much more dearly.

“Alice, stay strong.” Striking amber eyes filled her view, mint hair tousling in the soft breeze winding through the streets of Central Quarter, dancing around the two lovers as if a reaper awaiting to take her away. Jonah called out, giving their position to the others out searching for the woman.

Her lips tugged up into a loose smile. “Jonah, you’re here.”

The Queen of Hearts wanted to lecture her, to get an excuse for her sudden disappearance, but the words lodged in his throat. The pool of blood surrounding her body was a sight that easily brought him to his knees.

How her heart warmed at his touch, chilled hands delicately brushing a lock of crimson soaked hair from her forehead. Fierce amber eyes pooling anguish and remorse. If she could, Alice would have reached out to caress his porcelain cheek, to comfort him as she always had. “The stars are brilliantly bright tonight, don’t you think?”

“Yes, they are.” Jonah couldn’t find the proper words, limiting himself to giving her a half-hearted answer. Nothing seemed appropriate to express how much anguish squeezed his heart within his chest.

The wounds present on her skin, sword slashes marring her arms and chest, torn clothes… and the prominent gash against her forehead, a blow dealt with the hilt of a sword.

She’d endured a brutal attack, yet his presence brought her unbridled joy, as if Jonah had chased all the pain away. “You’re too pretty to frown like that, Jonah,” Alice said, voice as quiet as the wind.

Was he frowning?

For her sake, the Queen brought a graceful smile to his features, and in return, his Alice did as well.

“That’s better.” Her lashes fluttered before resting, eyes unable to stay open. She couldn’t feel any part of her body, even Jonah’s hand clutching hers faded away… except the rain falling onto her face.

When had it begun to rain?

“No one’s going to hurt you ever again,” Jonah’s broken voice promised her so much.

The cloudless night sky above them.

The Queen of Hearts cradling her limp body in his arms. He cursed the ones responsible, but most of all himself. So many “if only”. None could reverse the damage already dealt. Nothing could bring her back to him. His heart shattered within his chest as her life ebbed away.

Amber irises dropping the rain of his sorrow onto her peaceful features.


Alice 0?!!

Oliver's Route Part 26:


Three Alices like the three little sisters in the Dormouse's Story and the Three Liddell sisters?!

  • Elsie ➝ Lorina Charlotte ➝ Alice 0
  • Lacie ➝ Alice ➝ Alice the First
  • Tillie ➝ Edith ➝ Alice the Second

So, the MC is the Third Alice and since Alice the First's name was Alice, can we assume MC's real name is Edith?! Or maybe Matilda? (I can imagine that the ikebois call her Tillie🥺)

And Alice 0 can be either Elsie or Lorina Charlotte.

And there may be some connections between them, the book belongs to Alice 0 and the pocket watch was a gift from Alice the First to Blanc, maybe she inherited it from Alice 0 because she was connected to the Magic Tower. (I don't know if Amon is the son of the Alice 0 or Alice the First) also maybe there are some connections between Alice the Second and them.

I'm very curious about Alice 0 and her connections to Amon and Alice the First. Blanc route when._.

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