


Hailey. ♍//23//052119💋 aesthetics and silly things
Anonymous asked:

You won't remember me but I'm someone you used to know who just thinks about you from time to time and hopes you're doing ok. Hope life is currently treating you well

I probably do remember you and I probably think about you from time to time, too. Now that I’m getting older, (albeit I’m still very young) I look back on my interactions with people and I cringe and feel regret. I miss a lot of people that used to be in older seasons of my life and I also have came to realize some of my wrongs from those times. However, there’s some people that was in my life that I find myself trying to sympathize with still, when they were older and lowkey groom-y to me and my 14-17 year old mind, and fuck y’all for that because that affects me way more than I can say here. I wish I could say sorry to a few people and old friends that I really miss, because I still hold a lot of love. I really was just a kid with a very underdeveloped brain trying to be grown up because no adult in my life would be for me. Traumatic events in close family and mourning/loss do very weird things to your brain 🧠.

When you’re standing on their side, you’re the bizarre genius, the miraculous hero, the force of the rebellion, the flower that blooms alone. But the second your voice differs from theirs, you’ve lost your mind, you’ve ignored morality, you’ve walked the crooked path.

Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù, Mo Dao Zu Shi



We are born to this world, perfect and divine, What more can we be than we, in these mortal confines? We cannot be more than we, with our unspoken dreams. You are perfect — from the glint in your eyes when you smile. You were perfect — from the mark you had from birth. You will be perfect — realized and made immortal by your deeds. We cannot be you. You cannot be me. Do not try. Just be. You. Adrian C.M. - For those finding their way

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