
Razzle Dazzle 'em


Mish, 23//Sanders Sides fanblog// Talk to me at main -> @hit-or-mish //Credit for Header -> @virgilistic-Logistics//Fics will most probably be Virgil centric//


Please fill this form to enter, this year we are signing up writers first so as to welcome people better and spice things up! sign ups will last 3 weeks for writers, and in a lil more we will announce sign ups for artists and betas, I hope to see you there and please share this with your friends who you think might love to participate!!!

My blorbo with my favourite trope :D


Share the last line of your work in progress, then tag as many people as there are words in it.

I was tagged by @tidalwhump and @whumpsday, thank you!

See I knew I had written something whumpy at some point and then I couldn't find it. Because it was in the Rat King timeline and I really wanted to continue the Royal Arms canon timeline XD Anyway!

It felt wrong, seeing its king so weak and hurt.

Tagging @whumpzone @wolfeyedwitch @whumpshaped @whump-blog @emmettnet and anyone else who wants to share - say I tagged you!


i never used to have wips but wips r all i have now apparently, lost and forgotten in my drafts- anyway

"I can get another one if I break you."
“mmm… you love me, don’t you?” “yes, Majesty. to the edge of the world and back.”

From the end of The Siren— a piece I poured my heart into and then never posted

if you see this you’re tagged <3

"Suddenly he felt helpless, alone. What else could he do but take it? Maybe if he was good He'd be nicer. He shouldn't have faught back."

From The Kings Pets, chapther 5


Ooh thanks for tagging me!!

This is from my flaredrum mft ftm solidarity fic (working title)

"They stared at each other for a long moment. Slowly, a brilliant grin spread across Djembe's face."

Oh boy do I know 17 writers who haven't been tagged already

@fangirlwriting-stories @theimprobabledreamersworld @lost-in-thought-20 @ant1m0ny @chaoticpumpkinperson @scrubbythebubble @spacedustmantis @wings-of-flying I'm sure there's more but my brain is empty. Anyone else who wants to do it im tagging you!

Thanks for the tag!

They had a safety net for that close of a deadline, but he didn’t want to use it.

And I definitely do not know that many writers, so I’m gonna tag @hit-or-mish, @orenildur, and @sometimes-love-is-enough, no pressure!

the last line of my WIP is the last line of the whole story, which is a hell of a spoiler considering I haven't even posted the first chapter. So I'll just break open my other WIP that I haven't touched in about a month.

“Fine,” says Janus, “yes. I will help you commit arson, and then insurance fraud. But it’s only for Logan’s sake, you understand.”

I don't know nearly enough writers in this fandom that haven't already been tagged. however, I do know some. @annaizscribbling @ishipgenfics @emphasis-on-the-oopsie @slyrebird

(reblogging this on my like, sideblog!)

Oh oh oh um ok. Ok! So the last line of my wip wouldn't work because it's literally two words so! Yall are getting more than that haha

Kamisato Ayato, leader of the Kamisato Clan, head of the Yashiro Commission for the tri-commission of Inazuma under the rule of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, the Raiden Shogun,

Tears dripped from her eyes and frosted on the scroll. The brush lingered before Ayaka pushed herself to continue writing the statement. If she doesn't write it now, she doesn't think she ever would. Or could. Or even wanted to.

is dead.


Share the last line of your work in progress, then tag as many people as there are words in it.

I was tagged by @tidalwhump and @whumpsday, thank you!

See I knew I had written something whumpy at some point and then I couldn't find it. Because it was in the Rat King timeline and I really wanted to continue the Royal Arms canon timeline XD Anyway!

It felt wrong, seeing its king so weak and hurt.

Tagging @whumpzone @wolfeyedwitch @whumpshaped @whump-blog @emmettnet and anyone else who wants to share - say I tagged you!


i never used to have wips but wips r all i have now apparently, lost and forgotten in my drafts- anyway

"I can get another one if I break you."
“mmm… you love me, don’t you?” “yes, Majesty. to the edge of the world and back.”

From the end of The Siren— a piece I poured my heart into and then never posted

if you see this you’re tagged <3

"Suddenly he felt helpless, alone. What else could he do but take it? Maybe if he was good He'd be nicer. He shouldn't have faught back."

From The Kings Pets, chapther 5


Ooh thanks for tagging me!!

This is from my flaredrum mft ftm solidarity fic (working title)

"They stared at each other for a long moment. Slowly, a brilliant grin spread across Djembe's face."

Oh boy do I know 17 writers who haven't been tagged already

@fangirlwriting-stories @theimprobabledreamersworld @lost-in-thought-20 @ant1m0ny @chaoticpumpkinperson @scrubbythebubble @spacedustmantis @wings-of-flying I'm sure there's more but my brain is empty. Anyone else who wants to do it im tagging you!

Thanks for the tag!

They had a safety net for that close of a deadline, but he didn’t want to use it.

And I definitely do not know that many writers, so I’m gonna tag @hit-or-mish, @orenildur, and @sometimes-love-is-enough, no pressure!

the last line of my WIP is the last line of the whole story, which is a hell of a spoiler considering I haven't even posted the first chapter. So I'll just break open my other WIP that I haven't touched in about a month.

“Fine,” says Janus, “yes. I will help you commit arson, and then insurance fraud. But it’s only for Logan’s sake, you understand.”

I don't know nearly enough writers in this fandom that haven't already been tagged. however, I do know some. @annaizscribbling @ishipgenfics @emphasis-on-the-oopsie @slyrebird

(reblogging this on my like, sideblog!)

Oh oh oh um ok. Ok! So the last line of my wip wouldn't work because it's literally two words so! Yall are getting more than that haha

Kamisato Ayato, leader of the Kamisato Clan, head of the Yashiro Commission for the tri-commission of Inazuma under the rule of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, the Raiden Shogun,

Tears dripped from her eyes and frosted on the scroll. The brush lingered before Ayaka pushed herself to continue writing the statement. If she doesn't write it now, she doesn't think she ever would. Or could. Or even wanted to.

is dead.

Anonymous asked:

for the WIP word thing - 'finish'


ehehehehee~ Gonna give yall a bit more as a lil treat!~

Without even finishing the thought that came to his head at Janus’ words, Remus felt the weight of his morningstar form in his hands.
(Usually, his blood sings when he holds it. Sweet salacious melodies in his ears crooning at the idea of smashing it against walls or whatever the imagination could conjure. But now,
Now it roars.)

Version 3.2 Special Program Preview

Dear Travelers,

It's announcement time! The special program for Genshin Impact's new version will premiere on the official Twitch channel on 10/23/2022 at 08:00 AM (UTC-4)!

This special program will feature juicy details about new game content and developments in Version 3.2. It will also "drop" some redemption codes and other goodies!

The special program will also be broadcast on the official YouTube channel on 10/23/2022 at 12:00 PM (UTC-4)

Make sure to follow us, Travelers. We'll see you there!



Yanno there's never enough life in the fandom for @fangirlwriting-stories. They are AMAZING and their fics are SO GOOD. And like??? Have you read the latest fic that they finished? It's such good Anxceit and intriguing worldbuilding. Plus they have an upcoming Big Bang that I am 100% sure is just going to be PHENOMENAL. it's SO GOOD and I cannot wait for everyone to read it.

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