don't be a cunt.

@petitfrenchie /

louise, black, 25. she/her.
the boys (complimentary) and unfortunately spn (derogatory).

dean stans are fucking WILD they’ll write hundreds of words about how dean having violent urges/being a serial killer is an allegory for being gay, how his constant homophobia and misogyny are ‘”just performative’” due to his repression, how his constant anger, belittling, controlling behaviour and straight up abuse towards sam, cas and other characters is ‘just him expressing his love’ and other absolute zero cold takes like what the FUCK


I don’t think we talk enough about the fact that Cas has been memory wiped so many times even before the Winchesters, that he’s known for being the not quite right angel. I don’t think we talk enough about the fact that Cas went to earth and saw so much that’s been taken from him, that he looked at humans and went, these are good and beautiful, flawed but perfectly so creations. What memories were taken from him? Has he loved before? Has he befriended other humans and tried to help them before, just to have his memory wiped clean of them? How many people has Cas lost and never been able to mourn because he no longer remembers them?


gbfs are moving in together and as per tradition our clique is planning to collectively buy sth for the house. we settled on a microwave so i created this group chat to organize hdgdhdgdh


if dems win the 2 upcoming senate races kamala harris is set to become the most consequential vice president in modern history with her deciding votes on legislation and that’s honestly so sexy of her


waIT a minute okay wait a MINUTE

you’re telling me that in his last two eps cas reassured sam that he’s not crazy and has a good moral compass, and then reassured jack that his family loves him for who he is, not his power, and then blew a hole through every insecurity dean has ever HAD and yet. nobody said anything nice back to him!!!!!!!


no but cas LITERALLY ghosted dean in the finale. he didn’t show up to heal him, thus effectively making him a ghost

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