
finding myself

@tessarecovering / tessarecovering.tumblr.com

recover(ed) but still growing • becoming my authentic self • queer college student

sometimes love is just doing things without having to be asked, making a cup of tea for someone as they’re working, packing an extra lunch because you know they’re rushed for time. Love doesn’t have to be expressed in grand gestures, to me, the little gestures of love matter more.


It’s never too late to start being who you want to be


You can always get back up from whatever knocks you down. Sometimes it takes a long time. Sometimes you can’t do it on your own. Sometimes it will be the hardest fight of your life. But that doesn’t make you a failure. Everyone has to go at their own pace, as long as they do keep going.


I grew up in an extremely conservative and religious home. When the time came to go off to college, Liberty University seemed like the perfect fit. It turned out to be anything but.

Growing up, I had developed an eating disorder to cope with the shame I felt about being gay. Ironically I began to accept my sexuality while attending one of the most homophobic colleges, and I came out as a lesbian. The following article is just a small snippet of the countless homophobic events I experienced at Liberty University.

By sharing a piece of my story, I hope that I can bring to light the injustices caused by the religious right. I can only hope that more students—queer or not—begin speaking up and calling out LU for what it is: a homophobic so-called university that actively discriminates against its LGBTQ+ students, taking its inspiration from regressive, bygone eras that should be part of our history books but, unfortunately, are made manifest at places like Liberty University to this day.


racist teens having their college offers taken away and racist adults getting fired from their jobs? we love to see it. face the consequences of your words and actions


Non-Appearance Related Compliments 

  • You light up the room
  • You have the best laugh
  • You inspire me
  • I love how passionate you are
  • You make the world better just by being in it
  • You make me feel comfortable being myself
  • You make this world so much more beautiful just by being in it.
  • You’re an amazing friend and you always support me
  • I love hearing from you! 
  • Your mind is so powerful!

okay but I feel this needs to be said:

wlw who grew up in religiously homophobic environments are strong and powerful. wlw who went to religious schools where homophobia was in the curriculum, wlw who grew up hearing things like “hate the sin, not the sinner,” “marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman because god said so,” and even people comparing homosexuality with pedophelia and beastiality, wlw who were told at home that they had to save themselves for their ~husband~. Even if after you left that environment you stuck with your religion or left it because you felt you didn’t belong, y’all are so very valid and strong and amazing, and you deserve all the love.


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