
guardian of the tacos

@softtacobear / softtacobear.tumblr.com

Morgan, Guardian of Kim Yugyeom. This is a personal blog. I reblog memes and aesthetic things here. I like mystic messenger, kpop, a lot of other music, anime, and pokemon. | I write sometimes

We're going to pretend I didn't just log into this acct after 2+ years just for mystic messenger feelings lmao 🤫


all this “bottom rights” and “top rights” discourse…. u fools….. where is my support for switches!



This is why baby boomers think we can pay for school while having a part time job


Clearing the area to the left of your driveway after it snows can help you avoid the ‘second shovel’. This gives the plows a space to push all the snow from the road that would normally end up blocking your way, and then you won’t have to shovel twice. 


This is the larval stage of a Funko Pop.

insult the good name of axlotls once again and not even allah will be able to protect you from the fury of my shoe to your head

is babies!!! 


i literally can’t stop thinking about this video and i lose it every time


okay everything about this video is absolute gold:

  • the fact that the guy argues via the puppet the entire time
  • the music
  • “let’s discuss the contradiction”
  • the overuse of the word “camera”
  • the way the puppet goes from trying to placate the guy to actively arguing against the guy and like turning it around on the guy
  • “youre consciously making a conscious choice”
  • the fact that by the end the puppet is basically screaming and the music is just. so loud.
  • “YOURE BREAKING THE CAMERA” as the video abruptly ends

for anyone who wants to see more stuff like this, you can probably find clips of it on YouTube. it came from a show called “Wonder Showzen” and it’s responsible for these gems, too:

Real talk: I can’t handle watching more than a few episodes of Wonder Showzen at any given time because it’s just… so miserable.

And yet I’ve seen every episode 🤷🏼‍♀️

Anonymous asked:

Least favorite lab equipment?

idk it really depends on the day

but my favorite lab equipment will always be our hand crank centrifuge


im sorry the what

this bad boy, for when you’re too lazy to walk up two flights of stairs to the shared lab space with the preparatory centrifuge but not too lazy to put some elbow grease into spinning your shit down

Method: Samples were centrifuged at whatever rotations per minute (RPM) Joey “the beast” McRipped could achieve on his saucy days. We’re not sure how fast, but it was impressive. Supernatant decanted off and….

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