
We All Have Stories

@compendiumofconstellations / compendiumofconstellations.tumblr.com

Everyone has a story to tell. Whether that story is true or not is different. Listen closely. Mostly Canon Multi-Muse with A Side Helping of OCs, sideblog to @asoulofstars; all Star Trek muses moved to @astralanthropologists as of April 2022. Lovingly carved by Jordan since May 2018; 25+; she/her/hers.

Blog Overview

Here’s my pinned post for easy access!

About Mun & Rules ~ About Mun & Blog Rules! (Google Doc)

Muse List ~ List of Muses with Links to Abouts (Google Doc; Links to their tumblr page)

Interest Tracker ~ Gives a list of all muses by fandom and allows you to submit a form for interaction interest! (Google Form)

Faerie Lore ~ For those of you interested in the faerie OCs, here’s some basics on my faerie culture! (Google Doc)

I work Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. I don’t really rp on Discord, but I love talking to people OOC, so mutuals, feel free to ask!

On top of work, I am also a graduate student taking Master’s level courses for my Master of Arts in English.


All blogs are a sideblog to asoulofstars.

@compendiumofconstellations said "I can tell when you're lying." -

"I really wish you wouldn't profile me," Morgan says quietly, raising his eyes to meet Hotch's. Of course, he knows when the other members of their team are lying too; they've known each other long enough to notice tells and other signs of dishonesty and secrets, and they've all called each other out on things before now. But this... maybe it's different because it involves Morgan's secrets; maybe it's different because it's Hotch calling him out.

Either way, he doesn't much like it.

"Can we just... not talk about this now?" Where the hell are the calls to the round table when he needs one?

Hotch shifted on his feet, knowing that they have promised not to profile each other. But he also knew the way that Morgan got when things hit too close to home, and he needed to make sure that the team was going to be able to stay steady.

"We will talk about it," he said, not giving Morgan any extra space of getting out of the conversation.

He didn't like this case any more than Morgan did, but he needed the other man to work through the reminders of his past instead of getting caught up in them.


STAR TREK ( 2009 ) change pronouns as needed.

  • we have visual.
  • are you seeing this?
  • there is no help for us out here.
  • get off this ship.
  • do you know the location of ________?
  • where are you from?
  • do exactly as i say.
  • just keep breathing, you'll be fine.
  • i can't do this without you.
  • hey, are you out of your mind?
  • is there a problem, officer?
  • i presume you've prepared new insults for today.
  • they called you a traitor.
  • logic offers a serenity humans seldom experience.
  • come here, let me see you.
  • there's no need to be anxious.
  • fine has various applications, fine is unacceptable.
  • you have surpassed the expectations of your instructors.
  • it was logical to cultivate multiple options.
  • it's truly remarkable that you have achieved so much despite your disadvantage.
  • that's a lot of drinks for one woman.
  • don't you at least want to know my name before you completely reject one?
  • this townie isn't bothering you, right?
  • relax, cupcake.
  • it was a joke.
  • you all right?
  • you can whistle really loud.
  • i don't need a doctor, damn it, i am a doctor!
  • i may throw up on you.
  • one tiny crack in the hull and our blood will boil in 13 seconds.
  • i got nowhere else to go.
  • you've been requested on the bridge.
  • why are you so happy?
  • i think i love you.
  • that is so weird.
  • i'm doing you a favor.
  • i couldn't just leave you there looking all pathetic.
  • a little suffering's good for the soul.
  • i wish i didn't know you.
  • don't be such an infant.
  • may i have your attention, please?
  • how do you feel?
  • we're flying into a trap!
  • i think you've had enough attention for today.
  • i do not believe that you and i are acquainted.
  • your survival is unlikely.
  • the complexities of human pranks escape me.
  • i guess you have to come and get me.
  • how long do they have?
  • are you nuts?
  • we must evacuate.
  • what do you need?
  • tell me.
  • i need everyone to continue performing admirably.
  • you must have a lot of questions for me.
  • we have nothing left to discuss.
  • are you actually suggesting they're from the future?
  • the logical thing is to be unpredictable.
  • don't do that.
  • you gotta be kidding me.
  • how did you find me?
  • how do you know my name?
  • you hate me.
  • you are not the captain?
  • it will be easier.
  • so you do feel.
  • you could at least act like it was a hard decision.
  • you realize how unacceptable this is?
  • you don't eat anything!
  • how do you think i wound up here?
  • i do feel guilty about that.
  • do they still have sandwiches there?
  • you're coming with us, right?
  • under no circumstances can he be made aware of my existence.
  • i am emotionally compromised.
  • let's get this over with.
  • a trick i learned from an old friend.
  • i'm not telling.
  • i'd rather not take sides.
  • i will not allow you to lecture me about the merits of emotion.
  • you feel nothing!
  • you never loved her.
  • i am no longer fit for duty.
  • i like this ship!
  • thanks for the support.
  • i sure hope you know what you're doing.
  • either we're going down, or they are.
  • what is necessary is never unwise.
  • i am as conflicted as i once was as a child.
  • i would cite regulation, but i know you will simply ignore it.
  • i'll be monitoring your frequency.
  • i have no comment on the matter.
  • i'lll cover you.
  • do you know where it is?
  • wow, that's weird.
  • it appears that you have been keeping important information from me.
  • i knew i should have killed you when i had the chance.
  • your species is even weaker than i expected.
  • you can't even speak.
  • i got your gun.
  • what are you doing here?
  • just following orders.
  • i would rather die in agony than accept assistance from you.
  • we cannot afford to ignore each other.
  • do yourself a favor.
  • put aside logic, do what feels right.
  • it is my honor to award you with this commendation.
  • your father would be proud.
  • i can provide character references.

STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS ( 2011 ) change pronouns as needed.

  • that was our ride!
  • what the hell did you take?
  • we have to do this now.
  • if we're doing this, we've got to do it now.
  • you sure you don't want me to go instead?
  • i was kidding.
  • they're trying to kill us!
  • i can't hold this position.
  • i am, surprisingly, alive.
  • i can save her.
  • what did you say?
  • who are you?
  • you're not actually going to answer that, are you?
  • you filed a report?
  • are you giving me attitude?
  • i am expressing multiple attitudes simultaneously.
  • you have any idea what a pain in the ass you are?
  • what's the lesson to be learned here?
  • you think the rules don't apply to you because you disagree with them.
  • what was i supposed to do, let them die?
  • you think you're infallible.
  • it's a pattern with you.
  • why should i listen?
  • you don't listen to anybody but yourself.
  • you got your ass handed to you.
  • i don't know what to say.
  • it's fortunate that the consequences were not more severe.
  • do you understand why i went back for you?
  • the truth is, i'm going to miss you.
  • tomorrow's too late.
  • spit it out, don't be shy.
  • there is no regulation that condemns a man to die without a trial.
  • i'm not going to take ethics lessons from a robot!
  • this action is morally wrong.
  • i wasn't asking for your opinion.
  • i don't have time for a lecture.
  • this is clearly a military operation.
  • is that what we are now?
  • i'd rather not talk about it.
  • your ears burning?
  • let's go get this son of a bitch.
  • i was simply attempting to use your vernacular to convey an idea.
  • you don't rob a bank when the getaway car has a flat tire.
  • enough with the metaphors.
  • remind me never to piss you off.
  • i would prefer to discuss this in private.
  • are you really gonna do this right now?
  • i'm not the only one who's upset with you.
  • don't drag me into this.
  • you mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring.
  • the truth is precisely the opposite.
  • i am here to help you.
  • you and your people are in danger.
  • how the hell do you know that?
  • i will consider that an apology. and i will consider that apology.
  • the nerve of that guy!
  • i am not doing that man any favors.
  • are you out of your corn-fed mind?
  • you're actually going to listen this guy?
  • don't agree with me, it makes me very uncomfortable.
  • when were you going to tell me that?
  • you're much cleverer than your reputation suggests.
  • may i remind you, you are not there to flirt.
  • you're going to want to see this.
  • you are a murderer!
  • my crew is my family.
  • you already knew that, didn't you?
  • i don't take your meaning.
  • i'll do anything you want. just let them live.
  • we cannot fire and we cannot flee.
  • the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  • i have no idea what i'm supposed to do.
  • you coming with me or not?
  • just give me two seconds!
  • try not to get shot.
  • your path is yours to walk, and yours alone.
  • did you defeat him?
  • i got you, i got you.
  • you'd better get down here.
  • that's a nice move.
  • i'm scared, _______.
  • how do you choose not to feel?
  • there's too much damage.
  • go get him.
  • you saved my life.
  • it's nice to have a family.
  • i defer to your good judgement.

Remember when I said I was gonna divide this into smaller multis? That is absolutely still happening. But until it does for real. New muses will be guests here, and y’all can have fun with them. 😂😂😂

For reference: "Realistic Modern" -- cosmicchasers -- Contains muses from Code Black, LOST, 911, Lone Star "Fantasy Leaning" -- startellers -- Contains muses from Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, Cabal Brothers Canon, Reign, Stardust "Crime Show" -- starsoughtduties -- Contains muses from Almost Human, Bones, Criminal Minds, Intelligence, The Mentalist, Psych; I may re-add my JAG and Mission: Impossible muses, and I may add muses from The Rookie. "Non DC Superheroes" -- fallenstarsurvivors -- Contains muses from The Boys, MCU, The Umbrella Academy

And then this blog will end up being for all my fandomless OCs.

If you want a sneak peek at how things are set up, I have a Star Trek multi at astralanthropologists and a DC multi at worldsfinestknights; both are public and launched.


Remember when I said I was gonna divide this into smaller multis? That is absolutely still happening. But until it does for real. New muses will be guests here, and y’all can have fun with them. 😂😂😂


Okay, but who’s gonna interact with my Intelligence crew?


Gabriel Vaughn – Former Delta Force, tri-sport athlete, 3.8 GPA. Southern pain in the ass. Has a microchip in his brain that gives him access to the entire information grid.


Riley Neal – Former Secret Service. Hired bodyguard to protect the chip. Quickly differentiates between the piece of technology and the man who holds it in his head.


Chris Jameson – Field agent. Nerd. Lovable. He’s one of the few people on the Clockwork team for Cyber Command, and he’s Lillian Strand’s right hand man.


Lillian Strand – Director of Cyber Command. Mother to a bunch of children who drive her wild (by that, I refer to the Clockwork team). Ruthless, cunning, and willing to do what it takes. Knows the intelligence business better than almost anyone.


Nelson Cassidy – Tech guy. Even bigger nerd than Jameson. Hacker. Programmer. Basically does anything and everything that Gabriel can’t necessarily do with the chip while he’s also being in the field.


Shenandoah Cassidy – Neuroscientist. Genius. Created the chip that’s in Gabriel’s head and maintains it. Makes sure everything goes okay. Definitely the Dad Friend and thinks of the Clockwork team as his, even if only one of them actually is.


Amelia Hayes – CIA. Sounder. Goes deep undercover and completely embodies her cover. Married to Gabriel Vaughn. Disappears after apparently having betrayed her country.


     "𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐄," Ben deadpans, voice quick as he continues on into the jungle. He doesn’t miss a beat. If there’s one thing to be said for alcoholic fathers, it is that their sons develop the perfect poker face. “That would be silly, wouldn't it? It was merely a statement. Of course, if you were, you’re a better man than Jack takes you for. You like to read, don’t you, James? Tell me, in the classic love triangle, which type of guy gets the girl in the end?”

He hated being called James. Hated it. It made him feel like that scared little boy, hiding under the bed. It was a name for a softer version of him, one who thought that things could get better. James was not a name for survival.

But the thing was...Kate made him want to do more than survive. She made him want to live again. So, even though Ben was trying to get under his skin, he just raised an eyebrow.

"Classic love triangles like to make things black and white, Benny-Boy. The real world's a lot more gray. Besides, love triangles treat the girl like some prize or something to be won, and I've spent enough time on this Island to know that Freckles ain't ever gonna do anything that she don't want to do. Whatever her choice is, it's her choice. Really don't have anything to do with me."

Besides, he wasn't built for happily ever afters, anyways. Letting people close was a mistake. And he was not going to let Ben keep using Kate against him.


Just an update on my chaotic schedule:

For my Queer Lit class, I am now in a position where I only have 2 more books to read, 2 more response papers (for each book), and the larger paper for the last book. My plan is to read the books and write the response papers during my Spring Break (March 3-10), as I have taken March 4-6 off of work to exclusively work on school work. For my final paper, I will be reading an additional two novels (Dracula and Jane Eyre) and doing academic research for my paper. The final paper (the larger one) is due in its entirety on April 23rd.

For my Writing Project class, I am attending a writing event this weekend (Feb 24 & 25), and I am hoping to have a completed draft of my paper for this class by March 3rd. This means that I will spend most of March and April editing the paper, which is due April 22nd.

I'm also still working full time; I'm currently also dealing with the fact that my roommate is in a neck brace and has a concussion, so I'm doing everything at home.

We're struggling right now, so I have absolutely zero bandwidth for roleplay.

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