

@dangeroussdames / dangeroussdames.tumblr.com

~ This blog is RETIRED ♥~

~ Hey guys!

So, unfortunately, the time has come for me to pretty permanently retire/archive this blog. 

I ‘m sure you’ve all noticed I haven’t really been around in a while, and part of that has to do with stuff just going on in my own life, I still absolutely adore Michelle Gomez and each and every one of my muses; but several of them have baggage and connotations that would make it really tough for me to write them for the foreseeable future.On top of which, I have really just kind of moved away from RP altogether, It was something that was an absolutely amazing experience and got me through SO much over the years, but doesn’t really feel like it’s serving me in the same way that it used to. 

That said, however, I am by NO means leaving tumblr altogether! I’m still writing, though I have moved more into writing fics and working on my own personal writing projects, a lot of which I will be trying to share here on tumblr and will most definitely still be spaz posting about Michelle Gomez... & all that nerdy shit I love! SO if you’ve enjoyed my writing and my ramblings or want to continue to keep in touch with me; feel free to come follow me over on my personal; 

its a side blog for now; but I’ll likely be moving to a separate personal acct once I get everything worked out. 

I have no intention of deleting anything; so everything here will remain up for you all to read and go through is you have any desire to! ... besides; who knows... some day I may be possessed with the urge to revive it once again! Never say never! 

Finally I just want to say an enormous THANK YOU to everyone who interacted with me on here and made running this blog such an absolutely incredible experience!! I truly don’t have the words to articulate what this blog has meant to me, it has been so so close to my heart and always will be! I have met incredible people and had truly incredible experiences all thanks to this blog. and I will be eternally grateful for them and for you all! 

cheers, my darlings! ♥



Hey everyone!!! So if it isn't obvious, I haven't been around much on this blog of late.... I'm honestly just having a hard time rp-ing right now.... I'm just.... not in the headspace for it lately? Idk why.... However...I have no intention to abandon this blog or the RPC!! But also don't want to clog up everyone's RP dash with my non RP nonesense! Ssooooo for the time being I'm more or less moving my posting over to a personal side-blog I've got; so if you're interested in keeping up with me or my shenanigans come find me @littlelovettsbakehouse

(It is a side blog so I'll still only be following back from this account!)

Much love to you all!!


Always will Stan for Daenerys Targaryen

Thank you, Daenerys for years of inspiration.

Thank you for being strong. 

Thank you for being complex.

Thank you for being fierce.

Thank you for wanting a better world. 

Thank you for taking the hard path. 

Thank you for having a vision. 

Thank you for your journey. 

Thank you for being the strong female character we need more of in media. 

Long live the Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of her Name,  Queen of Mereen, Queen of the Andals, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, and Mother of Dragons.

Fire & Blood

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