
judy stfu you evil devil

@banken-man / banken-man.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

I dunno if this has been asked before, but what's your favorite books?

oh!!! hm!!! tough question!!! here’s a few i can think of right now:

  • house of leaves by mark z. danielewski
  • pride and prejudice by jane austen
  • howl’s moving castle by diana wynne jones
  • good omens by neil gaiman and terry pratchett
  • watership down by richard adams 
  • the long dark tea-time of the soul by douglas adams

one time at h&m i thought a guy was a mannequin so i started feeling the material of his coat and i screamed when he moved and we were both really freaked out

Another myth that is firmly upheld is that disabled people are dependent and non-disabled people are independent. No one is actually independent. This is a myth perpetuated by disablism and driven by capitalism - we are all actually interdependent. Chances are, disabled or not, you don’t grow all of your food. Chances are, you didn’t build the car, bike, wheelchair, subway, shoes, or bus that transports you. Chances are you didn’t construct your home. Chances are you didn’t sew your clothing (or make the fabric and thread used to sew it). The difference between the needs that many disabled people have and the needs of people who are not labelled as disabled is that non-disabled people have had their dependencies normalized. The world has been built to accommodate certain needs and call the people who need those things independent, while other needs are considered exceptional. Each of us relies on others every day. We all rely on one another for support, resources, and to meet our needs. We are all interdependent. This interdependence is not weakness; rather, it is a part of our humanity.

AJ Withers, “Disability Politics and Theory” (via mttheww)

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