
Hey, as long as he's a paratrooper.

@sergeant-spoons / sergeant-spoons.tumblr.com

Welcome! This is a writing blog for Band of Brothers with sprinklings of Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit. Requests are closed. I primarily create fanfics and edits! (Main account and ao3 are both @stolemyspoons.)

Bring back In Defense of Chicanery?

Hey folks - I've got some time over the next day and a half and I'm thinking I'd like to spend that time republishing (ie. unprivating) In Defense of Chicanery on both AO3 and tumblr. I've spent a while reflecting and I think it's best to just leave the fic as it is rather than trying to reshape it into an original work. And besides, that way I can write more epilogues for the fic and keep adding to the world here online!

So my question is: would folks want to be able to read IDOC again? There won't be any changes; the fic will return exactly the same as I last left it - completed post-war, 308k words.

Adding some tags here from my BOB taglist for a little more input if you're able to give it:

@thoughpoppiesblow @wexhappyxfew @50svibes @tvserie-s-world @indecisiveimpatience @ask-you-what-sir @brokennerdalert @holdingforgeneralhugs @coco-bean-1218 @itswormtrain @actualtrashpanda @wtrpxrks

The people have spoken!! I'll be republishing IDOC on both AO3 and Tumblr tonight. I'll reblog this post with the links once everything is back up (and pin it to the top of my blog.)

Thank you to everyone who responded to the poll!


Here's the AO3 link.

Here's the Tumblr link (it's multiple consecutive posts all linked on this one page).

And here's the description for the entire fic:

Her name bleeds truth, her actions stitch up a lie, and she weaves her words until she nearly believes in Victor. Should she be discovered, her life is forfeit, and the war chips away at her shoulders, flint falling to the earth as her peak crumbles- then an ally, just one friend, with the truth in the palms of his gentle hands, builds her back up, stone by stone, into the mountain she needs to be to see this through. Verity Rich (OFC) x Eugene Roe ~~~~~ “It's a thing to see when a boy comes home.” - John Steinbeck

(And for a little bonus: here's the link to the AO3 epilogue featuring Verity's father, Nicholas.)


favorite band of brothers characters ≡ george luz

Does this kind of remind you of Bastogne? Yeah, now that you mention it. Except, of course, there’s no snow, we got warm grub in our bellies, and the trees aren’t fucking exploding from Kraut artillery. But, yeah, Frank, other than that it’s a lot like Bastogne. Bull, smack him for me, please. Thank you.

If you notice me reblogging

  • a repost
  • stolen art
  • false information
  • etc.

please let me know, you’re not rude or annoying and I actually do give a fuck and I will correct my mistake, thank you


Also, if you notice me reblogging things from

  • anti-sj blogs
  • TERFs or SWERFs
  • anti-feminist/MRAs
  • other shitty people

please give me a heads up. I’ll never get angry at you for letting me know and I’ll actually be really glad that you kept me from giving some awful person more visibility.


CAN WE PLEASSSEEE talk abt the embrace lip and Luz shared in ep 7

Like the true friendship you can see between them in that moment is so !!! I'm not sure how intentional that the embrace was but it was literally like lip was trying to protect George with his own body, like he was fully wrapped around him and I feel like that really does show how much Luz trusts lip and how much lip is willing to protect and how much he cares for both George and the men in the company just in general


Fandom: Band of Brothers (TV 2001) | Rating: Teen And Up Audiences | Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Characters, Ronald Speirs, Joseph Liebgott, Charles Grant, Richard Winters, Floyd Talbert, Carwood Lipton | Additional Tags: World War II, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence

The metal parts of her Springfield stung Pollie’s hands as she walked back to the CP. The shadows of night encircled her, and her footsteps echoed through the empty town. Her small frame shook with cold, and she longed for a mug of her mother’s warm mulled cider. They wouldn’t have had any this early in the year, but Pollie dreamed nonetheless. They’d have plain apple cider by late October, and the mulling spices would make their appearance in December. Just in time for Christmas, the kitchen would smell of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves along with the gingerbread. Pollie found that her legs had carried her all the way back to the CP, and she took in a breath so deep that she could’ve sworn she’d smelled cider on the breeze. But the smell of cider left, the cold returned, and Pollie pushed open the door.


I love soft Speirs but I would also love it if this was an acting choice to mess with the actor who was supposed to be unconscious.

Like it was just the actors messing with each other on set trying to get the other to break character.


The devastating difference between how much time it takes to write something vs how fast people read it lol

you're falling in the trap!! it will be read by many people, many times, and it will live on in their memories. and maybe no single other human will match you in time spent dedicated to your story, but as a collective we will outlast you. acts of creation only grow when they are shared

This. Writing is not like dinner. It can be consumed many times

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