
W e l c o m e ;

@polyglotfantasy / polyglotfantasy.tumblr.com

Mari. 19. UK. University of Cambridge. Native: English + Welsh | Russian (B1) | French (B2) | Spanish (beginner) | Greek (beginner). Goal: fluent in 🇷🇺 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇬🇷

La Ropa Vocabulario

La Ropa y Calzado

  • el abrigo — coat
  • la bata — robe
  • la corbata — tie
  • el impermeable — raincoat
  • el pijama — pajamas
  • la sudadera — sweatshirt
  • el traje — suit
  • el traje de baño — swimsuit
  • el pantalón vaquero, el pantalón tejano — jeans
  • los vaqueros de pitillo — skinny jeans
  • el chaleco — vest
  • las mallas — leggings
  • las medias — stockings
  • la bufanda — scarf
  • los guantes — gloves
  • la camiseta sin mangas — tanktop
  • la chaqueta de punto — cardigan
  • el sostén — bra
  • la ropa interior — underwear
  • las mangas (cortas/largas) — (short/long) sleeves
  • las zapatillas — slippers
  • los tenis — sports shoes, sneakers
  • las sandalias, las chanclas — sandals
  • las botas — boots
  • los tacones (altos) — high heels
  • los tacónes bajos — flats
  • el conjunto, el atuendo, el traje, la ropa — outfit


  • el anillo — ring
  • los aretes — earrings
  • el bolso — purse
  • el collar — necklace
  • las gafas de sol — sunglasses
  • la gorra — cap
  • el gorro — winter hat (without brim)
  • la pulsera — bracelet
  • el reloj — watch


  • cómodo — comfortable
  • incómodo — uncomfortable


  • de cuadros — plaid
  • de lunares — polka dots
  • de rayas — striped
  • liso@ — plain


  • de algodón — cotton
  • de cuero — leather
  • de lana — wool
  • vellón — fleece
  • licra — spandex
  • poliéster — polyester 

Expressiones y Otras Descripciónes

  • estar de moda — to be in style 
  • estar en oferta — to be on sale
  • probarse ropa — to try clothes on
  • quedar bien — to fit well
  • quedar mal — to fit badly
  • quedar grande — to be too big
  • quedar pequeño — to be too small
  • chabacan@, charr@ — tacky
  • en la onda — funky (stylish)
  • emocionante — exciting
  • arrugad@ — wrinkled
  • planchad@ — ironed

Colours in Spanish

Colour -  Color

Rainbow - Arcoíris

Amaranth -Amaranto

Amber - Ámbar

Amethyst - Amatista

Apricot - Albaricoque

Aquamarine - Acuamarina 

Azure - Azur

Baby blue - Celeste

Beige - Beige/Beis

Black - Negro

Blue - Azul

Blue-green - Azul verdoso

Blue-violet - Azul violeta

Blush - Rosado

Bronze - Bronce

Brown - Café

Burgundy - Borgoña

Byzantium - Bizancio 

Carmine - Carmín/Bermejo

Cerise - Cereza

Cerulean - Cerúleo

Champagne - Champán/Champaña

Chartreuse green - Verde amarillento

Chocolate - Chocolate

Cobalt blue - Azul cobalto

Coffee - Café (The word “café” means both brown (colour)  and coffee (drink))

Copper - Cobre

Coral - Coral

Crimson - Carmín 

Cyan - Cian

Desert sand - Arena del desierto

Electric blue - Azul eléctrico

Emerald - Esmeralda

Gold - Dorado/Oro

Gray - Gris

Green - Verde

Indigo - Añil

Ivory - Marfil

Jade - Jade

Jungle green - Verde selva

Lavender - Lavanda

Lemon - Limón

Lilac - Lila

Lime - Lima

Magenta - Magenta

Magenta rose - Rosa magenta

Maroon - Magenta

Mauve - Malva

Navy blue -  Azul marino

Ochre - Ocre

Olive - Oliva

Orange - Naranja

Orange-red - Naranja rojizo

Orchid - Orquídea 

Peach - Durazno/Melocotón

Pear - Pera

Periwinkle - Vincapervinca

Persian blue - Azul persa

Pink - Rosa

Plum -  Ciruela

Prussian blue - Azul de Prusia

Purple - Morado 

Raspberry - Frambuesa

Red - Rojo

Red-violet - Rojo violeta

Rose - Rosa (The word “rosa” means both pink (colour) and rose (rosa); to say “a pink rose” in Spanish, you say “una rosa rosa”. Ha!)

Ruby - Rubí

Salmon - Salmón

Sangria - Sangría

Sapphire - Zafiro

Scarlet - Escarlata

Silver - Plata

Slate gray - Gris pizarra

Spring green - Verde primavera

Tan - Bronceado 

Taupe - Gris pardo

Teal - Cerceta

Turquoise - Turquesa 

Ultramarine - Azul ultramar

Violet - Violeta

Viridian - Viridiano/Verde encendido

White - Blanco

Yellow - Amarillo


Talking about age in Spanish

Here you have a list of terms used in Spanish to talk about different ages.

  • recién nacido/neonato. newborn (neonato is more formal).
  • estar en la edad del pavo: (literally, “to be on the turkey’s age). Used to talk about teenagers, especially when they do something stupid. “Siempre está enfadada con sus padres; está en la edad del pavo.” (She’s always angry with her parents; she’s on the turkey’s age)
  • veinteañero, treintañero, cuarentañero, cincuentañero, sesentañero, setentañero.

A ____ñero/a is a person who is in their twenties, thirties, forties, etc. It’s not used with 10, 80 or 90. “Los veinteañeros no suelen tener trabajos buenos” (People in their twenties normally don’t have good jobs).

  • estar en la treintena, estar en la cuarentena.

Used to talk about being in your thirties and your forties, but it has a negative meaning behind. “Una vez llegas a la cuarentena, la vida es muy aburrida” (Once you’re in your forties, life is very boring.)

  • ser mayor de edad/ser menor de edad. to be over 18 / to be under 18
  • estar en los treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta…: Another way to say “to be in your thirties, forties…”. We rarely use it with 20.
  • tener ____ y pico años: to have over ____ years. Used to say is older than a certain age but the speaker does not want to make it clear. “¿Cuántos años tiene tu amiga? Treinta y pico.” (How old is your friend? Thirty something.) NOTE: Do not use “pico” in Chile, since it means “penis”. Also, we use it from twenty (veinte y pico) onwards. You can also use “veintipico”, but for 30, 40 and so on it’s better to write “NUMBER y pico”
  • palmarla. colloquial, “to die”.
  • ser un cuarentón/cincuentón/sesentón. to be in your forties/fifties/sixties. this form has a negative meaning and is used to talk about people between the ages of 40 and 69. For other ages, we use “veinteañero, treintañero, etc.

Ocean Vocabulary

I went to the beach the other day to take a walk, and although it was freezing cold, it was also very nice and calming. The sea is one of my favourite things so I thought it would be a good idea to expand my vocabulary a bit on this topic :)

  • el acantilado - cliff
  • el agua - water
  • el agua salada - salt water
  • el alga - seaweed
  • el ancla - anchor
  • la anémona - the anemone
  • la arena - the sand
  • el arrecife - reef
  • la ballena - whale
  • el barco de vela - sailing ship
  • la brisa - breeze
  • el/la buzo - the diver
  • el caballito de mar - seahorse
  • la concha - shell
  • el coral - coral
  • la costa - shore
  • el delfín - dolphin
  • la espuma marina - sea foam
  • la estrella de mar - starfish
  • el faro - lighthouse
  • la gaviota - seagull
  • la isla - island
  • el/la mar - sea
  • la medusa - jellyfish
  • el muelle - pier
  • el/la nadador/-a - the swimmer
  • nadar - to swim
  • navegar - to sail
  • el océano - ocean
  • la ola - wave
  • el oleaje - surge
  • el pez - fish
  • la playa - beach
  • la roca - rock
  • la sal marina - sea salt
  • el tiburón - shark
  • la tormenta - storm
  • tormentoso/-a - stormy
  • la vela - sail
  • ventoso/-a - windy
  • el viento - wind
  • zambullirse - to dive

Bonus word for everyone who has read so far:

  • la sirena - mermaid

Lazy Vocab in Spanish


el sofá: couch

la almohada: pillow

la cama: bed

la televisión: TV

la pelí­cula: movie

la computadora: computer

el libro: book

la siesta: nap


dormir: to sleep

tomar una siesta: to take a nap

mirar television: to watch TV

ver una pelí­cula: to watch a movie

navegar por internet: to surf the internet

hacer nada: to do nothing

escuchar música: to listen to music

leer un libro: to read a book

descansar(se): to rest

relajar(se): to relax


perezoso(a): lazy

cansado(a): tired

cálido(a): warm

aburrido(a): bored

blando(a): soft

cómodo(a): comfortable


Las Frutas (Fruit)

  • Avocado: el aguacate/ la palta
  • Apricot: el albaricoque/ el damasco
  • Blueberry: el arándano
  • Cherry: la cereza
  • Plum: la ciruela
  • Coconut: el coco
  • Raspberry: la frambuesa
  • Strawberry: la fresa/ la frutilla
  • Pomegranate: la granada
  • Fig: el higo
  • Kiwi: el kiwi
  • Lime: la lima
  • Lemon: el limón
  • Mango: el mango
  • Apple: la manzana
  • Passion Fruit: la maracuyá
  • Peach: el melocotón/ el durazno
  • Quince: el membrillo
  • Blackberry: la mora/ la zarzamora
  • Orange: la naranja
  • Nectarine: la nectarina
  • Papaya: la papaya
  • Pear: la pera
  • Pineapple: la piña/ la ananá
  • Banana: el plátano/ la banana
  • Watermelon: la sandía
  • Grapefruit: la toronja/ el pomelo
  • Grape: la uva

Words to use instead of decir

@languageoclock made this kind of vocabulary list for German “words to use instead of sagen, and so I’m adapting/adding to the the list for Spanish as a kind of looser “words to use instead of decir” version

  • anunciar = to announce
  • contestar = to answer
  • molestar = to annoy [used like gustar]
  • discutir = to argue, to discuss [pelear or luchar are more physical] argumentar = to contend, to argue
  • articular = to articulate / to enunciate, to speak clearly
  • respirar = to breathe
  • inhalar = to inhale
  • exhalar = to exhale
  • aspirar = to suck in air aspirar = to aspire
  • soplar = to blow air out soplar = to blow (wind)
  • expresar = to express
  • dar voz a = to voice [lit. “to give voice to”; dar voces is sometimes translated as “to shout”] poner voz a = to voice [lit. “to put voice to”]
  • mantener = to maintain
  • pronunciar = to pronounce
  • comentar = to comment
  • plantear = to claim, to make a claim/statement
  • predicar = to preach (religion) predicar = to assert, to declare / to mention
  • declarar = to declare, to make a statement
  • regañar = to scold, to yell at (usually parents to children)
  • reprochar = to rebuke, to reproach
  • clamar = to clamor (for)
  • reclamar = to complain, to appeal (legal)
  • confesar = to confess
  • insultar = to insult
  • ofender = to offend
  • ladrar = to bark [usually said of dogs]
  • darse cuenta = to realize, to notice
  • notar = to notice, to perceive
  • percibir = to notice, to observe
  • observar = to observe
  • reportar = to report
  • informar = to report, to inform
  • enfatizar = to emphasize hacer hincapié en (algo) = to stress (something)
  • recalcar, remarcar = to stress, to emphasize, to underscore
  • subrayar = to underline
  • ofrecer = to offer
  • pedir = to ask, to plead / to request [in the sense of food/restaurants, pedir is “to order”]
  • rogar = to beg
  • solicitar = to request, to seek, to ask for [solicitar can also be “to apply for a job”]
  • hablar entre dientes = to mutter [lit. “to speak between teeth”] hablar muy bajo = to mutter [lit. “to speak softly”]
  • mascullar = to mutter, to mumble
  • murmurar = to murmur
  • deletrear = to spell out [in the sense of telling someone how something is spelled]
  • clarificar = to clarify, to spell out decirlo en blanco y negro = to spell something out, to not beat around the bush [lit. “to say it in white and black”]
  • debatir = to debate discutir = to discuss [when not meaning “to argue”, it means more “to talk about something in depth”]
  • hablar = to speak [in some contexts, hablar can carry the meaning of “to put into words”, or “to speak up/out”]
  • invitar = to invite [side note: invitar can also be used as “to treat” when you buy something for someone else; invito yo is “it’s my treat”]
  • replicar = to reply
  • contraargumentar = to counter, to counter-argue contraatacar = to counter, to counterattack 
  • explicar = to explain
  • mencionar = to mention
  • contar = to tell (a story) recontar = to recount (a story) [note: contar can also mean “to count (numbers)”, or contar con algo/alguien “to trust (something/someone)” as in “to count on”]
  • jurar = to swear (an oath)
  • prestar juramento = to pledge / to make an oath
  • testificar = to testify
  • atestiguar = to attest, to bear witness, to provide testimony
  • maldecir = to curse decir palabrotas = to curse / to say bad words
  • formular = to forumlate
  • preguntar = to question preguntarse = to wonder [me pregunto si… “I wonder if…”; lit. “I ask myself if”]
  • hacer una pregunta (a alguien) = to ask (someone) a question
  • sonreír = to smile, to grin
  • gorgotear = to gurgle [liquid or water] borbotar / borbotear = to gurgle [usually in the sense of water]
  • balbucear = to babble, to gurgle [usually said of babies, or when it’s not clear speech]
  • gorjear = to squeal, to chirp [usually noises a baby makes, or sometimes small birds]
  • aullar = to howl, to yelp
  • tronar = to boom, to yell, to thunder
  • vociferar = to say loudly
  • rugir = to roar
  • berrear = to bellow berrear, mugir = to low, to moo (cows) berrear = to bawl, to cry loudly, to wail [in some places berrear might be “to snitch” or “to tell a secret”]
  • toser = to cough
  • imitar = to imitate
  • emular = to emulate, to imitate
  • parodiar = to parody
  • remedar = to mimic, to copy [often in the sense of “parroting” someone’s words to make fun of them]
  • quejarse (de) = to complain (about)
  • gruñir = to groan, to grumble, to growl
  • refunfuñar = to grumble, to gripe, to rabble 
  • aullar, gañir = to yelp [usually said of dogs]
  • chillar = to shriek, to squeal chillar = to squeak (a mouse) chirriar = to squeak (objects, shoes, doors)
  • divagar = to go on a tangent, to ramble
  • irse por las ramas = to ramble on [lit. “to go through the branches”, “to beat around the bush”] irse por la tangente = to go on a tangent
  • hablar y hablar = to go on and on [lit. “to speak and speak”]
  • cecear = to lisp
  • mentir = to lie fingir = to feign engañar = to deceive
  • gemir = to moan
  • opinar = to opine, to have an opinion expresar la opinión = to express an opinion
  • estornudar = to sneeze
  • bostezar = to yawn
  • charlar = to chat, to chitchat
  • platicar = to chat, to have a chat [usually in the sense of small talk]
  • conversar = to converse, to have a conversation
  • parlar = to talk, to have a conversation / to parley (pirates)
  • chismear = to gossip comadrear = to gossip [usually said of women, a bit antiquated but it’s related to la comadre which are close friends of a woman, lit. “co-mother”, so it used to apply more to when women would talk to each other alone]
  • cotillear = to snoop, to pry / to gossip [more common in Spain; it has the meaning of “to get into someone else’s business”]
  • reaccionar = to react
  • protestar = to protest, to object (court of law)
  • refutar = to refute
  • rebatir = to refute, to rebut / to parry
  • negar = to deny
  • presumir = to brag, to show off
  • alardear = to boast
  • pavonearse = to boast, to brag, to peacock
  • vanagloriarse = to brag, to toot one’s own horn
  • fanfarronear = to to brag, to boast
  • jactarse de = to brag about presumir de = to brag about
  • llamar = to call (on the phone) / to call out
  • llorar = to cry, to weep
  • lloriquear = to whimper, to snivel, to cry
  • sollozar = to sob
  • burlarse de (algo/alguien) = to make fun of (something/someone), to mock, to tease
  • reírse de (algo/alguien) = to laugh at (something/someone)
  • mofarse de (algo/alguien) = to deride, to scoff at, to mock
  • bromear = to joke, to tease
  • chistear = to tell a joke
  • tomar el pelo a alguien = to trick someone, to pull someone’s leg, to mess with someone [lit. “to grab/take hair”]
  • suspirar = to sigh
  • gritar = to scream, to yell
  • cantar = to sing
  • silbar = to whistle
  • chiflar = to whistle / to boo, to jeer at rechiflarse = to boo, to jeer
  • abuchear = to boo, to jeer
  • vocear = to vocalize, to announce / to yell, to shout
  • aclamar = to cheer, to cheer on / to acclaim
  • vitorear = to cheer, to cheer on
  • aplaudir = to applaud / to cheer
  • decir = to speak, to say, to tell
  • negociar = to negotiate
  • tartamudear = to stammer, to stutter
  • titubear = to hesitate, to stutter
  • atorarse = to stutter, to get tongue-tied trabarse la lengua = to get tongue-tied tropezar al hablar = to stumble while speaking, to have difficulty speaking
  • escupir = to spit
  • sisear = to hiss
  • introducir = to introduce
  • reflexionar = to ponder, to reflect on
  • considerar = to consider
  • contemplar = to contemplate, to think about
  • tomar en cuenta = to keep in mind
  • sugerir = to suggest
  • exigir = to demand
  • alabar = to praise
  • elogiar = to laud
  • decir maravillas de (algo/alguien) = to speak highly of (something/someone)
  • condenar = to condemn
  • denunciar = to denounce
  • acusar = to accuse / to charge (legal)
  • revelar = to reveal
  • indicar = to indicate
  • traicionar = to betray
  • seguir = to follow, to continue
  • continuar = to continue
  • guiar = to guide, to lead
  • conducir = to conduct, to guide / to drive
  • maniobrar = to maneuver
  • criticar = to criticize, to critique
  • transparentar = to be obvious, to be transparent
  • translucir = to reveal, to shine through
  • añadir = to add
  • interrumpir = to interrupt
  • interponer = to interject
  • intervenir = to intervene, to step in
  • exclamar = to exclaim
  • abordar = to approach / to address an issue, to broach a subject
  • admitir = to admit / to allow
  • susurrar = to whisper
  • divulgar = to divulge, to tell a secret
  • piar = to chirp, to tweet (birds)
  • perder el hilo = to lose one’s train of thought
  • irse apagando = to trail off [lit. “to go diminishing”]
  • quedar en ridículo = to look ridiculous, to look foolish
  • poner en evidencia = to show someone up, to put someone in their place
  • defender = to defend
  • oponerse = to stand against
  • abogar = to advocate / to vouch for, to intercede on behalf of
  • emepzar (a) = to start (to)
  • comenzar (a) = to begin (to), to commence (to)
  • detener = to stop
  • dejar (de hacer algo) = to stop (doing something)
  • concluir = to conclude
  • garantizar = to guarantee
  • contradecir = to contradict
  • responder = to respond
  • ayudar = to help
  • apoyar = to support

Say this instead of that

Some synonyms for common adjectives in Spanish

bonito - agraciado, bello, lindo, precioso

feo - antiestético, desagradable, horrendo, atroz, feúcho

grande - mayúsculo, voluminoso, amplio, vasto

pequeño - minúsculo, diminuto, chico, reducido

perfecto - ideal, magistral, sublime, insuperable, magnífico

malo - malvado, maligno, malévolo, infame, vil, cruel

bueno - bondadoso, benévolo, benigno, clemente, indulgente

cómodo - descansado, placentero, confortable, grato

común - general, genérico, ordinario, usual, frecuente

extraño - raro, insólito, singular, inverosímil, curioso

alegre - jovial, gozoso, regocijado, jubiloso, radiante, animado, festivo

triste - sombrío, melancólico, deprimido, acongojado, mustio

vacío - desocupado, libre, deshabitado, solitario

lleno - colmado, saturado, pleno, repleto, atiborrado, atestado

frecuente - repetido, continuo, periódico, usual, regular

inteligente - lúcido, listo, ingenioso, hábil


Changes in Meaning with the Spanish verbs SER and ESTAR


estar abierto - to be open

ser abierto - to be frank/open


estar aburrido - to be bored

ser aburrido - to be boring


estar afectado -  to be affected/bothered by sth

ser afectado - affected/stilted


estar atento - to pay attention

ser atento - to be attentive


estar bajo - to be located way down or to be depressed

ser bajo - to be short (in height)


estar bueno - to be in good health, to be fine, to taste good, to be hot

ser bueno - to be good, honest; to be a good person


estar rico - to be tasty

ser rico - to be rich


estar listo - to be ready

ser listo - to be intelligent


ser vivo - to be astute

estar vivo - to be alive


estar seguro - to be sure

ser seguro - to be confident


estar frío - to be physically cold

ser frío - to be a cold person


estar gordo - getting fat/out of shape

ser gordo - to be fat


estar grave - to be in bad health

ser grave - to be serious


estar interesado - to be interested in sth

ser interesado - to be interested in sth for material reasons


estar loco - to be acting crazy 

ser loco - to be crazy


estar malo - to be ill/to taste bad

ser malo - to be a bad person/thing


estar molesto - to be upset/annoyed by sth

ser molesto - to be irritating


estar muerto - to be dead

ser muerto - to be boring


estar negro - to be furious

ser negro - to be black


estar nervioso - to feel nervous

ser nervioso - to be a nervous person


estar verde - to be unripe

ser verde - to be green


estar viejo - to be getting/looking old

ser viejo - to be old

-These are just a few example - send me more good ones!


Flowers in Spanish & Italian

Spanish - Italian - English

la rosa - la rosa - rose

el girasol - il girasole - sunflower

la margarita - la margherita - daisy

el tulipán - il tulipano - tulip

el lirio - il giglio - lily

el jazmín - il gelsomino - jasmine

la amapola - il papavero - poppy

la azalea - l’azalea - azalea

la belladona - la belladonna - belladonna

el clavel - il garofano - carnation

el geranio - il geranio - geranium

el iris - il giaggiolo - iris

la lavanda - la lavanda - lavender

la lila - il lillà - lilac

el ave del paraíso - la strelitzia - bird of paradise

la magnolia - la magnolia - magnolia

la orquídea - l’orchidea - orchid

la peonía - la peonia - peony

la petunia - la petunia - petunia

la prímula - la primula - primrose

la violeta - la violetta - violet


Lazy Vocab in Spanish


el sofá: couch

la almohada: pillow

la cama: bed

la televisión: TV

la pelí­cula: movie

la computadora: computer

el libro: book

la siesta: nap


dormir: to sleep

tomar una siesta: to take a nap

mirar television: to watch TV

ver una pelí­cula: to watch a movie

navegar por internet: to surf the internet

hacer nada: to do nothing

escuchar música: to listen to music

leer un libro: to read a book

descansar(se): to rest

relajar(se): to relax


perezoso(a): lazy

cansado(a): tired

cálido(a): warm

aburrido(a): bored

blando(a): soft

cómodo(a): comfortable


Night & Space in Spanish

la noche - night

el cielo - sky

la luna - moon

la fase lunar - phase of the moon

la luna llena - full moon

la luna nueva - new moon

el cuarto creciente - first quarter

el cuarto menguante - last quarter

la estrella - star

el cometa - comet

la estrella fugaz - shooting star

el meteorito - meteorite

el asteroide - asteroid

la lluvia de estrellas - meteor shower

la constelación - constellation

el planeta - planet

Mercurio - Mercury

Venus - Venus

Tierra - Earth

Marte - Mars

Júpiter - Jupiter

Saturno - Saturn

Urano - Uranus

Neptuno - Neptune

Plutón - Pluto

el Sol - Sun

el agujero negro - black hole

el agujero de gusano - worm hole

la supernova - supernova

la galaxia - galaxy

el rayo cósmico - cosmic ray

el rayo gamma - gamma ray

el rayo x - x ray

el eclipse - eclipse

el universo - universe

el espacio - space

el espacio exterior - outer space

el/la astronauta - astronaut

la astronomía - astronomy

el cosmos - cosmos

la órbita - orbit

el extraterrestre - extraterrestrial

el alienígena - alien


♡ Starbucks/Coffee in Spanish Vocab ♡

G e n e r a l    W o r d s ♡ 1. ♡ coffee machine —  la máquina de café 2. ♡ coffee — el café 3. ♡ coffee bean — el grano de café 4. ♡ coffee grinder — molinillo de café 5. ♡ barista — el camarero/a 6. ♡ coffee pot — la cafetera 7. ♡ caffeine — la cafeína 8. ♡ instant coffee — caféinstantáneo 9. ♡ coffee grounds — café molido

T y p e s     o f     c o f f e e ♡ 1.♡ cappuccino — cappuccino 2.♡ americano — americano 3.♡ decaf — descafeinado 4.♡ smoothie — batido 5.♡ macchiato — macchiato 6.♡ mocha —mocha 7.♡ frappe — frappe 8.♡ latte — latte

F l a v o r s / w a y s  t o   d e s c r i b e     c o f f e e ♡ 1. ♡ milk — leche 2. ♡ cream — crema 3. ♡ weak — débil 4. ♡ dark — oscuro 5. ♡ light (color) — claro 6. ♡ strong — fuerte 7. ♡ iced — helado 8. ♡ black — negro 9. ♡ foam — espuma 10. ♡ soybean — soja haba 11. ♡ vanilla — vainilla 12. ♡ sweet - dulce 13. ♡ bitter — amargo 14. ♡ cold — frío 15. ♡ hot — caliente 16. ♡ almond milk — leche de almendra 17. ♡ rich — sabroso 18. ♡ velvety — aterciopelado 19. ♡ smooth — liso 20. ♡ light (as in weight) – ligero 21. ♡ heavy — pesado

S i z e s ♡ 1. ♡ short — corto 2. ♡ small — pequeño 3. ♡ medium — medium 4. ♡ large — gran 5. ♡ extra large — extragrane 6. ♡ tall — alto 7. ♡ grande — grande 8. ♡ venti — venti 9. ♡ trenta — trenta

V e r b s ♡ 1.♡ to cool — refrescar 2.♡ to warm up — calentar 3.♡ to add — agregar 4.♡ to remove — quitar 5.♡ to order — ordenar 6.♡ to pour — verter 7.♡ to stir — remover 8 ♡ to drink — beber 9.♡ to sip — sorbo 10.♡ to make (food) — hacer comida 11.♡ to eat — comer


Vocabulario sobre la muerte en español

un asunto de vida y muerte - a matter of life and death

un ataúd - a coffin

un cadáver - a dead body

causar la muerte - cause death

un camposanto, el cementerio - a cementery

el derecho a la muerte - the right to die

enterrar, sepultar, dar sepulta  - to bury

el entierro, el funeral - funeral

enviudar - become widowed

el viudo - widower

la viuda - widow

estar de luto - be in mourning

la funeraria, el tanatorio - funeral home

hasta que la muerte nos separe - until death does not separate us

el heredero - heir

la herencia - inheritance

el luto - mourning

la morgue - morgue

morrir, fallecer - die

el muerto, el difunto -  a dead person

la pena de muerte - death penalty

perder la vida - perish

se debatía entre la vida y muerte - between life and death

el sepulcro, la tumba, la fosa - tomb

el sepultero - gravedigger

el testamento - testament

la última voluntad -  last will

el velatorio, el velorio - funeral meal

la muerte en un atentado - death in assassination

la muerte inesperada - unexpected death

la muerte por exceso de trabajo - death from overstrain

la muerte súbita - sudden death

la muerte trágica - tragic death

¿Hay vida después de la muerte? - Is there afterlife? 

el término de la vida - end of life

la muerte cerebral - brain death


Nature in Spanish & Italian

Spanish - Italian - English

la naturaleza - la natura - nature

el árbol - l´albero - tree

el bosque - la foresta - forest

el tronco - il tronco - trunk

la piedra - la pietra - stone

la roca - la roccia - rock

la planta - la pianta - plant

la flor - il fiore - flower

la grama/el césped - l´erba  - grass

el río - il fiume - river

el riachuelo - il torrente - creek

el moho - la muffa - mildew

el hongo - il fungo - mushroom

la pradera - il prato - meadow

el lago - il lago - lake

la laguna - la laguna - lagoon

el acantilado - la scogliera - cliff

el océano - l'oceano - ocean

el mar - il mare - sea

la playa - la spiaggia - beach

la arena - la sabbia - sand

la costa - la costa - shore

el desierto - il deserto - desert

el pantano - la palude - swamp


Boost your Spanish with more complex synonyms for words you already know

Here you have some words/expressions (in bold) that you can use to show off while speaking Spanish. A native will know them, but if you use these you will impress them. Also, in your writings these words will look quite good. NOTE: Some of them are quite formal and not used in conversations.

  • similar - semejante, afín, cercano, aproximado, símil, parecido (adj.) (similar)
  • parecerse - asemejarse, semejar, darse un aire, recordar a (to resemble)
  • divertido - ameno, entretenido (adj.) (fun)
  • difícil - peliagudo, arduo, espinoso (adj.) (difficult)
  • fácil - sencillo, factible (adj.) (easy)
  • empezar - emprender (to begin)
  • terminar - concluir, ultimar, finiquitar (to finish)
  • la misión -  la empresa, el cometido, la tarea, la labor, el quehacer  (mission, duty)
  • caro - costoso, prohibitivo (adj.) (expensive)
  • barato - asequible, económico (adj.) (cheap)
  • distraer, desentender, simular - hacerse el sueco (expression, lit.
  • to do the Swedish. To avoid doing something that you must do)
  • enfermo - aquejado, indispuesto, alicaído (adj.) (sick, ill)
  • la historia - el cuento, la leyenda, la fábula (story, tale)
  • el cotilleo - chisme, chismorreo, enredo (gossip)
  • aprender - cultivarse, formarse, educarse, empollar (to learn)
  • gustar - cautivar, embelesar (to like)
  • saber - estar al corriente, estar al tanto (to know about something)
  • siempre - perpetuamente, constantemente, continuamente (always)
  • malo - diabólico, maléfico, maldito, ruin, infame, sinvergüenza, insolente, maligno, malicioso, depravado, inmoral, pérfido (adj.) (bad, as in “a bad person”)
  • malo - nocivo, dañino, perjudicial, nefasto (adj.) (bad)
  • comprar - adquirir, obtener (to buy)
  • la tienda -el comercio, el establecimiento, el negocio, la botica (shop)
  • continuar -prorrogar, prolongar, preservar, aguantar, proseguir (to continue)
  • buscar - indagar, rebuscar, escudriñar, revolver (to search)
  • contestar - objetar, contradecir, rebatir, refutar, rechazar, disputar, discutir, argüir (to reply, as in refute)
  • abandonar - marcharse, desaparecer, largarse, ausentarse (to abandon, as in “to leave a place”)
  • feliz - radiante, contento, risueño, campante (adj.) (happy)
  • triste - afligido, apenado, desconsolado, abatido, entristecido, apesumbrado, desolado, deshecho, desamparado, mustio, taciturno, tristón (adj.) - sad
  • antipático - desagradable, enojoso, aguafiestas, pesado (adj.) (obnoxious)
  • la ciudad - la urbe, la localidad, el municipio, la población
  •  (city)
  • el país - la nación, la patria, el pueblo, el estado (country)
  • la familia - la estirpe, el linaje (family)
  • los padres - los progenitores, los ascendientes, los antecesores (parents)
  • la casa - el domicilio, la vivienda, la residencia, la morada, el inmueble, la edificación (house)
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