


// call me gen ✿ \\
@gentle-max maxmoefoe sideblog!!

Me reblogging an “ask me” post that’s gonna get straight ignored like the last 20.


Best wishes to any of my followers that are testing tomorrow! Remember to drink plenty of water, have a good breakfast, and get plenty of sleep! I know you can do it, I believe in you! ♥(ˆ∀ˆ人)


Men, if you girlfriend or wife hits you, degrades you, pressures you into sex, intentionally shames and humiliates you, or cheats on you, you are the victim and you are in an unhealthy relationship. She is not treating you right, it’s not okay, and you do deserve better.


i have such a wide range of emotions, including

  • Not-sure-what-im-feeling-but-it-isnt-bad
  • Not-sure-what-im-feeling-but-it-isnt-good
  • Empty
  • Pure Unbridled Rage
  • Manic Energy
  • ?????????????????????

Don’t forget deeply, existentially sad.

Also: “sickening paranoia based on nothing”, “sudden pent up aggression you weren’t aware you had” and “guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt”


Net Neutrality is Dead and You Can Expect Your Internet to Change on April 23rd

Yeah, no, I’m cross-tagging because the lack of attention this is getting overall is pissing me off.

Ajit Pai killed Net Neutrality. You’ll start seeing the effects you were warned about on April 23rd. Oh, and he apparently got an award for Courage from the NRA gun nuts, too.

You can still help by calling your senators and representatives. We just need ONE MORE PERSON on our side to get the senate portion of Congress to overrule the FCC’s decision to kill net neutrality. The battle for the net won’t end there, but it’s a start. Go to battleforthenet to find out who your reps are and where they stand, and CONTACT THEM.

Twenty-three states are also suing the FCC for this. I haven’t looked into it yet, but I assume big businesses like Google and Amazon are as well. Nevertheless, we can’t rely on lengthy lawsuits alone. The changes to your internet start in less than two months. We don’t have a whole lot of time.

Blow this up. Contact your reps. Please, do something! We HAVE to get the decision overruled!


hey american followers

canadians reblogged fcc & net neutrality stuff for you so you had access to information - can you lend a hand and help us now?

Oh hell no!

nope nope noPE NoPE NOPE NOPE this shit is not flyin boost this shit my followers fuck8ng boost

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