
what gavii formes

@whatgaviiformes / whatgaviiformes.tumblr.com

icon by @godsliltippy. Mom of three dogs and too many houseplants, gamer, reader, crocheter, lover of cannoli, and sometimes I write Thunderbirds fanfiction. There may or may not be vinyl records and D&D sometimes. Happy to chat anytime!

Salve! (Hello!) - Pinned Post

Wow!  Hi - it’s so nice to meet you! I’m Gavii. Gav + sound of letter e. Slant rhyme with tabby. Vaguely Latin, but actually gibberish.

Here there will be Thunderbirds primarily, and some crochet, sci fi, music, nautical stuff,  and fanfiction.  I do not have a writing schedule, as I work a full time job, and I write as inspiration strikes.

If you want to learn more about me, my writing process, or head-canons, I created a bio page and my ask is always open. Ask me things, about anything, anytime! I am happy to interact.

Before we get to the fanfic stuff: 

Recommendations:  #art rec #fanfic rec 

Crafts: #gavii makes stuff  - I also have a separate crafting blog here.

(My SOS boy is Gordon, Virgil, or John - it cycles)

FishTank makes the world go round.

Thunderbirds Fanfic Stuff -

 (blanket punch to the gut warning for most fics. I like to write angst)

 Thunderbirds main AU series

The one with the ships: here

The one with the dolphins: here

The one with the chickens: here

Not sure where to start? Here is my collection of minis on Ao3 <3

Interacting with my work:

Can I make artwork of your fic? Go for it! I'd be thrilled you were inspired to make it come to life. Prepare yourself for an excited key smash babble though.

What about one of your AUs? Can I write something for or based on your Universe? Please ask. This one is trickier because these AUs are all technically open and active. If you have a missing scene idea or a character study or something that's not forward plot affecting- hell yeah! I'd be honored for the interest and its also important to me that the series feel cohesive, so this is one I am open to talking about.

Inspired by and adjacent ideas, I am open to with appropriate credit, as long as they are different enough to the original.

I like your x headcanon, can I use it?

Particularly Thunderbirds, fanfiction is such a collaborative place anyway - and I know there are some things that just fall back into fanon and we've absorbed it wholly. It's probably not completely mine.

Can I podfic? Sure, go for it. I'll probably cry though. 💚💛

I love how you phrased x, can I use it? Please ask and let me know how much you want to use, but generally yes with appropriate credit to the fic the wording is from.


Did I miss the relevant prompt earlier in the week? Maybe. Shhhh...

In honour of FishTank Week, and particularly the prompt 💛"We're a team, always"💚 please enjoy this reblog.


Green Wool and Sunshine

What is that?!”

“What is what?” asked Virgil through a mouthful of cinnamon roll.

“That! That…thing you’re wearing!”

Gordon sat up slowly from the sofa, his face fixed in equal parts grin and grimace as he pointed with his good hand.

Virgil looked down at himself and surreptitiously brushed a few crumbs off his sweater. “What’s wrong with it?” he asked.

“Dude, it’s hideous,” said Gordon, eyeing the offending garment critically.

Virgil looked again. True, it wasn't in the best shape. Pale green wool, striped with white and yellow, and all of it faded and bobbled to within an inch of its life. One shoulder had a loose seam so that it looked almost as if the wool were melting. And at the centre of it all, the distinctive shape of Thunderbird Two rendered clumsily in darker green.

"Where did you get it?”

“Grandma made it for me one Christmas. You remember that vintage knitting machine Dad got her that one year?”

God, it had made a racket, like someone flicking a giant comb over and over again. Thank goodness she’d finally lost interest in that particular hobby, although in hindsight Virgil wondered if her subsequent rediscovery of her old cooking books might have been too high a price to pay.

“Anyway, I just found it the other day in the back of the closet.”

Gordon’s mouth twisted to one side. “...Any chance you could lose it back there again?”


Aw lovely💚💛

Oh. My heart.

Gordon ribbing on Virgil's sentimental-wear is everything, and then you hit us with that whole middle section. Gordon's sadness was so palpable and among perfect endings you nailed it. Virgil's a sap who knows just what his brother needs ans Gordon will recovery is light in time.

Just beautiful. A perfect fic. I am so glad you write and shared this with us.


FishTank Week 2024: 18th Pranks

Once more on the reblog spree. Some FishTank Pranking!

Virgil was staring at the wall in his workshop, well more specifically at the poster on the wall. Although don't let him hear you call it that. Oh no, that was a mechanical systems drawing of his beloved Two. Every electrical relay, every nuance of the design carefully detailed complete with third angle projections and cut away details. Yes there were prettier pictures of the great green beast, but this wasn't about artistic appreciation, this was detail, and lots of it.


Oh charming pranks💚💛



1, 2 skip a few the day 6 prompt "memories". :)

Set not too long after the hydrofoil accident.


Scars crisscrossed his body. A collection earned in one catastrophic event; scars from cuts, scars from burns, scars from surgeries. Gordon hated looking at himself in the mirror now. He looked nothing like the smooth-skinned athlete that had won gold not so long ago. He'd never go back to looking like that; but time heals all things and the doctors had promised him that if he stuck to the routine of treating his scars with the ointment provided, they would fade from angry red lines to pale silver streaks. Some might, in time, become so faint as to be unnoticeable. 

So every day, even though he hated it, he would look in the mirror and carefully apply the ointment, massaging it into each scar. But today, he didn't want to do it. He was tired. His recovery had been nothing short of a miracle, in part due to his endless determination to keep going. But today? Today he was stuck. He didn't want to go to bed without performing the routine, but he was so exhausted; he just didn't have the energy to do it. So here he was, sitting with the bottle in hand, just staring at himself, neither willing to start, nor to give up.

A knock at his door. It opened and Virgil let himself in. 

“Hey I finished reading this and-” he took in Gordon's tired, defeated posture. “Are you okay?”

“Just applying the ointment. You know, to get rid of the scars?” There was no bounce to his brother’s voice. Gordon wasn't even pretending he was okay, he was so tired. 

“Want some help?” Virgil offered. 

“...If you're not busy, actually yes. Please.” So tired he wasn't even going to resist assistance. 

Virgil nodded, put the book he was returning down and sat down to start applying the ointment. 

They sat in silence for a while and Virgil got caught up in his own thoughts, humming his way through a section of music he was working on and just couldn't quite get right. 

“Not that one.”

His thoughts were broken by Gordon quickly snatching his arm away as Virgil had moved down it. 

“What? Why not?” 

Gordon ran his finger along a scar, older, already silvered, which ran over part of his forearm. It was only a couple of inches long; there was a good chance the ointment could fade it to being barely there.

“This is from… before.”

“Before WASP?” 

“No. Yes. I mean before Mom.” 

Virgil frowned at him in the mirror. Gordon didn't notice. 

“We'd gone down to the lake. It was just me and her. I don't remember where you all were; at school, maybe? It was a beautiful day, sunny blue skies, the trees were so green, there were wildflowers at the side of the track. I was learning to ride my bike. It wasn't the first time I'd ridden it but I was still new, still a bit wobbly. I went down a hill. It was a tiny slope, actually, I know that because years later I went back and looked, but in my memory it was huge. The path was that sandy gravelly stuff, kinda bumpy under the wheels. I went down it and I was going so fast I thought I was going to crash into the lake. I panicked and pulled the brake hard and turned the wheel so I wouldn't go in. I fell and skidded along the track; it grazed my leg, and something sharp, I guess a stone? Anyway, whatever it was, it cut my arm. I don't really remember falling, just being on the bike and then being on the ground.” He smiled softly, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb along the scar. “But I do remember Mom scooping me up, cuddling me better. I remember her wiping away my tears, taking me home to clean me up and giving me the cool plaster with the dinosaur on it. I remember her taking me out to a café for cake. I remember she was wearing a shirt with flowers embroidered on it. I remember her smile. I remember feeling so safe. It was a really happy day, even if I did get hurt.” He spoke quietly then. “I don't really remember a lot about Mom. So much of it is vague, like it's faded. But this memory is so strong. I'm afraid if this scar fades, it will too. I don't want that. So this one, I want to keep.” 

“I don't remember that,” Virgil admitted.

“It's probably awful of me, but I'm kinda glad you don't. You guys have so many memories of Mom, and I love to hear about them, but I don't remember. It's really nice for me to be able to share a memory with you for a change.” 

“It's actually nice to hear a ‘new’ one,” Virgil smiled. “So that scar stays?” 

“That scar stays.”


(They're American so I used "Mom" even though it sounds weird to me!)


Wonderful... I'm so moved!

Thank you for all the comments! 💚💛

@katblu42 I went and listened to the song cause I didn't know it. I like it!

This was so so lovely and poignant.


At the Art Gallery

Several days behind, here's a story for the Day 2 prompt for Fishtank week, "At the Art Gallery." :) 💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛

“It's so different from the rest of your work… but that's what gives it the impact! The way it just grabs your attention. The bold use of colour! So unconventional; why it breaks every rule on composition and yet… that's what makes it so compelling.”

“Mmm,” Virgil agreed, feeling his eye twitch and barely restraining himself from snapping the stem of the wineglass he had cradled in one hand. The art critic had almost immediately cornered him to drag him over to the largest canvas in the exhibition, and endlessly gush over every detail. 

“It's almost reminiscent of Appel, and yet this section recalls Cassatt… the child on the lap of the mother in the boat; but of course it's not the focus; I must ask what made you paint the central figure in such a prominent position? Few could have broken the rule of thirds in such a way… and the symbolism of having the figure’s feet out of frame!” 

“I couldn't really say,” Virgil replied, looking over the vaguely humanoid shape standing (sans feet) in the very centre of the picture. It's almost like it's looking at me… its eyes follow me like the Mona Lisa. He immediately pushed that comparison away. 

“Heeeeeyyyyy Virgil!” Gordon's voice rang out and he sauntered over. “Nice exhibition.” He clanked his wine glass against Virgil’s and took a sip.

The art critic looked a bit put out at having to share Virgil's attention.

“You know Mr. Tracy, sir?” 

“Sure do! He's my big arty bro!” 

“Mr. Blanc, Gordon Tracy, my brother. Gordon, this is Francis Blanc, art critic for the World News.”

“Art critic huh?” Gordon grinned and waved his glass at the painting before them. “So, what do you think of his work?”

Blanc brightened as he turned to the painting again. 

“Oh, yes I was just saying. It's such an original interpretation of the subject matter; the influence of both classic and modern painters, the childish way of depicting the characters within; why even here we see where the colours have merged into mud.” He indicated an ugly brown area between sand and sea. “At first we may think it a mistake; the sort an amateur would make, impatient to add more colour before the previous has dried; but when taken in context; the smiling figure at the front dominating the scene yet not fully within it; the babe cradled in his mother's arms, seemingly idyllic upon the waves, but see; the oarsman with hair aflame! Here the devil steals mother and child, while the demons on the shore; one stoking the flame with his pitchfork and one approaching the central figure from behind carrying the flame…” Blanc clutched at his chest. “Why, it just invokes so many feelings! The inevitability of sin! The murky line between worlds! The arrogance of man!” 

Gordon nodded solemnly. 

“That's… deep, man. I thought it was just a picture of some dudes having lunch at the beach-”

Blanc laughed.

“Oh, but your brother is amusing Mr. Tracy. I take it he is not an artist?”

“No.” Virgil was still staring at the painting.

“But I think I might go into it.” Gordon nodded at the canvas. “I'm pretty sure I could do something like that.”

“Oh everyone says that,” Blanc sniffed at him. “but it is beyond difficult to achieve the level of skill required to balance childlike innocence with the vulgarity of evil.” 

Gordon grinned. 

“I'm fairly well balanced in those respects.” 

“I'm sure,” Blanc replied, obviously uninterested in anything Gordon had to say. “Oh, please excuse me. I must go speak to Zara!” The critic nodded politely and hurried across the room to a woman wearing a black feather boa.

“‘The Arrogance of Man’, good title that, don't you think?” Gordon mused, admiring the work.

“Perfect,” Virgil replied, voice very deliberately even. “I couldn't think of anything more fitting.” 

“I didn't even know you had to give artworks titles,” he regarded the little card which simply said ‘Untitled oil on canvas.’ and snorted. “It's actually mixed media.” 


“Yeah, that bit is permanent marker pen.” 

Virgil sighed and the anger faded away into a sort of tired acceptance. 

“Okay, I've got to ask. How did you pull this off?”

“Like any good artist, I practised… your signature until I'd got it pretty perfect if I do say so myself.” 

It was actually uncanny how perfect the painted name on the bottom right corner was. There had been a brief moment when Virgil thought he must have been tricked into signing the giant canvas without noticing. 

“I just put it in with the stuff going to the gallery. To be honest I never thought they'd actually believe you'd painted it.”

“When did you do this?” Virgil couldn't believe he'd not noticed the squid working on the painting at all. 

“Pretty much right after that day. It was a really good day, remember?” He pointed at the figure standing by the flames. “You were grilling the food, and Alan was helping,” he pointed to the boat, “the devil, I mean John was rowing Scott about,” then he pointed to the central smiling figure. “I was really happy that day. I wanted to remember it.” 

Virgil found himself starting to smile. It was a good day. Still he was pretty annoyed that anyone at the gallery had thought he'd actually painted this and hung it central to his ‘people and landscapes’ exhibition.

“Why'd you paint Scott holding a baby?” 

“It's a hotdog,” Gordon huffed. “See, white bread,” he pointed, “And that's not flames in Alan's hand either, it's a burger. He was bringing me a burger.” 

“It's orange.” 

“Do you know how hard it is to make that goldy-brown colour burger buns are? I figured orange was close enough.” He put on an accent mimicking Blanc’s voice: “It’s symbolic of a burger bun.”

Virgil smiled despite himself. He really wanted to be angry about Gordon ruining his exhibition, but… he could tell the painting had been done sincerely. Not the signature, that had obviously been added when Gordon had seen the opportunity for a prank. But Virgil could tell, his brother had really tried to depict that happy day on the beach, and it didn't matter that it wasn't a very skilled painting; it was an honest one. 

“You should have put your own signature on it.” 

“Look at it, Virgil. No one would have wanted to see my painting. They're just saying it's good to not offend you.” 

“No, I think they really do like it.” 

Gordon raised an eyebrow. 

“I don't think they know why. That's why they're scrabbling for some deep meaning, to justify liking something where… uh… the perspective is a little off.” 

“You can say it's trash, Virgil.” Gordon said carelessly, pretending he wouldn’t be hurt.. “I know how bad it looks.” 

“It was painted in earnest. You can feel that. They like it because they can feel the happiness that went into its making.”

“Wow. You artist types really are sappy, aren't you?” 

Virgil could see the slight twinkle in Gordon's eye though; he knew his brother was pleased his effort had been recognised.

“Darling!” A woman in green swept over to them and placed her hand on Virgil's arm. “Francis says you aren't selling this painting? Oh but it would look wonderful in the entrance to Heavor Resort, won't you reconsider?” 

“Oooh you should think about that Virgil!” Gordon grinned. “Permanent public display! Hundreds would get to see it!” 

“I'm sorry, Ms. Goldson, I really can't part with this one,” Virgil gave Gordon a smile. “It's got too much sentimental value.” 

“Well if you change your mind, do think of me first!” She spotted another victim and called out “Christopher!” and swept away as quickly as she had swept in.

“Could have made my first sale there, Virg.” Gordon took a sip of his drink.

“I mean it. I want to keep this one. You’ve got enough of my paintings, I want one of yours. Anyway,” he gestured to the signature. “I don’t need your permission. It’s already mine.”

“Well it’s got another two weeks at this gallery right?” Virgil checked his watch. “No, about another two hours.”

“Awww you’re going to make them take it down?”

“Absolutely. I didn’t paint it.”

“You’re going to tell them?”

“Yes, I’m not going to take credit for work that’s not mine.” He shrugged. “They won’t believe me though.”

“Why not?”

Virgil shook his head. 

“They won’t want to. Far more interesting a story about the painting that was seen once then vanished than the painting my brother got into a gallery as a prank.” 

The rest of the evening went smoothly enough - Virgil deflected questions about the large canvas, redirected attention to his actual works, and at the end of the night asked the staff to take Gordon's painting down and pack it for transport back home. The staff were surprised and one even tried to argue, but complied in the end. 

All digital images of the painting mysteriously vanished a few hours later, and it became, as Virgil said it would, a story about a “lost painting” that only half the art community believed.

A few days later, ‘The Arrogance of Man’ found its home on Virgil’s workshop wall. “You really hung it up?” Gordon’s eyebrows shot up as he entered the workshop.

“I said I liked it.  Besides, I think it's a good reminder not to misuse my tools.” Gordon wasn’t sure if that was because of the title he’d given the piece, or because of the questionable state Virgil had found the brushes in which Gordon had ‘borrowed’ to paint it. He wasn’t going to ask. Instead he settled down to ‘help’ Virgil with his latest project. Really, he spent a lot of the time admiring his painting on the wall. His first gallery piece, good enough to be displayed in public… but even better, good enough to be displayed on Virgil’s wall. A good day. He was so very proud.



Awwwh I want this to be the start of Gordon's artistic journey

An original Gordon Tracy artwork! The mysterious painting that disappeared! Love that Virgil loved it enough to hang on his studio wall 💛💚


Oh this did make me smile. Very cleverly done- I love Virgil about to snap the glad stem. Hilarious

This is great. Particularly love the bit where it's permanent marker pen! Gordon should definitely do more art.

Oh yes Gordon should do more art, Virgil can't hog all the paints! I had a pretty clear idea of what his painting looked like. Almost considered drawing it but Gordon has an unmatched skill there I think! 😁

Hehe! This fic is like Gordon himself - first sour because art critic (!) then incredibly sweet and I love it. I adore that Gordon managed such a prank and how Virgil turns it on him entirely sentimental about the whole thing. (But Gordon secretly loves it).

I love the idea of Gordon's art journey. 🎨


This has been a lot of fun. @whatgaviiformes Thank you!!!

‘Mail’s here,’ Gordon announced to the house.  He and Grandma had just returned from a supply run.  ‘Hey Virg, box for you.’

‘Thanks Gords,’ he said, taking it from his hands and setting it aside.

‘What is it?’

‘None of you concern Gordon, just a little something that I needed.’

‘It’s pretty light,’ Gordon answered, trying to get an answer to his question.

‘Yes it is.  What’s your point?’

‘You know that I’ll just keep asking until you tell me, right?’

‘Bye Gordon’, Virgil said as he grabbed his coffee and left with his box.  Throughout the next few days, Gordon tried to sneak a peek at the box, but Virgil kept it too close to see what it was.

‘What could possibly be in that box,’ Gordon murmured under his breath.  He even resorted to asking Eos if she knew, but if she did, she refused to tell him.  By the 4th day, the box was still unopened and driving him batty.  ‘You’d think that he would have opened it by now.’  Gordon didn’t realize that anyone had approached him as he continued to mumble to himself.

‘Gordon…Earth to Gordon.  Time to go little brother, we need 4.’

‘Oh, ok.  Let’s go Virg.’  While on their mission, he forgot about the box.  The next day presented Gordon with his opportunity.  Virgil was called away and left the box on his work bench.

‘Ooooo, time to see what his big secret is.’  Gordon was giddy with excitement, he would finally know.  He opened the box, stopped, laughed, and sent his big brother a text message.

A piece of string, really?….you got me.  A few hours later, Virgil was done with his callout and gave him a quick reply.

Pull the string.

Virgil, even I know better than that.

Really?  Then why are you covered in glitter? I really don’t want to talk about it.  Virgil laughed so hard that he nearly fell out of his pilot’s seat.



QOTD -What is your favorite movie or a movie that you can sit and watch over and over for hours on end? Would you recommend it to Gordon or Virgil or both?

I have a few favorites that are occasional watches, but among my favorites - the Blues Brothers and Apollo 13. The latter is the one that I think both of the two would respect, but only tolerate when it comes around on John's time to choose on movie night.

The LOTR trilogy is the only movie I can truly think of as a consistent rewatch. Everyone should see those and I truly believe there's a little something for everyone in Tolkien's world. Most of my rewatching tends to happen with TV shows - I need some long content to fill the time I am crocheting, so I've seen many a favorite TV show: Star Trek, Voltron (the newer one), Avatar the Last Airbender, and yes of course Thunderbirds


FishTank Week Day 7- (18th)

In trade for being late on the prompt launches the past two days, here are the final day details a little early - or a bit more aligned with some of you folks who manage to get through time faster than I. :D Funny how timezones work like that. :P

💛💚Today's prompt is: Pranks 💚💛

Don't forget the alt prompts: love and laughter | along the coastline.

Now, I know the end of things can be sad, but it's really about the memories made along the way. This has been such a fun week, thank you for participating and for all the fun still to come. I have so many stories to catch up on and re-read. We, of course, will always love to see what this week has inspired, even if it comes after. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

FishTank is forever.



FishTank Week - the Playlist!

And we're wrapped! - Putting songs together was so much fun! I added a few more of mine to round out our list, so there are a few new adds - I've *starred them in case you want to check out the new ones specifically. Tippy and I tend to throw songs back and forth frequently, so much so they blend together, so blanket tag to @godsliltippy for those added songs just in case. :)

Thanks, everyone for participating and I hope this music brings inspiration to come.


1."Brother" - NEEDTOBREATHE (ft. Gavin deGraw) - also recommended by @idontknowreallywhy

2. "What I'm Here For" - Nicholas Wells*

3. "Don't Let Me" - Morningsiders

4. "Dive" - Hot Shade, Mike Perry, Chris James

5. "Shotgun" - George Ezra - from last year, but I know can be attributed as well to @onereyofstarlight

6. "Little Brother" - Ella Vos

7. "Anywhere" - Passenger - recommended by @lying4sport

8. "My Last Breath" - James Newman/Eurovision 2020 - recommended by @womble1

9. "Where Are You Going" - Dave Matthews Band - also @onereyofstarlight

10. "You Raise Me Up" - Josh Groban - @katblu42

11. "Helium" - Mikey Wax*

12. "You're Gonna be Ok" - Jenn Johnson*

13. "Brother" - Kodaline*

14. "Family" - Mother Mother* [Gavii's note: love it, but also it's Explicit, so be aware of the language warning. I left it at the end so it's easily skipped if you need.]

Total run time is 48 min.

(please let me know if I've gotten any songs or recs incorrect!)


Qotd: all about color. What's your favorite? Is it what's most appealing to your eye? What complements your wardrobe? Representative of something you love or find comforting?

Virgil: Color is a great way to learn about people! I can usually tell right away if someone is a fellow artist.


Green and purple. I really love the darker versions of them, but I also have a love for the lighter purples like lilac.


Green. Some shades I'm not as fond of. But Green.

Probably because my Mom's eyes are green.

Despite the FishTank, mine is actually blue. I like a lot of colors for different reasons, but shades of blue always catch my eye first. For clothing, I prefer burgundy and other dark shades. Greens I prefer when there are some blues in it, but a good green is just *chef's kiss*


Qotd: all about color. What's your favorite? Is it what's most appealing to your eye? What complements your wardrobe? Representative of something you love or find comforting?

Virgil: Color is a great way to learn about people! I can usually tell right away if someone is a fellow artist.


FishTank Week Day 6- (17th)

💛💚Today's prompt is: Memories 💚💛

Don't forget the alt prompts for if the dailies haven't been your speed: love and laughter | along the coastline.

The rest is up to you. Are they making memories, remembering a time before?


Today's QOTD- what do you like to cook, and do have any recipes or tips and tricks to share? Yummmm


My kids love empanadas. This is my dough recipe. Super easy and for the fillings I can do pretty much anything I want. I've made dessert ones, meat ones, pizza ones. No matter what I make, or how many, they don't last very long. (Ignore the bean in the recipe, my middle child has an obsession as of late with beans and has decided that this recipe needs a single bean....while potato soup needs like a million of them).


@emtb319 if I make this, I am totally putting 1 bean in. 🤣 I like to try new things cooking and baking (hate clearing up though!) but the recipe I've got to share with you all is one of my favourite treats. This is "Coffee Kisses" from the famous Be-Ro book. (It is an old book as you can probably tell from the scan. I've loved this since I was little.

Highly recommended! And I would absolutely give the Tracy boys my coffee kisses. 😁

Sooo... I am a notoriously bad cook. I can make pancakes from a box and top Ramen which is just boiling some water. So it's like capital b Bad. The only thing I think may be worthy is the buffalo chicken dip I sometimes throw together. It has no real recipe and I use a lot of cheats.

~Chicken strips (the kind precooked that go on salads) shredded

~Ranch dressing - a little less than 8 Oz because I hate the taste of ranch

~Cream cheese - low fat, one block

~Buffalo or hot sauce - no real number I go by color

~And all the cheese.

It goes in the mini crock pot, or if I need it quickly, it'll be the oven until the cheese melts which I can only do since the chicken is precooked.

Serve with tortilla chips. Or if feeling adventurous I'll turn it into buffalo chicken dip quesadillas.

No blue cheese and no scallions. That's for if a restaurant is trying to be fancy. 😁


I was going to put a master list together of my FishTank fics, but it's becoming very obvious how often I lean into those two. I don't need a masterlist - It's just my Ao3.

The two for Fishtank week BTW have been added to my minis collection :)


My contribution to FishTank Day 1 and the color palette challenge. I've gathered items I either bought because of the color or that were around my house in the green and yellow color scheme, and then I made a kind of Gavii-CottageCore-FishTank moodboard of sorts. :D Basically tea, and yarn, and plants. The dream truly.

From top to bottom, left to right:

  • Image 1: My dream FishTank yarn - Arcane Fibre Works in the colorway "Calm Waters" (fingering weight). Just a few more in stock, but there is a similar one here, with a more yellow focus.
  • Image 2: Chantal Tea Kettle in Marigold yellow and an artisan made tea cup with lemons. I do not have the maker for the cup written down anywhere, but if I find them I will edit this post. [EDIT: TMD ceramics]
  • Image 3: Hoya Pubicalyx in a pot with a yellow butterfly
  • Image 4: Customized YETI rambler with "TB-4" on the side
  • Image 5: Gordon and Virgil Minis propped up with some scrap crochet thread in green and yellow. Green is Hobbii Rainbow Thread in "Malachite" and the yellow is Aunt Lydia's size 10.
  • Image 6: Green Coffee mug of a person in a sunhat planting near a green house. Purchased at my local farm shop, but I found it here as well.
  • Image 7: Hoya Wayetii in an artisan made pot by Rain Ceramics
  • Image 8: Vinyl Records with yellow album covers - "Best of the Blues Brothers" and "Talking is Hard" by Walk The Moon
  • Image 9: More Arcane Fibre Works yarn, worsted weight "Leaf Green" and a Furls Crochet Streamline Resin hook in "Virgo"

This has been a great excuse to test out my new camera!

Took me a bit, but I found the ceramicist for the lemon mug 🍋

A reblog from last year's fishtankweek!


Day 4 of Fishtank week-prompts ‘we’re a team, always’ or ‘did you doubt me?’

Gordon didn’t like to sit still.  Even now, from the couch with his leg in a brace and all, he was trying to walk his biggest brother through the sea sludge that held the escape capsule.  He could hear Scott’s annoyance, but he had to do something to help them.  If only his body would heal faster.

After they successfully recovered the capsule, they busied themselves with its data.  Gordon found himself feeling left out again.  It was a lot of engineering speak to see if they could even recover the data, let alone see and interpret it.  The boredom of healing was only making it worse.

After a particularly restless night, he found himself sitting on a couch overlooking the pool.  He wanted to swim laps, but the braces wouldn’t allow for it.  So, he sat on the couch, stewing.  He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t hear Virgil come into the room or sit next to him.  It wasn’t until stuff was put in his hands did he realize that he wasn’t there alone.

‘We’re running low.  Purple or orange?,’ Virgil asked.

‘Huh?’ was the only response he could utter.

‘We’re running low on our little crochet animals for the kids.'

‘Oh,’ Gordon answered, finally realizing.  ‘Give me the purple please and that white.’  A few hours later, they had a nice handful of little crochet animals.  Virgil got up for a moment to get the stuffing that they’d need to finish them.

‘I know it’s been hard for you Gords.’  Gordon huffed at him.  How could he possibly understand how bad this was for him?  The sitting still, the boredom, watching his brothers go out there to help people while he stayed behind, useless.  Virgil handed him a bag of the stuffing.  ‘We’re a team, always, even if that looks a little different right now.’

‘A little different…Virgil you know that I can’t sit still.  This is driving me crazy.’

‘I know, I know.  I remember when Mom was pregnant with you.  Even then, you didn’t do still.  You used to drive the technicians crazy.  All they wanted to do was measure you, and on top of it all, you tried to make your grand escape, 11 weeks early.’  Gordon chuckled.

‘I remember the stories.  Isn’t there a picture somewhere of me blowing a kiss to my nurses?’

‘Yea, I’ll find it for you.  You still came early and small.  Not even an hour old, you were stealing everyone’s hearts.’  They kept working on their stuffed animals, until John called down.  Virgil and Scott were needed.

‘Go Virg.  Thank you for this, I really needed it.  I’ll have these done by the time you get back.’

‘Thanks Gords,’ Virgil said as he gathered the ones that were done to store in 2.  ‘We can always use more of these.’  Virgil took a moment to grasp his shoulder before leaving.  ‘It won’t be much longer.  You’ll be back in your seat on 2 as my co-pilot soon.  I promise.’

‘I know.  Now go before John starts to worry and be careful.’ ‘I will.’

Such a sweet moment of crafty!fishtank. I can absolutely see them making little amigurumis to keep stocked in Two. 😄

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