
Boom Crack The Sound Of My Joints

@americanwhovian / americanwhovian.tumblr.com

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Jay, 22, Chicago, she/they, bi

FedEx: shits on my box, stomps on my box, kicks it, dumps gasoline on it, throws one of my chickens into the back of the van UPS: whispers at my front door “is anyone home” as quietly as possible before leaving a “we missed you!” note, tries to gaslight me into thinking my address doesn’t exist USPS: sets my package down gently where it’s not visible from the road, knocks on the door and kisses me directly on the mouth


Is this…shipping discourse?

Amazon once threw a package at my door and then took a photo while it was midair. Not sure where that fits in this schema but I did want to tell y’all about it.


I admire English speakers’ resolute commitment to coining specific vocabulary for every aspect of a cat’s being. Toe beans. Cat loaf. Primordial pouch. Mlem, not to be confused with blep. I remember that list of French words that English “lacks” like retrouvailles or apprivoiser or esprit de l’escalier but do we have blep? We’re centuries behind. We don’t even have the word fluffy.


squid game is so blatant about its theme of the rich abusing the poor but pretending the poor willingly chose their demise and yet twitter brain geniuses are still posting the absolute dumbest takes

at least they got a reply from someone with basic media comprehension

People doing what's necessary for their survival after they're forced into a life or death scenario is not "revealing their ugliness" it's not proving some deep cynical truth about the inherent brutality of man if anything here is ugly it's the people who artificially manufactured this senseless cruelty for reality television entertainment to begin with but the contestants are all victims.


the only reason cops are at pride now is to intimidate gay people into not making it a riot again and i will stand by that fact until the day i die

If the occasion should arise and I attend a pride festival, I would also like it to not become a riot.

imagine being this guy

arent they there? to stop any attacks from the anti lgbt groups?? yknow the ones that ALWAYS gather there???

contrary to what this newer generation of lgbt people think, cops are a new addition to prides. only within the past 10/20 years have they actually started “protecting” pride. aka standing around and intimidating the general public. historically, lgbt people have protected ourselves and eachother during pride events. from police in a lot of cases actually. ive been to pride events where the anti lgbt protesters were the ones being “protected” from the pride crowd… the cops arent there for us. theyre there to boost the image of the police force and make us think they care. the only people who feel safe around cops are the classes that they are meant to protect and people who are uneducated about police. (theres a heavy overlap as well.)  you may feel safe around cops but many people do not. theyre literally dogs to the upper class. 

2018 Baltimore pride was crashed by terfs who marched with the cops. pigs protected them.

In hamilton ontario the cops let neo nazis attack people and said they didnt help because people didnt want them there

I was at NYC Pride a couple of years ago and a massive section of the main route was completely dedicated to cops. The sight of a prison bus driving by with rainbow flags on it made me sick. That was the year that Toronto Pride asked the police not to bring guns to pride. And so the NYPD invited them to our parade, marching through and proudly brandishing their guns. Back at the Stonewall Inn, people who were protesting the commercialization of Pride were beaten by police. I used to buy some of what the commenters above are saying about protection, but after seeing all of that Pride needs to be anti cop.


A group of neo-nazis showed up across from Motor City Pride 2019 waving a giant swastika around. When they crossed over to our side of the road, we could see they had shields, a megaphone, and some had guns. Assault weapons.

They screamed at us, waving their flag. At the time, my friend and I were outside the festival gates helping a local group hand out food, water, etc to the festival-goers. People were gathering. Cops that were posted around pride came to the area.

They gathered around the Nazis, but faced us. They let the Nazis keep walking. They shoved us out of the way. They yelled at us.

I shouted at one of the cops and he told me “They have just as much of a right to be here as you.”

Cops aren’t there to protect us. They don’t give a shit. Given the choice, they will stand with and defend Nazis before they help us.

No cops at pride. Ever.


No cops at pride. Ever.


Just FYI also, the person up there saying they would like Pride to “not become a riot” is a TERF. There’s no correlation there I’m sure but it’s weird, right? :)


Protection of property and prevention of theft have never been a priority for police. Even when they do show up hours after you've called to report a robbery, their response is generally, "well, what do you want me to do about it?"

People talk about defunding the police like society will suddenly devolve into lawless chaos, but what exactly do cops do besides hand out tickets and escalate situations they're meant to defuse?


we really devolved as a society when we stopped using fully painted pictures on romance novels and started using cheap photoshop instead 

case in point

this is a Hell of a downgrade 

worst crime capitalism ever committed was eliminating Horny Oil Painter as a viable career option.


I went down a rabbit hole this summer researching romance novel covers and painting fanart in this style and

  1. this is an EXTREMELY fun style to work in, and also
  2. many of the most iconic romance novel covers you’re probably picturing when you think “classic painted romance novel cover” were produced by one prolific, masterful artist

Her name was Elaine Duillo, and she had a long and extremely productive career spanning from the mid 60’s to her retirement in 2003. She worked mainly in acrylics.


She did illustration work in other genres as well, but she really found her niche in romance novels. She pretty much redefined the aesthetic conventions of the genre, popularizing male models and male nudity and sexualizing men to cater to the female gaze in a way that simply wasn’t the norm before her work. You know Fabio? she’s the one who started using him as a model, and essentially launched his career. And honestly, just look at her work:




wow everything im learning abt the rust situation is making me a little furious

no offense prop guns SHOULD be replaced with safer alternatives and the fact that there was apparently a live round in Baldwin’s gun is horrifying (why was there a live round???) but it’s worrying that that’s all we’re focused on when shit like this is coming out:

like now that IATSE’s saying the crew working on that set was not a part of their union it’s looking more likely that sources like these are telling the truth and it’s getting really fucking irritating to see the discourse turn to “no guns on movie sets” when its largely an issue of the crew being overworked

[Image ID: A screenshot of an anonymous ask that reads, “not sure if anyone else has pointed this out already but in the industry the term “live rounds” doesn’t mean the same thing as it does normally, eg if a gun is loaded at all (w/blanks) then it’s live, doesn’t necessarily mean that it had real bullets in it.” End ID.]

a few people noted this (or mentioned that that specific claim is being walked back) so here’s clarification re: the live round bit, I apologize if I misinformed anyone. let’s please continue to center the crew’s mistreatment and the unsafe working conditions on “Rust” in our discussions while acknowledging that the use of prop guns on TV/movie sets is unnecessary w current tech and needlessly dangerous



What just happened!?

IATSE and their new contracts happened, and this is a VERY GOOD THING. The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers has, under threat of an industry-wide strike by film and TV crew supported by the Screen Actors Guild, the Directors Guild, and the Screen Writers Guild, finally agreed to negotiate better working conditions, longer turn around times to allow crew to rest between shifts, and better pay for material being put on streaming services.

What this tells us is that Marvel was using backbreaking conditions to get their shit made, and these delays are because they've been forced to actually ensure safe and fair working conditions and adequate compensation for the people working on their projects.


Yeah, they’re gonna lift the working class right into a company town.

Only rich people would think this was a good idea.

Learn your history, people!

We DID this shit- for DECADES. It was fucking awful. Companies paid people in “scrip” which was only good for use at the Company Store. So effectively, the company got your money coming and going, and they didn’t pay you at all. And the longer it went on, the less likely you were to have savings that could have helped you move away or get a different job.

I’ve already seen one ad trying very sneakily to promote the idea of “AmazonBucks”, including giving them to workers as rewards, or instead of things like healthcare, sick days, and PTO.

Here’s your reminder that scrip is fucking illegal, that company towns are always a shit idea that should stay dead and buried, and that if unions didn’t work? Every big company out there wouldn’t be fighting tooth and nail to destroy them.

#UnionStrong #SolidarityForever


This exact thing happened in the 70's/80's in this country when seatbelts were first being pushed for. Reagan literally tried to get rid of them.


There were also examples of anti-seatbelt activists dying in car crashes where they weren’t wearing seat belts like that guy that wrote an anti-seatbelt article and four months later died in a car crash where he didn’t have a seat belt on and was thrown out of the vehicle

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