

@dabottle / dabottle.tumblr.com

Eoghan - He/Him - 27 - Ireland.

do you ever hear the intro theme to a video game and you get really emotional and your heart feels really weak like it’s coming back home and it’s basically like that whole world you love so much summed up into one epic song and you just want to fucking cry a lot because this is the video game for you and nothing else ever can even compare to the feeling you get when you hear that one fucking bit of music


Watching my toddler figure out how to language is fascinating. Yesterday we were stumped when he kept insisting there was a “Lego winner” behind his bookshelf - it turned out to be a little Lego trophy cup. Not knowing the word for “trophy”, he’d extrapolated a word for “thing you can win”. And then, just now, he held up his empty milk container and said, “Mummy? It’s not rubbish. It’s allowed to be a bottle.” - meaning, effectively, “I want this. Don’t throw it away.” But to an adult ear, there’s something quite lovely about “it’s allowed to be a bottle,” as if we’re acknowledging that the object is entitled to keep its title even in the absence of the original function.

Ever since I wrote this post, barely a week has passed where I haven’t seen new notifications for it, as more and more people add their own stories about kids and language - and that’s delightful. But when I check my activity tab, because I never gave this post a proper title, my notifications show me instead a fragment of the opening line - Watching my toddler figure out how to language… - and it always makes me laugh, because time has passed, and he’s not a toddler anymore. When I originally wrote this post - on my phone, in the car, on December 20th, 2016 - my son was 3, talking about a plastic bottle of chocolate milk we’d bought him at a service station stop on a drive to stay with family; lo these seven years later, on March 5th, 2024, he’s 11, playing Roblox with his friends while listening to music from Hollow Knight on his laptop. Yet this snapshot of his toddlerhood remains, unchanged, as though he’d never aged all - and while there’s something lovely about that, as dates on tumblr are so often opaque, I thought I should also offer an update :)


I was actually just up in Ohio for the solar eclipse, and did you know, I'd never seen Spring before?

I thought I had, because down here in Florida we do get some flowers and nice green leaves as the weather shifts from cool to hot, but the trees are never bare and the flowers just blend in with the rest of the trees and in comparison this Actual Spring was some sort of magical wonderland, I swear to god, I've never seen anything like it

Apple blossoms???? are so pretty???????? the subtle changes of the colors, and they take up the whole tree and they're so damn beautiful????????????????? I had never seen them before, we don't have any apple trees down here at all, but now they might be my favorite flower

I'm familiar with cherry blossoms- we do have some cherry trees- but not like this. This tree was entirely pink and stood out so much! No leaves or anything on the trees, just flowers everywhere!!! I see why people like spring and cherry blossoms so much, I think.

And idek what these are but LOOK at that!!!!!!! Life and color!!!! Spring!!!!

So yeah. I went to Ohio and I thought it was beautiful and i wanted to share that with you. Your state is wonderful!!!

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