
Servamp stuff


mostly things i've been wondering about servamp and sometimes i do redraws(there might be a few fanfiction later on) i haven't read the 9th vol since i live in germany so please no spoilers if you have any questions (i take that back just give me all the spoilers

Pangur loves being held upside down like a baby, to the extent where I’ll be sitting while using my arms for something (reading, laptop, etc) and she’ll climb onto my lap and just….throw herself backward at me. requiring me to drop whatever I’m doing to catch her, sometimes literally. I am then trapped holding a baby (elderly) cat for however long she wants to remain there purring


Let us suppose that the "average" horse would have equal proportions of all these parts. The degree to which each part in this poll deviates from the "average" size (20% of total) will determine how large or small that part of our horse will be (i.e a horse with only 10% in Legs will have legs half the size of the average horse).

I will draw a picture of the horse we make!

Thank you for your patience, tumblr. I have been at work all day but now I am home and ready to build this horse you asked for.

First, let's pull up the poll results alongside an average looking horse. I have calculated the size of each part of our horse in relation to Average Size.

Next we will adjust our horse's components according to the specifications.

animated gif of the horse sketch being manipulated and resized

Finally, let us properly assemble these parts and see how it looks.

And there you have it. Great work team. No notes.


somehow their different cross-media designs give off different vibes/ship dynamics to me, i just thought it'd be fun to draw it out lol

(also i love their mobile designs they're so pretty ;v;)


one of my main theories is that Louis is Vanitas's real name. It would explain the flinch when Mikhail told Vanitas that Louis was Noé's friend and curse-bearer. Plus, it's a super common boy's name. Also the potential tragedy of it all.

Ahhhh for real the tragedy of it all... It could also be another reason why Mikhail was fond of Dominique. And I suppose it would make sense since iirc wasn't Interview with a Vampire an inspiration for vnc? A story about a human turned vampire named Louis who kills his vampire partner (but not really), told as recollections after it all happened, just like vnc!!!)

The deeper i go through this rabbit hole, the more sense it makes?? Now i've read or seen iwav, but just by looking through the wikipedia page, things are seriously making my mind explode.

Lestat is from an impoverished noble family in Auvergne, which sounds remarkably similar to Averoigne, where Noe was raised...

precisely! damn that possibility is making my head spin by how much sense it makes.

also that being said, does anyone known where she’s ever made that ref to IWTV? I’ve heard it before but never seen that source material, which is why I’ve excluded it from theories and my ref masterlist (which is pinned in my blog).

I can't remember whether she's talked elsewhere about IWTV being an inspiration for VnC more specifically, but there's an interview translated here where she talks about how the movie was one of the things that first got her interested in vampires.


Paraglider and black vulture chilling



I NEVER get tired of this video. It would be fantastic if the bird was just flying near him, but the fact it feels safe and comfortable enough to land ON his paraglider, isn't startled when he pets it, and is NIBBLING HIS SHOES... blessed moment, absolutely fabulous, 10/10 gold stars.

Okay but the bird isn't just nibbling

Note that it doesn't start nibbling until he starts smoothing its feathers.

They're grooming each other.

This is called parahawking! That vulture is tame -- it’s wearing jesses (a leather tie around the leg that a falconer will use to hold a bird when it’s on the glove). In fact that vulture is employed. Parahawking birds seek out thermals the same way they would naturally, allowing paragliders to follow them in the process.

Vultures are often used for parahawking both because of their attraction to thermals, and because vultures, as scavengers, are comparatively gentler and more sociable than birds of prey!

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