
A symbol of Avarice

@etheralavarice / etheralavarice.tumblr.com

Hello! My name is Huntyr, and at this point, this blog caters to my interests, really. I do tag nsfw, so keep that in mind, and no, I will not check your fucking virus blog .

sorry everyone, this is a sableye blog now.

I think they would like "crimewave" by crystal castles


Tasty Spooks

It's that time again. Summer is ending and I say sad goodbye to it and sunlight. But Spooky Month is here with my annual sableye drawing


I'm collecting these. where is this damn kitchen


Building online businesses

"I'm eating ancestrally!" I chirp in my hyper-modern white kitchen as I pour borax into sour milk and chug it

Does the bovine tuberculosis also reverse pharma damage or


"It's a neat marketing trick from tradwives to position themselves as a dangerous threat that feminists are desperate to take out. It helps sell the central, lucrative fantasy to credulous audiences: That female submission is a woman's natural desire, one that's being stolen from them by sinister feminist forces. And that you, male viewer, would be gifted with a compliant helpmeet of your very own, if not for those dastardly feminists. But these brave women of YouTube, with their picture-perfect make-up and slender-but-curvy physiques, will stand up to those bitches and restore your birthright: A smoking hot 22-year-old housewife who never talks back, never gets tired, never says "no," and never gains weight, no matter how many children she has.


The tradwives claiming otherwise on social media are playing a shell game. They sneer at feminists for working, but creating online content is work, and often quite lucrative for those who snag huge fanbases. They deride feminists for having ambition, but of course, building an audience in the competitive world of online influencers requires a striver. They want to sell themselves as humble, but the whole "tradwife" genre is built on being aggressively opinionated — and reaping major rewards, both in terms of attention and money. Most "tradwives" online are far more # GirlBoss than even the most outspoken feminist. Their viewers are just too gullible to know what they're consuming is a toxic fantasy."


A reminder!

Worth noting, this is actually more Nazi than the swastika itself, which has significance to Buddhists, Hindus, Slavs, Balts, and others that massively predate its appropriation by facists.

This thing, by contrast, has only one meaning.





a reminder that ron desantis included this symbol in a campaign video. cannot stress this enough, he's not just a homophobe. he is openly associating himself with nazi iconography. he has claimed that if he were president, he would be 'slitting throats on day one'. he is trying to make accusations of racism, homophobia, sexism and transphobia illegal. he has claimed florida is where 'woke goes to die'. if he isn't a fascist, the term fascist has lost all meaning.


disturbed by how little ppl acknowledge the secondary health risks of vampire bites. if your vampire lover is drinking your blood you MUST be up to date on your tetanus shot. puncture wounds are at especially high risk for tetanus infections. just because your partner was born in 1312 doesn’t mean you have to die like it.

moreover they should be prepping the bite point with an alcohol wipe.

and while I’m at it, I’ve noticed a blithe disregard for health & safety when it comes to blood pacts. can’t believe I have to say this but you should absolutely NOT be cutting your palm open with the pocket knife from your belt holster (??????)

if you’re expecting to be in a blood pact/oath situation please just pick up some sterile finger lancets from the pharmacy. cannot stress this all enough.

You don't need a tetanus shot unless your vampire's been eating dirt. The reason puncture wounds with stuff like rusty nails gives you tetanus is that C. tetani is an anaerobic spore-forming bacteria that lives dormant mostly in soil and cold wet environmental conditions. What you do need to worry about unless you're absolutely 100% sure you and your vampire are completely monogamous (and, come on, besides one particularly aberrant Mormon example when have vampires ever been monogamous), is bloodborne diseases. Get yourself a Hep B shot and get on PrEP. If they're the type to eat animals and/or you're in endemic areas or seasons, also watch out for stuff like Malaria, West Nile, Babesia, Tularemia. Get them to use a good CPC/chlorhexidine mouthwash maybe. Universal Precautions apply to blood pacts and blood magic the same as they do in medicine. Treat all blood and body fluids as if they carry infectious diseases by default and take all reasonable PPE and barrier measures as necessary. Know your risks.

Tetanus exists nearly everywhere can can infect a wound both during and after the wound-causing event. It’s shocking to realize how easy it once was to contract tetanus prior to vaccines. Tetanus lives in the soil but is nor confined to it.

Per the CDC, wounds infected with saliva are at especially high risk of tetanus infection. If you are bitten by an animal or even a human, you need a tetanus booster (I most recently had mind after a snake bite).

Vampire mouths are no exception!!!

If your vampire bites their nails, if y’all are out on a hike and go for a little romp on the ground, if you yourself have touched something with tetanus bacteria on it then transferred it to your skin by touch (gardening perhaps), tetanus can enter your body when the skin is broken via vampire bite.

Your Vampire lover is ideally paying for your healthcare, but if not, please contact your county’s health department and find out about low/no cost tetanus boosters!


I always roll my eyes at posts about what "true punk" is/was and how it was always a left-wing thing because, like, the Sex Pistols were on of the first popular punk rock bands and they were recognized right from the start as posers who had no coherent politics beyond trying to shock people

"Nazi Punks Fuck Off" would have not been a necessary statement if Nazi punks were not a very real thing and a very real part of the punk scene, just sayin'

You literally cannot be a Nazi Punk tho. You're either a Nazi, or you're Punk. Punk has ALWAYS been about kindness and freedom and making things better. Punk is about hope. Punk is about being so angry about injustices that you are going to start a fight over it. Being a Nazi goes against everything that Punk stands for and the two cannot coexist within a single movement.

Punk has ALWAYS been about kindness and freedom and making things better.

No it hasn’t! This is literally exactly the kind of ahistorical take on punk that drives me off the wall, and you’re exactly the kind of person I was vagueing about!

Punk hasn’t always been about freedom, from the start it was being subversive, and what exactly punk was trying to subvert has always been extremely broad and open to interpretetion by different groups!

The Ramones were conservatives. The Sex Pistols had no intended political message beyond being offensive and their frontman supports Trump now. These initial groups were not acting to make a statement about freedom or kindness but to push against the increasing conformity, cleanliness, and smooth production of mainstream rock music. That did not necessarily entail standing up for freedom or left-wing causes. Of the initial “big three” old-school punk bands, The Clash were the only ones that were politically progressive!

Lots of punks in the 80s wore Nazi armbands for the express purpose of being shocking and offensive to mainstream sensibilities because that is what punk was about. And soon enough, the “ironically edgy” Nazi punks gave way to actual goddamned Nazis in punk. Fuck, have you even heard of Skrewdriver? Do you even know that Nazi punks were the reason that “skinhead” became modern shorthand for “neo-Nazi?”

It’s not possible to deny punk to fascists by is by playing “no true Scotsman.” All that does is make it easier to pretend they’re not there, and not a real problem. If you want to tell the Nazi punks to fuck off, you have to first acknowledge that they have a deep history in punk, and you have to face that reality and confront it! You can’t just bury your head in the sand and pretend the problem isn’t real.


dark souls is about hubris, it’s about the inevitability of fate and about how history is a wheel etc. but i feel like a lot of people forget that dark souls is also about love and hope in a better future despite everything

Queelag was reaping humanities to keep her frail, dying sister alive, Quelana spends her existence stuck in a poisonous swamp because she can’t bear to leave behind her family for good and ultimately chooses to return to her sister so they could bear the time left together, Artorias’ last act of awareness before being lost to the Abyss is to save Sif’s life and Sif spends the rest of its life protecting Artorias’ tomb from desecrators, Sieglinde risked her life setting on a journey to look for her undead father, Lucatiel is losing herself to the curse of undeath to look for her lost brother, Anri strays from their path and duty because they can’t fathom going through it without Horace, Patches shows heroism once someone he considers a friend is risking his life, Ornstein left his post after millennia to look for a long lost friend, Lothric willingly chose to share his brother’s curse and his refusal to perpetrate the cycle… And so on, and so forth.

It’s about love! It’s all about love!! If you’re only seeing the grittiness of the story, you’re ignoring the beauty of the whole picture.

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