
Uhh, Cooleo Stuff



i know everyone makes fun of ya dystopian fiction and books like the hunger games or divergent, etc. like “lmao one teenage girl can’t save the world” but uhhh 

that is literally????

what’s happening?????

right now?????

like idk about you, but i can smell a revolution coming

and she’s leading it. 


hey if u can’t drive/are a slow learner due to a disability or mental illness, just picture historical figures like pirates or the founding fathers trying to operate a car.

it’s only “easy” bc we’ve normalized it.

it would be great for neurotypicals to reblog this

this is a serious point and makes me feel a lot better about my refusal to get a driver’s license and yes neurotypicals please reblog this but i’m also thinking about that one gif of george washington barrelling towards you in a truck


May you find exactly what you want at the thrift shop, in your price range, next time you’re there.

can’t pass up this kinda karma


and in your size

definitely cant pass it up now jeez


hurricane help from a katrina survivor:

1. if your area is under mandatory evacuation, you NEED to leave. there will no no emergency services when the storm hits, this includes 911. there are no hospitals, you will be on your own. if you are under mandatory evacuation and choose to stay, write your full name and social security # on your arm so that you can be identified if you are found unresponsive.

2. fill the tubs/sinks with water, the power will be out for 2-3 days at least. fill bowls and cover them so they don’t get dust or debris in them.

3. don’t go to the attic. floods are scary, and your first instinct may be to get to higher ground once water enters your home. if you have a second floor, go there. if not, get to the ROOF. DO NOT TAKE SHELTER IN YOUR ATTIC!! the water may rise and trap you in there. always be in a place where you can escape if the water gets too high.

4. buy spray paint. this saved lots of lives in nola. if you get to the roof, you can write a message so that rescue crews can see. keep it simple, ex: “4 survivors. 1 elderly diabetic. 1 child.” if/when you escape your home, cross your message out and/or write “rescued” so that emergency crews know you don’t need help anymore. (if you have enough paint try to include your last name)

5. don’t go in the water, please. you don’t know what’s in there, you don’t know how deep it is. turn around, don’t drown. under NO circumstances should you drive a vehicle through flood waters.

6. mail important documents to relatives and take pictures of everything, and make insurance claims early. take EVERYTHING off the floor and put it on a table.

7. charge your phones, and buy an old fashioned radio and program it to the weather center.

i know it’s scary. it’ll be ok, this happened before and it’ll happen again. stay safe, don’t take any chances out there.


Reblogging bc hurricane survivors in the notes are saying this is good info. Also, remember to NEVER NEVER run a generator (or barbecue grill) in an enclosed space. Not indoors, not in a garage/shed/balcony/tent–only outdoors at least 20 feet from windows, doors, vents, basements, crawlspaces, and roof overhangs. (sources/more info link 1, link 2)

Hurricane (Sandy) survivor as well here. This is 100% fantastic advice. NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK, IF YOU ARE UNDER MANDATORY EVACUATION, LEAVE. My dad was an idiot and we nearly didn’t leave. During the flood, our house nearly caught on fire. There would have been no one to save us. The street would have already been flooding. We’d be dead. Also, go to the gas station and stock up on fuel if you have an oil burner. Take glass objects off the shelves and put them in something contained so they don’t fall and break. UNPLUG ALL ELECTRONICS. TVs, Washers, Dryers, Fridges. ALL OF THEM. If you get a power surge, you do NOT want to risk setting anything on fire.  Also, probably one of the most important things:



There's an excellent post going around that I'll probably reblog once I get to desktop about how constant hyperawareness of the state of the world is actually a form of self harm and that people should learn to turn off and disengage.

Immediately after reading that post, the literal next post on my dash was a horrifically upsetting state-of-the-world post with the caption "don't you DARE scroll past this".

If we're going to acknowledge how damaging constant awareness of the horrors of the world is, we also need to acknowledge the whole damn reblog guilting / reblog coercion thing and what a massive part it plays in compulsory hypervigilance. It is absurdly difficult if not impossible for a hell of a lot of people to feel okay with disengaging when they're being heckled and guilted and judged in the reblog chain of a post for doing so.


september will be kind. september will be kind. september will be kind. september will be kind. september will be kind. september will be kind. 


wearing green is gay culture

this may sound like a shitpost but in the 19th century green carnations were a sign of being gay AND in ancient rome, yellowish-green clothing was a sign that a man was effeminate and therefore probably gay, so green is a gay color and only gay people can wear it now


🔮bonding with tarot decks🔮

hello loves! 

when you first get a tarot deck, you’re probably like me in the sense that you just want to read now, right now with a huge spread that details your whole life story. however, it’s really important to bond with a new deck, and let both your energies get accustomed to each other. i always find if i don’t bond with my deck, it tends to read less accurately until i do - not to mention sasses me as much as possible. so, here are the ways i bond with my tarot decks!

  1. sleep with your deck. seriously, put your deck under your pillow every night. this is a great way to bond with your deck without spending a lot of time on it! just pop it in it’s box or bag, slip it under your pillow and have a well deserved snooze whilst letting your energies get used to eachother.
  2. put your deck on your altar or somewhere else you spend a lot of time. putting it in such a sacred place that’s close to your heart will really help your bond grow.
  3. shuffle it. i like to sit around fidgeting by shuffling my decks while i’m just relaxing, and it’s also a great way to get physically accustomed to your deck!
  4. talk to it. if you want your deck to read for you accurately, i’ve found talking to it to be one of the best ways to get it to understand what you need to hear. it might sound silly, but even if it doesn’t help your deck it’s always nice to get a load off of your chest!
  5. do an interview spread. you’ve more than likely seen lots of these ‘get to know the deck’ spreads around the internet. they’re there to help you understand your deck’s personality, and how it likes to answer questions. it’s a cute little bonding session and it’s great fun to do an interview as your first reading with a new deck!
  6. ask it questions you know the answer to. this is a good exercise to understand the personality of your deck further! you could even ask it to tell a simple story you know well - the way it tells it will indicate even more, like how positive it is, whether it’s blunt or subtle… and it’s really fun!
  7. leave your other decks alone for a little while. if you have more than one deck, stop reading with them until you’re used to the imagery and the style of reading your new deck gives you. let all your love and energy surround this deck!

so, they’re the ways i bond with my tarot decks. if you have other methods of bonding with them, let me know! i’d love to try out new ways of doing this.

if you like my content and would like to support me, and you’d like to order a cheap tarot reading, please head over to my etsy here! i’m offering tarot readings and custom sigils for low prices so i can pay my rent and my bills. i hope you like what i have to offer! thankyou for reading~


today i was talking to my therapist about being upset that my dad wanted a daughter and she told me 'your father is crying by a grave of his own making that has no corpse in it. you do not need to fill it for him and are not required to weep beside him' and I had to take a sip of water bc my mind stopped working for a moment


Hey so I know there is so much bad stuff going on rn with the Amazon and people trying to use the Spiderman stuff to take attention away from it, but over the past week The Florida Aquarium in Tampa has been able to successfully help coral reproduce in a lab. Which is amazing news because this ciuld literally help our oceans with the rising temperatures and bleaching of the corals. This could help bring back native corals and help our oceans thrive again.

A link for anyone interested in reading about it!



Omg 😂😂


I think I may need this for you @neveradullmoment13


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 there is gonna be a rush on ordering these.

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aw, nobody wants to ship it to Australia. my mind shall have to remain unblown.


you have been visited by the seven magic dragon balls your biggest wish will be granted but only if you reblog

Couldn’t risk it.


didn’t realize they change colors. now I know o gotta wish.

THIS SHIT IS REAL I GOT THE JOB I WAS NUTS ABOUT BC I REBLOGGED THIS YESTERDAY maybe it’s a coinkidink but it okay just take the necessary steps to achieve what you’re wishing for and YOU CAN DO IT

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