
a place to ramble about everything

@eternaluniverseworld / eternaluniverseworld.tumblr.com

Emily, she/her, 23, whovian.
I like to write (ao3) and draw (still learning, but you might see some of my works).
if you want to rant about anything, need someone to talk to or just want to say hello

Crown Of Flowers

[ID: Missy and The 13th Doctor, in their usual outfits, are slow-dancing together surrounded by light, and can be seen full-body. Missy is smiling, while The Doctor is not. The background, which is a memory, features a large orange-tinted, circular ballroom and students from the Timelord Academy who are also dancing together. The ceiling and walls are covered in Gallifreyan scripture. This picture was drawn digitally. /End ID]

When Missy wakes up in a prison cell, she already knows deep down that something is terribly wrong. A woman tells her the story of a shepherd boy and Missy can’t shake the feeling off, that she should knew this familiar stranger.

A dark future is lurking in the shadows, taunting her useless feelings, and makes sure, that she never forgets that she is the Master.

“Hi! I’m Emily and I can never resist writing Thoschei, I just love these two idiots too much. I had so much fun celebrating the Master’s 50th birthday together with all of you!”

Artist: @lukifisk

“Hello! I’m Lukas/Lukifisk, from Spain, and an illustration student. I’m a huge fan of Doctor Who, and since I saw this project, I had to jump in! My favourites are this show, cats, Pokémon Go, and playing music. Nice to meet y'all!”

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. 
Silence, just for a moment before the woman whispered her next words: “The King said, ‘The third question is, how many seconds of time are there in eternity.’” 
Theta had never been able to understand the boy’s answer. 
Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. 
The reply was barely audible, but of course, the Mistress heard it. She closed her eyes, the realization who was telling her that story hit hard. 
“Wait!” She demanded but she didn’t listen. As always, she didn’t listen.
“Then said the shepherd boy, ‘In Lower Pomerania is the Diamond Mountain, which is two miles and a half high, two miles and a half wide, and two miles and a half in depth; every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on it, and when the whole mountain is worn away by this, then the first second of eternity will be over.’” 
The woman’s voice – the Doctor’s voice – broke, barely audible anymore. 

Why does no one ask, Master Who?: (#1 - Koschei)

This was one subject I was excited to cover, especially after just recently getting into Russian folklore. And of course since this is technically the first master (as according to the fandom, EU content, and The Sound of Drums ), this had to be the one to cover first (especially because of the symbolism present here that I feel is so important to beginning our journey exploring who the Master is.)

Though the young first Master’s name is never revealed to us in the show, how did we get the name Koschei? Let me direct you to the way of the Extended Universe.


Why does no one ask, Master Who?: (#2 - The Moriarty to your Holmes)

Why does no one ask, Master Who?: A Character Study Series Masterlist

Since my last topic cover was on the Academy nickname that was symbolic of what the Master would become for the future, I now only think it’s fair to continue our journey with the man who started it all, the legendary Roger Delgado aka Delgado!Master. I will cover Delgado himself later on in another post, but here we will explore how the Master exactly came to be as a character. 

The creative team (Terrance Dicks, Barry Letts, and Robert Holmes) came up with the idea of a recurring villain for the Doctor in the 70s. Someone who would be a Moriarty to the Doctor’s Sherlock Holmes. They chose the title of ‘the Master’ because it was a title conferred by an academic degree, much like the Doctor’s.

And from here, the Master was created for the first time, appearing in ‘Terror of the Autons’ and for the next 50+ years.


something something the doctor having this incurable ability to see the beauty in everything, no matter their intentions.

am completely aware that it’s Not That Deep, and that this has nothing whatsoever to do with thoschei but i’d like to use it as an example of the many times the doctor’s seen the master commit atrocities yet still, found the beauty in them (by them i mean the master)

the doctor is literally strapped to a chair here. he’s been kidnapped, rolled about and slapped yet; he still will not give up on the master and their childhood dream to wander the stars together. he can’t help but think his old friend could be more, could be beautiful again. he’s the only person who can see the master’s potential for good, although he is known to be evil. he admires the master’s intelligence, when anyone else would think nothing of it because of what he uses it for.
with that admiration also comes a deep yearning for them to be equals again, not just in their cleverness but in their ideals. they are inherently the same but they don’t stand on the same side and that causes a wall in their relationship, a wall which the doctor would like to tear down by guiding the master towards goodness.

and i’d like to add that the situation’s a bit different here, obviously, since the doctor and missy were already trying to make their friendship work again. so the doctor reminisces and feels nostalgic about their past, he is hopeful about their future and wants his friend (bill) to understand why. their history’s not just history, it’s an endless cycle of meetings and goodbyes. they’re never truly gone from each other.

bill even goes so far as admitting being scared of missy. however the doctor can’t give any response to that, can’t make any promises to his friend because his oldest friend needs his help and he’s already made up his mind. he’s aware he finds a monster beautiful but he does nothing to change it.

and last but not least, this little thing. i can’t even begin to get into the atrocities spymaster committed towards the universe at large and the doctor specifically. the entire episode is filled with mentions of his past crimes, and there’s no forgiveness to be found this time, however the doctor is still noticeably unable of ignoring his brilliance, quite ironically, in the same manner he tried to be her and have a companion to “bask” in it.

all this to say— the doctor clearly associates ingenuity with beauty on top of just admiring the two, especially when they come together. and the master, being the doctor’s first friend, and a brilliant one at that, fits every criteria. the doctor’s also not just alien to humans, but alien to their own species and anyone else in the universe when it comes to how they perceive the master. therefore, the master may be beautiful to the doctor, but to everyone else, they’re evil.

The 77 Year Zine final total: £1083.78 DONATED!

Today, we made our final donation to Crohn's and Colitis UK for the zine- thanks to all of you brilliant, brilliant people, we’ve raised £1083.78!! Thank you so much to everyone who bought the zine, everyone who contributed, and to Sacha Dhawan for inspiring us to make it!

Production on our next zine starts right now. If you're interested, click on our blog. Exciting things are coming...


Look who said hello!

One of our brilliant contributors got this lovely video from Sacha after we gave him an advance copy of the zine at Collectormania this weekend!

Everyone in the Zine is in shock at being perceived and so, so happy!!


The Dhawan!Master Zine of your dreams is here!!

Preorders for ‘Around the Universe’s Worst Planet in 77 Years’ are now OPEN!

From today (August 1st) until August 25th, standard edition, special edition, digital edition and audio edition zines will be available to pre-order from our website for as low as £3.

The 77 Years Zine chronicles the adventures of the Master on Earth during Spyfall Part Two and his adventures through each decade. It will be printed on full colour with fics and art from fan creators as well as bonus content, stickers, badges and keyrings in the special edition.

This zine has been made with love by Master writers, artists and fans. We’ve made zines as affordable as possible, whilst giving any excess profits to Crohn’s and Colitis UK.

Please share/reblog! Let’s help this go far!

Travelling with you made me feel really special. Thank you for that. Thank you for making me feel special. Thank you for exactly the same.


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