



I can’t stop thinking about the Volturi somehow getting a (pet) roomba. Like, someone complains about the dust and one of the secretaries suggests it as a solution and the whole coven just treats it like a small dog, giving it a name and “treats” (read: dirt). Maybe they even give it a miniature cloak.

IDK why I thought of this it’s so silly, but there you go.

Aro would get really attached to it to the point of being half sure it’s sentient and when no one is looking he would trying touching it to read its thoughts only to realize he was being ridiculous








IS FANFICTION OF THIS and Plato’s Ring of Gyges




Anonymous asked:

Ok idk if this is unpopular or not but I dont really like Vamp!Bella?? I feel like a lot of her character got lost, which makes sense I guess.. I just miss this awkward teenager and her boyfriend, this married mom just doesnt feel like her :/

Agree! We don’t really get to see a lot of her, and she undergoes so much change so quickly that we practically lose sight of her. She gets married and then very quickly becomes at vampire and mother all at once and we only get a few hundred pages to explore all that. I feel like we all were expecting her to become a vampire but the other stuff always felt like SM was just force feeding me teenage parenthood. The only thing that really feels stable is her love for Edward, Alice, and the other Cullens. But even all of that get eclipsed by R*n*ssmee

- mod sam


Thanos, the Great Liar

Say, Thanos, I recall you telling your adopted space daughter (who you routinely abused, by the way) that her home planet of Zehoberei was now thriving because you killed half its population - including her birth mother - because ‘balance was restored’.

Do you know what I think about that?

I think it’s nothing more than a




So apparently her planet prospered to the point everyone spontaneously died? Troll-logic yourself out of that one, you insane oversized prune.


Welll… TECHNICALLY he would point out that

  • No one is starving on that world
  • The crime rate is reduced to zero
  • The economy is very stable.
  • Pollution is no longer a problem.

It’s all in the spin….


i mean, as the last survivor has twelve counts of murder, in actuality the crime rate is 100%, so- how’s it going, thanos


Imagine arriving at Middle-earth with hearing aids, thankfully after buying a big batch of batteries.

Submitted by @bonniekf8-blog​


Time For Business (clint barton imagines

Summary: your boss isn’t as terrible as you think

Warnings: fluff? flangst?

Word Count: 493

Fuck, fuck fuck. You were running late. You kept checking your phone every three seconds, knowing your boss would be waiting for your presence in his office, coffee less by now. You rushed off the train and stumbled as you nearly ran into a biker.

You whimpered as you ran into the coffee shop and walked to the counter, ordering your boss’s coffee and tapping your foot rapidly on the floor until the coffee was handed over to you.

Aaawwweeee!! Clint is nice! I love it babe! Its great!!!


I dont know wtf I wanted to get for a gif but that wasnt that one lol!


Thank you, Carrie Fisher.

Carrie: specifically asks women

Man: talks

Carrie: Shut the fuck up I wasn’t talking to you


Inspirational. Still can’t believe she’s no longer with us. At least she’s part of the Force now.


“why can’t female heroes kick arse in heels” because it’s not practical and will literally snap your damn ankle you can scream weaponised femininity all you want but first off, you need to admit that they’re not an almighty symbol of empowerment, and secondly that if you do a job with a lot of physical activity in heels you’re risking your own safety. all these women fighting in heels on tv are going to end up seriously injuring themselves. 

weaponised femininity is a concept made up in an attempt to get us to embrace the industries created to hold us back/profit from our insecurities so that we can continue to fit into the male expectation of what a woman should be and not question why we are forced to spend thousands on our appearance every year

just a small anecdote. I had a friend who worked in theater; she was the stage manager and an actress came to her in tears one day because the director absolutely refused to let her do a choreographed fight scene in less than 3 inch heels because “they’re platforms so you’ll be okay.” My friend, who is a woman’s size 10, brought her own heels in the next day and DEMANDED the director put them on and try the choreography before the actress did it. He finally agreed to change it, without putting the heels on.

so like I know you might think of “all those women on tv fighting in heels” as fictional woman who WOULD hurt themselves in real life, but its fiction so its okay…except those women are portrayed by real actresses who are actually fighting in actual heels, being directed by dudes who have never worn a pair of heels in their lives, alongside men who aren’t expected to constantly wear things that make their stunts 2x more dangerous than they have to be. Just a thought.

Men take “let’s see feminine women being badass” to mean “let’s see women impractically focused on their appearance in combat situations.“


That’s why I loved Black Panther even more Nakia took off her heels and used them as weapons and was running and driving around barefoot in that one scene


A number of stuntwomen have spoken out about getting injured on sets because the character is wearing heels and skimpy clothing that provide no protection or padding. It literally harms rl women.

The only way I wanna see a women fight with heels is if she takes them off and fights with them a la Mulan/Nakia style.


sorry i can’t hear the noise of male entitlement over the sound of Evangeline Lilly and every other woman sighing in frustration


the real tragedy is that sirius black died before he could find out about the embarrassing nickname snape gave himself as a teenager

that alone would have cured his depression, ptsd and alcoholism


Imagine an enemy decides to kidnap you, Loki’s lover, to use as leverage, not quite realising that would gain them not just the full wrath of an angry God of Mischief but that of the entirety of the Avengers, who have all basically adopted you.


If you’re European, in a couple of weeks you will be denied any and all access to fandom contents on Tumblr and everywhere else on the internet. Here’s why.

On June, 20th the JURI of European Parliament approved of the articles 11 and 13 of the new Copyright Law. These articles are also known as the “Link Tax” and the “Censorship Machines” articles.

Articles 13 in particular forces every internet platform to filter all the contents we upload online, ending once and for all the fandom culture. Which means you won’t be able to upload any type of fandom works like fan arts, fan fictions, gif sets from your favourite films and series, edits, because it’s all copyrighted material. And you won’t also be able to share, enjoy or download other’s contents, because the use of links will be completely restricted.

But not everything’s lost yet. There’s another round of voting scheduled for the early days of July.

What you can do now to save our internet, is to share these informations with all of your family members and friends, and to ask to your MEP (the members of the European Parliament from your country) to vote NO at the next round, to vote against articles 11 and 13.

Here you can find more news and all the details to contact your MEP:

Also, sign and share this petition:

We have just a couple of weeks to stop this complete madness, don’t let them dictating the way we enjoy our internet.

#SaveYourInternet now!

It’s funny how y'all will reblog any and all US things but when whole Europe might lose access to internet then everything is quiet.


Hey, guys! It’s me, your friendly neighborhood law student!

I am seeing this circling my dashboard (yet again) and I would like to say a few things about it. Once again, as I have stated before when I’ve weighed in on something, I am not a lawyer (yet). But, that being said…

Please stop being sensationalist. There are many legitimate criticisms of this directive, but these are not the criticisms I am seeing being spread around. Instead, what’s being spread around amounts to fearmongering. I don’t blame you for doing so - the vast majority of this is being started by the people this will hit hardest, AKA big corporate giants such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft. They have the kind of press pull that very easily leads to this kind of panic. 

So, for any of my followers having anxiety about this, let me soothe your worries and address them point by point.

1. “This will destroy the internet in two weeks”

No, no, it won’t. This is a directive, meaning (unlike, say, the the last thing to bring my work onto my tumblr, the fucking GDPR) that it leaves the goals of the directive open to somewhat free implementation by member states, as long as the basic goals of the directive are met on time. As such, it will be years before we actually see any binding legislation as a result of this directive, and how member states choose to implement it will vary on the state in question.

2. “Article 11 will completely restrict the use of links”

Article 11, AKA what is being referred to as the link tax, essentially implements what we call the ancillary copyright of press publishers. This right gives press publishers the right to demand compensation when snippets of their content are displayed on other web pages. So, essentially, this is an article almost directly designed to bop Google (who currently holds the kind of leading market position that the EU sees as incredibly problematic because it kind of goes against everything the EU stands for) on the nose. This would force Google (and, with it, other companies) to compensate the writers of articles that are mirrored to their sites in a truncated form, often leading to less traffic to the actual site in question and thus the mirroring site gaining the revenue that would otherwise be due to the writer of the article.

Now - there are legitimate criticisms of this, which mostly hinge on the fact that forcing people to pay the content creator for content they are using may lead some people to stop using that content. Personally, I think it’s better for people to receive compensation for their work, even if it comes at the cost of less sharing of the work. You are allowed to disagree. The most legitimate form of criticism of this article, in my humble opinion, is that it may lead to a picking and choosing of what content to share and what not to. The thing is - is this not something that is being done already? What does this article add to that other than to make sure that if you do choose to share someone else’s work, that other party gets compensated accordingly?

3. “Article 13 will destroy fandom culture”

No, no, it won’t. The vast majority of fandom culture falls under what US law refers to as fair use and most European national laws (which, in the case of EU countries, are harmonized according to the European Union Copyright Directive) refer to as private use. Article 13 in and of itself does not change the allowances made for private use of media in derivative works already. It merely mandates that companies must take effective measures to stop the users of their services from sharing media that infringes on copyright.

Again, I am in the boring camp of agreeing with the EU - I believe it is better for people to be compensated for their work. If the way we are currently using media in fandom is infringing on copyright, then I think we should stop using it that way. You are entirely welcome to disagree with me on this. Notice how the wording of the article constantly emphasizes how measures taken must be appropriate and proportionate. How the the content recognition technology is mentioned as an example of effective measures that could be taken to stop the uploading and sharing of copyrighted works, not as the only way of doing so. Notice how the entire third paragraph of this article deals with best practices and appropriate and proportionate technology which takes into account the availability and effectiveness of technology - so, essentially, if it sucks and flags too many things as infringing on copyright, it should not be used because it is not appropriate, proportionate or effective. And that’s right there in the directive.

And, yet again, there are legitimate criticisms of this article, including the one mentioned in the OP I am replying to regarding the limitations of sharing copyrighted material on, say, Youtube. That’s true - but you haven’t been allowed to upload full films onto Youtube as is, have you? Videos with copyrighted music in the background have been muted or deleted, as well. The most legitimate criticism I’ve seen is that these automatic copyright infringement flagging algorithms are generally overzealous, and this could lead to over-censoring of content that would actually fall under fair use/personal use/whatever you want to call it. That’s true, very true - but the article doesn’t require countries to enforce algorithms being used if they don’t work as they should. See above paragraph.

So, in conclusion: yes, this directive could stand to be worded better. Yes, it may technically lead to the kinds of doomsday scenarios people are imagining - but I really don’t think it will. In fact, I doubt you’ll notice much difference when (in a few years) these laws actually start getting implemented. Notice how no one has heard about the GDPR for like three weeks now, even though we’re living in that supposedly apocalyptic post-GDPR world? (I say, bitterly, as I wade through piles of GDPR every day at work… :D)

Still don’t like the directive proposal? That’s totally fine. By all means, call up your MEP, take a stand! Now, you’re doing it for the right reasons.

Articles cited retrieved from https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52016PC0593 on 21.06.18 at around 10AM GMT.

^ Reblogging this with the additional information since there’s a lot of rumour and inaccurate information (Some of which I fell for myself until people who looked into things told me how untrue it was) flying around about this

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