
Gay stories by FiliFuck

@filifuck / filifuck.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Has your growing size affected your bulge size at all? Because both look great 🤤🤤

Lol what do you think? 😏😈🍆💪🏼


What are you thinking about?”

Thinking about Price whose body is covered in dark blonde hairs, hairs that almost appear golden when the sun shines on them, appear so bright they outdo his dog tags, or appear a shade darker when soaked in sweat, blonde damp strands that lay matted against his belly button but curl at the base of his cock, thick blonde pubes that stretch down his thighs stopping just at his tan lines that he’d gotten from standing so long in the merciless sun


So obsessed with Price's hairy torso right now that it's down right unwell.

John Price x Male! Reader

18+ Minors DNI!

Maybe on an off day or lazy day where he gets to rest and you've been waiting for a day like this to come for a while because now he's sitting on his bed dressed only in his boxers and you've been standing there awkwardly waiting for him to get comfortable settling down on his bed, and when he finally gets comfortable he waves you over, a silent permission for you to just lay yourself on him like some kind of human blanket, burying into his hairy chest feeling the hairs tickle your face as you settle on him. You can even feel John resting a book on top of you for him to read.

Colder days where you just want to snuggle into his soft hairs and his plush body but you both know that you both won't survive cuddling with only the blanket covering you due to the temperature and it results in you climbing inside the shirt he's wearing, forcibly stretching them out just so you could rest the top of your head against his ribs.

It causes Price to buy more shirts to replace the ones you've stretched out, and to buy a loser fitting sweater so you could fit your whole upper body between the sweater's fabric and his body. If he bought an even more oversized one you could probably pop your head out of the collar. (Omg imagine humping, frotting against him like that weird position but the closeness intrigues me)

Imagine rubbing your dick between his pecs, coating the hair with your cum as you cum on his chest. He didn't even have to squeeze his tits together, you were just happy to rub against those coarse hairs of his. Licking up your own cum from his chest hair and wherever it splattered on to, taking your sweet time with replacing the cum with your own spit, making Price whine as you suckle on his pretty nipples as if you were starving.

Then finally coming up to kiss Price, him tasting you on your tongue, how filthy it is making him moan into the kiss as his dick twitches once more.


Thinking about Price wearing nothing but boxers and lounging on the couch, while you’re down on your knees, hands tied behind your back, just a hair away from his clothed cock


‘M going to sleep but price jerking off when you’re away on a mission so much so he’s got cum pooling on his stomach , he quickly picks up his phone, angles it downwards so you get the perfect view of his flurry chest and stomach as he’s teasingly dragging his fingers through the the mess, watching the way cum sticks to the dark strands of hair andhis fingers before he turns the camera to himself where he’s all red in the face hair soaked in sweat but looking satiated as ever


You know what I’d love? Price who knows you’re infatuated with him and revels in it. Whenever you unexpectedly visit his room, he’ll open the door butt naked and wont bother to cover up, arms crossed over his chest with a small smile on his face while he watches you struggle to get a word out.


My god no one is online but you and price along with the rest of 141 being stationed out on a mission it’s early morning so everyone’s still asleep except for price whos getting up to have a shower at the River nearby and all the hustling and bustling hes doing as he collects his things wakes you up so of course you ask him if you can join him and he doesn’t mind

You think Price is shy about showing his body? Absolutely not he’ll strip off his uniform right in front of you, a subtle smile painted on his face when he notices you looking at him, and god what a sight he makes, with his big belly and soft looking pecs, as a big palm soaps up his hairy chest, he uses some of that soap to lather up his hair and face, peaking between his fingers to see if you’re still looking at him and of course you are so he continues on with the show, hand slipping between his thighs and grabbing ahold of his cock, thumb swiping over the tip as he keeps looking at you as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening, even continues to keep his eyes glued to yours as he continues touching himself, and he looks so beautiful cheeks flushed hair wet and sticking his face and with his mouth agape while soft whines and whimpers slips past his lips ,’will continue til he’s inching closer to his release, ropes of cum spilling into the River beneath his feet and of course you’re there to help him clean up wrapping your arms around his waist as you gently pour the water on him, every once a while grazing his sensitive dick just to hear the sweet whines that escapes him as he winces away from your touch


okay i spoke about Din with a broad, hairy chest but what about Joel... (again nsfw under cut so 18+ only)


Thinking about dadbod!Price wearing one of your shirts, fabric stretched taut on his bigger form, the plunging neckline showing off his chest hair, sitting so snuggly on his skin you have a perfect outline of his soft pecs and round belly, barley reaching down his waist and fully exposing his vline and happy trail.

Thinking about sneaking your hands up his (your) shirt and having the fabric easily roll up past his belly button, giving you a peak of the coarse hairs laying beneath the fabric, or having him pinned to the bed thin fabric rolled up past his stomach and chest, and laying snug between his lips, showing off the dark hairs dusted on his body as you fuck him, the light fabric soon turning darker with his cum and spit

Thinking about having your shirts stretch out with time and with that making them his own, having tears and rips in the fabric from where your hands were too eager to get it off of him, and easily sneaking your fingers through the holes to caress bare skin, or to peak at the marks you left on him, even taking advantage of the silver of skin peaking out on his back side, where you’ll rest a possessive hand.


'Imagine being in the modern era, with your webcam on, and masturbating yourself in front of lots of strangers, which have their cameras on, showing their erected cocks, telling you how badly they want to cum inside you. Among the voices of the strangers you recognize the one belonging to your Philosophy and History professors, Alexios and Bayek. You got so horny listening to them that you came four times.'


Seeing my lover completely naked with his ass in the air and his arms folded neatly in front of him, sends a shiver down my spine. When Arno had told me he wanted this, I was initially surprised. After giving it some thought, I agreed and he gleefully began to explain exactly what he wants from this.

Watching him prepare himself proved extremely difficult. I wanted so badly to open him up myself, but my beloved Arno, the clever imp, insisted on doing it himself. He knew exactly how much I love to be teased. Once he deemed himself ready, he beckoned me with a single curled finger and come-hither eyes.

📖Read it here (Javascript enabled, the page will prompt you questions important to the story)

Confession [@catpop12343]


The True Meaning of Bliss

Fandom: Assassin’s Creed

Characters: Bayek of Siwa, Male Reader

Paring: Bayek of Siwa X Male Reader

Contains: Longing, Chest Play, Oral, Semi Public (Well as semi public as it gets in a desert oasis.)

Based on a confession submitted to Dirty Assassin’s Creed Secrets and written by request of said confessor @filifuck. I hope you like it!

“This work of fiction is for entertainment purposes only. The characters are the property of their own individual creators/IP holders.”

This mission was to be a simple one. This mission was to be a test of wills. This mission could determine if two people could truly work together for the benefit of Egypt. The only question was, would something forbidden get in the way?

Having the opportunity to work with the Medjay known as Bayek of Siwa was an opportunity you were not going to pass up. You had heard the stories of his fighting prowess. The stories of him working for the benefit of the people of Egypt. To your delight all the stories turned out to be true. Bayek of Siwa was more than you expected.

But what you didn’t expect when you finally met him face to face was to see just how handsome of a man he really was in all his glory. You didn’t expect to fall for him at first sight. With his long hair pulled back and to the side and his beard, he was even more handsome. Especially when he wore his tunic, the one that showed off all the parts of him that you enjoyed looking at the most. The first time you saw him wear it at the bathhouse, showing his large, hairy chest, your heart nearly stopped.

Though you did fall for Bayek, you said nothing to the others about it. Such thoughts were enough to draw trouble, the kind that no one wanted. Along with that, it was known that Bayek was once married to a lovely woman named Aya. Aya was known to be just as fierce a warrior as Bayek and was known to have ties to the Ptolemies. There were stories that the two of them had went their separate ways but were still attached. You took that to mean that your chances with Bayek were nonexistent. So, you stayed silent, after all, what was the point of saying anything if there was no chance at all.

Burying your feelings for him was easier said than done. You had to work hard to not stare too much when he trained you. You had to work to keep your tone civil around him, lest you say something that you couldn’t take back. Along with these measures, you made a point to avoid being alone with him, though there were times where that was impossible. Being with him brought forth so much that you wanted to keep hidden and the more you spent time with him, you wondered just how much longer you could hide it.

Unbeknownst to you and the others of the Order, Bayek had his own interests in you, far beyond being an assassin. Those interests had begun when he had sought you out to join the order. Having heard that you had created a small group to work against the Romans, he had set out to meet you. Once the two of you formally sat down to discuss things, you quickly realized that the two of you had the same goals and it would be in the best interests of all involved to band together.

Soon enough, it was to be put to the test. Bayek wanted to explore some unknown sites out in the desert and requested that you and you alone accompany him on this mission. Logic screamed “No”, it wasn’t safe enough to go out on this mission, but emotions overruled and somehow the words that came out were “I’d be honored.” With that smile, the smile that made your heart swell, Bayek let know that the two of you would set out at first light the next day.

You spent the rest of that day at the Temple making offerings. Offerings that the two of you would return safely and that the two of you would come back still on good terms with each other. After you finished and after a rather restless night, you met up with Bayek and set off into the desert. He was in a rather cheerful mood and told you that he expected this mission to take several days, with the two of you having to make camp out in the desert. That bit of news both thrilled and terrified you. Nights spent out in the desert with the man you were in love with. Perhaps the Gods had a hand in this.

Once the sun began to set, you and Bayek reached the Aquifer Oasis in the Qattara Depression. To your surprise, for once it was empty of hyenas. It was then that he suggested that the two of you make camp for the night. Hardly daring to speak, you nodded and said nothing when he offered to go gather some wood for a fire.

Once Bayek found enough, he started to build it. Once it was hot enough, the two of you settled down by it and partook of some of the rations you had packed, things like bread and fruit, things that could be quickly eaten. The rations could be spread out and supplemented with game from the desert. If one knew where to look, one could eat well indeed.

While the two of you ate, Bayek took the lead on the conversation. His voice was so pleasurable to listen to that any topic he spoke on was an enjoyable one. Though Bayek didn’t mind taking the lead, he did notice how quiet you were near him. It confirmed for him what he had suspected for some time. Bayek was good at many things, among them reading others, and there was something that he had read in your body language from the day he met you.

Bayek knew you desired him and had known for some time. He could always tell when you would sneak a glance at him, only to quickly turn away when caught. He could always sense your eyes following him closely during training. Though he knew, he never mentioned it to you or others. The way he saw it, if you didn’t disclose it, it was not up for discussion and he wanted to respect that. He wanted to tell you that he himself felt something between the two of you, but he didn’t wish to drive you away.

He wished he could tell you how much he admired you. He admired your passion for life, your humility, your determination to see the people of Egypt safe. He loved how much you looked after those under you, how that you were a man of conviction. Bayek could admire a man firm in his beliefs, a man who would do what was best for Egypt. You were that man; you were everything to him.


Thank you! <3 I love this story so much! <3


Taking Care of Jacob

Taking care of Jacob Story for Greeneyedwolfking written by FiliFuck The sky above the city of London was dark and rain poured on the streets of Whitechapel. The cobblestone road was covered in unconscious bodies of men and women. All of them were dressed in red coats. They were the members of one gang called the Blighters. Few steps away were standing two members of another gang, which was called the Rooks. One of the men was dressed in a black leather coat. His head was covered with a dark hood. His name was Jacob Frye. The other man was dressed in a yellow jacket and he was way bigger than Jacob. They were both covered in blood and panting heavily. "Bloody hell, Mark! Thanks for saving my back!" "Don't mention it, Mr. Frye. You're my boss and I must protect you." "Please, I know I'm your boss, but just call me Jacob." "Alright, Jacob. Are you sure you are alright?  It was a tough fight." "I hope so..." "Maybe I should check by myself. Let's go to my house, shall we?" The two Rooks were walking down the streets of Whitechapel. It was very quiet. The dirty cobblestone was washed by rain. After while they stopped next to one terraced house. They entered and walked the stairs to the second floor. There was a tiny flat. Mark opened the door. "Come it, Jacob. Take off your coat, if you like. You can sit down and I will prepare some tea. Or would you like coffee?" "Yeah, I would like some coffee." Jacob was looking around. It was a typical tiny flat for working people. These were built in London by hundreds. But in this one, he felt like at home. He was sitting on Mark's large bed, which was way more comfortable than a normal wooden chair. "Here you go, Jacob.", said Mark and gave Jacob a cup of coffee. "Thanks, Mark." "Now, I will have to check if you are injured. Some of these bloody Blighters had knives and cleavers. Take your vest and shirt off, please." Jacob unbuttoned his dirty green vest and untied his red scarf. The shirt was also wet from rain and sweat. He slowly unbuttoned it and revealed his strong hairy chest. There was a crow tattoo on his pec. Mark admired his body. It was the first time Mark saw Jacob shirtless.   "You look great Jacob! Your body looks very strong. You have a perfect amount of body hair. I also love your tattoos! And the most important thing,   it looks like you aren't injured at all!" "Ehm, thanks Mark.", said Jacob. "Excuse me, I will have to take my shirt off too. It's wet and uncomfortable." "Sure, go ahead." Mark took off his shirt. The shirt was drenched in rain and sweat and it was too tight. The buttons on his pecs were always straining and his biceps could rip his shirt at any moment. He was built like a mountain. His body was covered with fur. He looked like a bear. Jacob's bulge was getting bigger. Mark flexed his big muscles and showed Jacob his hairy armpits.   "Let's continue in the examination, shall we?" Jacob unbuckled his belts and removed another scarf, which was wrapped around his waist. A bush of black hair was peeking from his trousers. He let his black trousers slide down. He revealed his big uncut cock and large balls covered in hair. Jacob's cock was semi-hard, so Mark grabbed it and played a bit with Jacob's balls. After a few seconds, Jacob was fully hard and ready for action.  Mark licked Jacob's cock and balls. His tongue was playing with the foreskin. Then he put the whole length in his mouth. Jacob's balls were hitting Mark's chin covered in a scruffy beard. Mark was moaning and almost choking on Jacob's big member. Jacob was gently playing with his rock hard nipples.   After a few minutes, Mark was swallowing Jacob's hot, tasty cum. Jacob sat on a chair and Mark removed all his remaining clothes. The floor was covered in clothes. Some of them were ripped, some of them were stained by blood. But they didn't need them anyway.   "Let me enter your hole, Jacob.", said Mark. "Are you sure? Your cock is giant. It will tear my ass apart." "Well, I'm sure other rooks have trained you well." Mark grabbed Jacob's strong hairy chest from behind. He gave his cock a few more jerks and his dick was ready for action. Jacob lowered himself and relaxed his hairy butt cheeks. Mark lubed his finger in saliva and put it in Jacob's anus. Jacob was enjoying it. "Alright, Jacob. Your ass is relaxed. Here I go!" Mark put his giant, rock hard member into Jacob. Jacob gasped. Mark had the largest cock he has ever seen, and now it was in his ass, pressing against his prostate. Mark was holding Jacob from behind like his prey. They were both covered in sweat. The windows were fogging up from their heavy breathing. Jacob's ass was stretched to the limits, but it was barely enough for Mark's monster. Their panting was probably spreading around the whole house. After a few moments, Mark growled like a bear and Jacob's ass was completely filled with cum. Mark put his twitching cock out and his semen was almost everywhere. Jacob collapsed on the bed and his ass was pushing out Mark's testosterone juice. The bed was messy, but they didn't care. Mark lied down next to Jacob. They were cuddling until they fell asleep. The End

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