


whether you love what you love, or live in divided ceaseless revolt against it. (ari | 22 | she/her | indian)

hello again! its ari. i’m a writer (sometimes) and academic (sometimes) who’s been active on this site on and off for a couple of years now. i took a pretty long break away from social media to finish grad school, but now that i have been cast once more unto the breach (of having free time) i figured now was as good a time as any to come back and see what you’re all up to! feel free to send me an ask if you want to catch up, rec me a book, or ask me anything really ✨

  • update: you can also find me on discord @ ari2electricboogaloo#2399
  • update 2: i’ve made a new writing and wip server since i got locked out my the old one (as a consequence of losing my account details). please feel free to dm/send in an ask for the link if you’d like a space to talk about your writing, hear me talk about my writing, or are interested in poststructuralist jokes in any capacity at all! 
  • update 3: here’s a masterpost of essays that i’ve enjoyed reading lately

an addendum, featuring some writing! 

i’m currently in the process of writing a sapphic sports noir featuring a jaded former cricketer who infiltrates a franchise cricket team in order to privately investigate the untimely death of her old batting parter. if any of this sounds interesting to you, you can find excerpts, updates and director’s cut commentary of my drafting in the #cricket wip tag 

i also write short stories sometimes! completed works can be found on my creative writing substack. i’ve currently got two short stories up: 

  • “ginger root”: a disaffected college grad returns home and grapples with the shadow of her vanished mother, her complex feelings towards her familial occupation, and a very tenacious case of corporeal plants. [cws: mommy issues, body horror, plant horror, implied violence and death, emetophobia ment] 
  • “burnish, burn”: a loose wuthering heights prequel/retelling featuring a south asian healthcliff. [cws: period-typical racism, colonial violence, unhealthy relationships, alcohol ment]

i tend to be a lot more active on my server, where i talk incessantly about both my longer form projects and short stories! if you’re interested in joining (and preferably over 16), please feel free to send me an ask or a DM so i can send you an invite! 

Anonymous asked:

mrinali i wanted to say that i'm your biggest fan!!!! i've been following you from your U-19 days and i just love the way you play so so much. you and the other members of the indraprastha conquerors always seem like you're having such a blast together! can you tell us a little more about the camaraderie on and off the court? who's your favourite and least favourite teammate? :>

always great to meet a fan! my favourite teammate would have to be ophelia simply because of her swag, and iqbal has forbidden me from naming my least favourite teammate so i can not spill the tea, as ophelia would say the youths say. She's Sertainly An iNteresting Joke of A player. NeArly killed ophelia. But we love and appreciate all our fans! our next game is on the 27th, come see us then!


GINGER-ROOT; a short story by @derridaspectres

intertexts: [“ginger” - jana salnikova / “ginger-root” by @derridaspectres / “my mother & i” - lucy dacus / “ginger-root”, ibid. ]

cws: plant horror, mentions of throwing up, auto-cannibalism (i promise it makes sense in context), mommy issues, implied violence and murder 
themes: grief and loss, complex parental relationships, the sublime beauty and horror of the natural world
summary: a disaffected college grad returns home and grapples with the shadow of her vanished mother, her complex feelings towards her familial occupation, and a very tenacious case of embodied overgrowth. 

thanks for the ask!! :>

00. THE FOOL: BEGINNINGS (What is the opening line to your current work?) 

The river water had had its way with Ekta Munda by the time the police found the body.

04. THE EMPEROR: STRUCTURE (How do you plot your novels?) 

VERY meticulously (its the only way i can actually start writing fjalksdj)-- i usually create a skeleton outline first, mess around with the order of events until things seem to make sense and then flesh plot points out into a detailed chapter by chapter outline

06. THE LOVERS: RELATIONSHIPS (What are your favorite relationships to write about, whether romantic, familial, or platonic?) 

already answered this one!!


thank you so much for the ask varan!! :>

06. THE LOVERS: RELATIONSHIPS (What are your favorite relationships to write about, whether romantic, familial, or platonic?) 

hhhhh this is a hard one because i LOVE writing about relationships in general, but if i had to pick i think i'd go with twisted, obsessive undefined relationships that veer towards romance-- romance with teeth? i also love writing about mothers and their children

22. ACE OF CUPS: SELF-CARE (How do you practice self-care as an author?)

a read a lot (which is kind of research but mostly self care because i LOVE to read) and cook/bake in between all the writing to make sure that i don't burn out!! i also make it a point not to force myself to write every day, or to keep pushing forward on days where it seems like the words aren't coming.


#authortarotchallenge questions!


00. THE FOOL: BEGINNINGS (What is the opening line to your current work?) 

01. THE MAGICIAN: SPARK OF MAGIC (What inspired you to write your novel?) 

02. THE HIGH PRIESTESS: WISDOM (What are your go-to craft books or resources?) 

03. THE EMPRESS: CREATIVITY (What do you do to feed your creativity and gain inspiration?) 

04. THE EMPEROR: STRUCTURE (How do you plot your novels?) 

05. THE HIEROPHANT: TRADITION (Do you have any writing traditions you follow or plan to implement?) 

06. THE LOVERS: RELATIONSHIPS (What are your favorite relationships to write about, whether romantic, familial, or platonic?) 

07. THE CHARIOT: SUCCESS (How do you measure success?) 

08. STRENGTH: COURAGE (What has been the hardest part of being a writer?) 

09. THE HERMIT: SOLITUDE (Do you prefer to write alone, or do you have people on your team such as beta readers or critique partners?) 

10. WHEEL OF FORTUNE: A TURNING POINT (What was the turning point in your writing career?) 

11. JUSTICE: TRUTH (What is the 'truth' of your novel i.e the prevalent themes or overarching motifs?) 

12. THE HANGED MAN: STUCK (What do you do when you have writer's block or find yourself stuck?)

13. DEATH: ENDINGS (What is your favorite ending to write i.e happy, sad, bittersweet?) 

14. TEMPERANCE: PURPOSE (When did writing become your purpose?)

15. THE DEVIL: NEGATIVITY (What is your least developed writing skill?)

16. THE TOWER: DISASTER (What was the biggest setback in your writing journey?) 

17. THE STAR: HOPE (What keeps you writing/querying/editing when things seem darkest?) 

18. THE MOON: FEAR (What worries you most about your future writing career? What are you anticipating?) 

19. THE SUN: POSITIVITY (What is your greatest writing strength or skill?)

20. JUDGMENT: CRITICISM (Are you afraid of how others will perceive your writing?)

21. THE WORLD: COMPLETION (How long did it take to finish your novel?) 


22. ACE OF CUPS: SELF-CARE (How do you practice self-care as an author?)

23. TWO OF CUPS: PARTNERSHIP (How did you find your agent? If you don’t have or want one, what are you doing to find one, or why aren’t you choosing to sign with one?) 

24. THREE OF CUPS: CELEBRATION (How do you celebrate your wins, or plan to?)

25. FOUR OF CUPS: TURNING AWAY FROM OPPORTUNITIES (Was there ever a time you had to turn away an opportunity in your writing career?)

26. FIVE OF CUPS: REGRET (Do you have any regrets in your writing career?)

27. SIX OF CUPS: CHILDHOOD (Have you written since you were a child or did you pick up the skill as an adult?)

28. SEVEN OF CUPS: OVERWHELMED BY CHOICE (How do you decide which story idea to pursue? How many do you have?)

29. EIGHT OF CUPS: WALKING AWAY (At what point would you walk away from the goal of being published? Was there ever a moment where you considered it?)

30. NINE OF CUPS: WISH COME TRUE (How did you react when an agent offered you representation? If one hasn't yet, how do you imagine you will feel?)

31. TEN OF CUPS: AN IDEAL LIFE (If everything works out, what would your career look like in ten years?)

32. PAGE OF CUPS: A PLEASANT SURPRISE (What was your most recent writing-related pleasant surprise?) 

33. KNIGHT OF CUPS: ROMANTICISM (Do you romanticize your everyday life as an author? Or perhaps, do you romanticize the imagined life you will live?)

34. QUEEN OF CUPS: EMOTIONALLY IN-TOUCH (Do you express yourself emotionally through your writing? Do you find yourself putting your feelings upon your characters?)

35. KING OF CUPS: MASTER OF TURBULENCE (How do you cope with the ups and downs of publishing?)


36. ACE OF SWORDS: NEW PROJECTS (What project/WIP do you want to work on next?) 

37. TWO OF SWORDS: A DIFFICULT DECISION (Did you choose to traditionally publish or self-publish? Was the decision difficult?) 

38. THREE OF SWORDS: PIERCED BY GRIEF (Have you ever had your heart broken by the writing or publishing journey?)

39. FOUR OF SWORDS: RECUPERATION (Have you ever dealt with burnout?)

40. FIVE OF SWORDS: COMPETITION (Have you ever entered a writing competition?)

41. SIX OF SWORDS: TRANSITION (Would you ever write out of the genre you usually write in?)

42. SEVEN OF SWORDS: STRATEGY (Do you have plans for marketing your book?)

43. EIGHT OF SWORDS: SELF-IMPOSED SUFFERING (Do you ever feel imposter syndrome regarding your writing?)

44. NINE OF SWORDS:  NIGHTMARES (What would be the worst possible outcome for your writing career?)

45. TEN OF SWORDS: THE INEVITABLE END (If your work is a series, do you know how it will end? Do you fear or look forward to eventually putting away the world and characters?) 

46. PAGE OF SWORDS: A NEW APPROACH (Have you tried a new writing technique, method, format, or style? Are there any you want to attempt?)

47. KNIGHT OF SWORDS: AMBITION (What is your loftiest, wildest goal?)

48. QUEEN OF SWORDS: THICK SKIN (Have you ever received a stabbing critique of your work? Did you handle it well?)

49. KING OF SWORDS: AUTHORITY (What authority, qualifications or expertise do you possess that makes you the person to tell your story?)


50. ACE OF PENTACLES: A SUM OF MONEY (What did you spend your advance on, or what would you?)

51. TWO OF PENTACLES: TIME MANAGEMENT (How do you balance your writing with the rest of your life?)

52. THREE OF PENTACLES: TEAM WORK (Who will you thank in your acknowledgments?)

53. FOUR OF PENTACLES: FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE (Do you or would you write full time?)

54. FIVE OF PENTACLES: CALL FOR HELP (Who do you turn to when you need writing or publishing advice or to just vent?)

55. SIX OF PENTACLES: SHARING IS CARING (Do you share your knowledge whether to individuals or to an audience?)

56. SEVEN OF PENTACLES: LOOKING TO THE LONG-TERM (How long do you want to keep writing for? Is it a long-term goal?)

57. EIGHT OF PENTACLES: MASTERY (Do you feel like you've honed your writing skills or that you have much yet to learn?)

58. NINE OF PENTACLES: FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR (When will you know that you've "made it"?) 

59. TEN OF PENTACLES: YOUR LEGACY (What do you want your legacy to be, or are you only worried about the here and now?)

60. PAGE OF PENTACLES: PROGRESS (How do you track your writing progress?)

61. KNIGHT OF PENTACLES: ROUTINE (What is your writing routine?) 

62. QUEEN OF PENTACLES: HOME AND WORK (Do your family know you write?)

63. KING OF PENTACLES: MATERIAL GOALS (How much do you want to earn from your writing? Do you supplement it with any other projects?)


64. ACE OF WANDS: NEW GROWTH (How do you grow the seed of an idea into a full story?)

65. TWO OF WANDS: PLANNING (Do you plot your stories or pants them?)

66. THREE OF WANDS: FORESIGHT (Do you know what your book cover is going to look like? Do you have a color in mind?)

67. FOUR OF WANDS: A PARTY (Did you have a launch party for your book or plan to?)

68. FIVE OF WANDS: DISAGREEMENT (Do your characters ever act of their own accord? Or do you find that adage false or silly?)

69: SIX OF WANDS: PUBLIC RECOGNITION (Have you practiced your autograph?)

70: SEVEN OF WANDS: HATERS (How will you deal with trolls or haters?)

71. EIGHT OF WANDS: TRAVEL (Have you traveled or would like to travel for your writing?)

72. NINE OF WANDS: RESILIENCE (How long were you on submission? If you haven't been, or don't plan to, what is the maximum length you think you could endure?)

73. TEN OF WANDS: HARD WORK (How long did it take you to edit your book?)

74. PAGE OF WANDS: EXPLORING (Do you prefer to write and explore new worlds or stick to contemporary settings?)

75. KNIGHT OF WANDS: PASSION (What are you passionate about other than writing?)

76. QUEEN OF WANDS: CONFIDENCE (Writers are often introverts; is there anything in your publishing journey you aren't as confident about such as the public aspect?)

77. KING OF WANDS: VISION (What is in your near future that you are heading towards? What do you have in plan?) 



Ada Limon, The Good Fight // Mary Oliver, West Wind // Danez Smith, Bare // Sappho, Fragment 58.25-26 // Mitski, I Don’t Smoke // Ashe Vernon // Hozier, Cherry Wine // Shauna Barbosa, GPS // Richard Siken, Little Beast // Chen Chen, Summer [The sunflowers fall…] // Warsan Shire // Ocean Vuong, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous


some quarterly book recs (thank you so much @sawasawako for the tag!) i haven’t been able to do as much reading as i would have liked these past few months because of applications, but from what i have managed to read i’ve really enjoyed the books listed above! 

  • tender is the flesh: environmental post-apocalyptic speculative fiction, in which, following a virus which renders all animal meat inedible, certain classes of humans are bred for slaughter and consumption. really interesting meditations on the dehumanization and exploitation of capitalism, intimacy and violence, and racialized and class-based Othering. 
  • spectres of marx: i personally hold that this is derrida’s magnum opus-- a thoughtful interrogation of the spectres which shape european political and social thought, and perhaps his most definitive articulation of hauntology. 
  • moby-dick: i have to say, this one really surprised me. i’ve started and stopped moby-dick a few times before but i supposed i wasn’t really in the right headspace to appreciate its strange and unique blend of cosmic horror, homoeroticism, meditations on the nature of sin and evil, and extreme attention to nautical detail. this time, though, it really clicked. 
  • the memory police: a slim, cool and gorgeously written novel on the insidious nature of state control and the memory/nostalgia as resistance. 
  • white tears/brown scars: this is more of a re-read then a fresh read, but i enjoyed ruby hamad’s thoughtful interrogation of white feminism just as much the second time around. forms a very useful starting point imo to think about issues of intersectionality and ww complicity. 
  • the body in pain: i don’t know if i agree with every point raised in felaine scarry’s treatise on torture, language and the making and unmaking of the body, but for my money its still a very worthwhile and thought-provoking read, with some surprisingly beautiful turns of phrase. 

tagging @ambrosiadarling, @bauliya, @lanaturnergetup, @goosemixtapes, @avi-why, @mellifluas, @phantomnations, @encrucijada​ and anyone else who’d like to do this! 

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