
Fuck Your Dreams, Fuck Your Nightmares

@broadway-ghoul / broadway-ghoul.tumblr.com

Hellu northern sewer rat here, I draw stuff - find me in insta @broadway_ghoul ^^


I am an adult, I have a big girl job at the biggest nuclear power plant in my country. I’m studying to become a vet tech (I think that’s the translation) and I’m already enrolled in programs that will allow me to study to become a horsie vet when I graduate

So imagine my surprise when a grown adult woman at the barn I board at. Called my mother to tattle on me because I was sitting on my pony without a helmet. Like I’m a 13 yo child misbehaving

Instead of, you know, talking with me if she was sooo concerned for my safety

This is the funniest thing that’s happened to me this year


i saw a post on tiktok talking about how dads stop loving their daughters after puberty. And all the comments were agreeing

and my grown adult ass is sitting here with a dad that loves me more than anything and will drop everything and everyone if i need help


my achilles heel is my inability to navigate my own blog on my laptop


I'd absolutely die if i tried this and I hate excersize


ok i read it and what did i expect honestly

@broadway-ghoul did you read the diet part 😐?

Tbf it looks ok. I might try it. If only to say "I'm doing ghoul leg day today"

I did infact not

i considered it

then i skimmed and threw the idea in the garbage


Feliz Navia! I hope all Demoiselle wanters have become, or will become, Demoiselle havers <3


Happy New Year to my favourite artist!

Hope 2024 is peaceful, lucky, and that everything you draw you get right first time around without having to start over or adjust anything etc etc.



Happy new years!!!

I am keeping you to that manifestation! If not I shall fly across the ocean and passively haunt your dwelling <3

And omg thank you - im your fave artist?? You know how to make someone feel appreciated <3

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