
poots is a messy boy


hi i'm jessica and i hate check
((follows and likes from my main blog: raingf))
Anonymous asked:

Im bored n sad any fluffy Nursey's hcs?

uhhhh yes???????

•he can sing but mostly he goes into this falsetto that he uses to narrate what people are the haus are doing

•"dex is fiiii-hiiiixing that door like a prooOOO"

•"look at bitty SLIIIIIIICE those strawberries yeeAAH"

•deep and unironic love of the sonic the hedgehog games

•can’t stand rupi kaur’s poetry and is ready to fight about it


•in the summer his tongue is constantly an unnatural color bc he loves freeze pops (or ice pops or otter pops or whatever they’re called. you know the ones)

•also has cut his mouth on the plastic edge of a freeze pop like…a significant number of times

•the first time he ever tried to write a poem it was about a boy in his seventh grade art class he had a crush on. it’s on the inside of a gum wrapper and he still has it on his dresser at home

•his go-to shower song is “i wanna dance with somebody” by whitney houston

•wants a samoyed really really badly

•tried to keep a dream journal for a few weeks but all the entries were like “i dreamed i was pregnant and i gave birth to shitty”

Anonymous asked:

riss, talk to me about things nurseydex do that you and jackalope do (-charlie)

@asexualdex oh boy oh boy oh boy we’re super boring so this is mostly boring but we do some cute things sometimes so here goes

  • they have a “phone babysitting” agreement when one of them wants to get super trashed they give the other one their phone. this was instigated after dex got super trashed one night and drunk texted his mother at 3 in the morning
  • drive to the library together, sit in different sections of the library, text each other the entire time they’re in the library, then decide to leave after thirty minutes to get taco bell and nap, and complain that they got nothing done
  • forget that their club meetings are held in the same building and both leave their place in separate cars only to run into each other walking out of the building
  • whenever nursey goes out w/o dex or dex goes out w/o nursey they know that they can text the other one and they’ll call and pretend like they need to come home/come help them with something and it’s rlly nice bc they never have to look for an awkward excuse to leave
  • whenever they drive home they play rock-paper-scissors when they leave and at every stop for who gets the aux cord. when the driver wins, the passenger gets to pick the song, but it still has to be off the driver’s playlist, and the driver gets to make requests.
  • they watch HGTV all the time just to see who can make the funniest jokes abt the house hunters. one time dex made nursey laugh so hard his soda came out his nose.
  • their friends used to call them mom and dad, but they’ve recently graduated to grandma and grandpa bc they’re “so boring, holy shit”
  • they’re not allowed to be partners when they play Kemps because their friends decided they were so good it that it was actually unfair
  • one time nursey had a dream abt some really bomb tomato soup and dex spent the next week making tomato soup recipes until they found one that nursey thought was as good as his dream
  • the first time dex went to nursey’s house, nursey’s parents went to bed before they did, and no one said anything about where dex should sleep, and it took nursey literally an hour to convince him that his parents wouldn’t mind if dex slept in nursey’s room. even then, dex set an alarm to make sure he was up before nursey’s parents “so it’s not awkward, babe.”

on smh (samwell meme’s hockey) whenever they throw a party or go out for drinks or just have a casual beer E V E R Y O N E knows because E V E R Y member of the team posts a “cracking open a cold one with the boys” post to their snapchat AND instagram story. can u imagine the heights of meme it would get to. a blurry video of ransom in the locker room opening a gatorade while nursey screams “cracking open a cold one with the boys!!!!!”; a shot of chowder opening a jar of peanut butter posted on bitty’s twitter captioned with “cracking open a cold one with the boys 🙌”; a pic of dex and nursey screaming at each other captioned as “when u can’t crack open a cold one with the boys :(”

Anonymous asked:

I'm so intrigued by your having proof Dex had a crush on Chowder. Please share!

honestly all the proof u need is right in the first comic w the frogs.

just. look at this panel?? dex is straight up blushing and staring at chowder?? i also definitely read this as dex trying to say what he thinks will impress chowder but maybe that’s just me. he also stutters like he’s clearly nervous y’all and he doesn’t want to seem too eager but honestly?? he’s sooooo crushing also

fighting w nursey over him and ALSO

like i could probably dig up some more stuff but honestly dex is really focused on impressing chowder/chowders attention being on him and im just saying yall


NurseyWeek Prompt #1 - Silence/Mistake. Um, kind of. Got a bit off track.          ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dex tromps into the Haus, slamming the door shut and tossing his bag haphazardly on the floor, kicking it out of the way as he passes. He’s scowling, which, frankly, isn’t that unusual, but his expression has an edge of something that tugs at Derek. Dex doesn’t even spare him a glance as he flops down at the other end of the couch with an exasperated growl, tipping his head back and squeezing his eyes shut. Silence fills the space between them for a moment.

“So, how was your day?” Derek asks.

“Fuck off.”

“Yeah, mine was good, too.”

“Fuck. Off.”

Derek scans the defeated slope of Dex’s body as it’s sprawled over the couch, frowning to himself. Huh. He drops the fake cheer from his voice and puts his notebook down on the end table behind him.

“Dex, hey. What happened?” he asks, voice softer now, quiet even in the relative silence of the Haus mid-day. Dex cracks one amber eye open and gives him a look, squinting semi-suspiciously at him. Derek waits him out, tilting his head and trying to look open for conversation.


a little like writing or loving

for nursey week, day 2: “surprise or simplicity.”

“If that pen explodes in your mouth,” Dex says from the bathroom doorway, “I am not gonna feel bad for you.”

Derek startles–and does drop the pen out of his mouth–and looks up. “What?”

Dex cocks a brow at him, flicking off the bathroom light and flopping down on the hotel bed next to Derek’s. “You’ve had two pens explode in your mouth from chewing on them like that,” he says. His red hair is wet, tousled from where he must’ve run his hands through it after his shower, and he rolls onto his stomach, propping himself on his elbows to look at Derek. “What’re you glaring at, anyway?”


The thing about being hyper-empathetic, Nursey thinks, is that you expect everyone to care as much as you do. You expect everyone to be able to read your emotions or understand how things will make you feel, because you can do the same for them. You expect people’s decisions to be emotionally-driven, because yours always are.

Nursey can handle being overly empathetic when it means he can understand how others are feeling and help them. He can handle it when he gets to share in others’ joy and pride and happiness. He can even handle it when he cries at commercials.

He can’t handle it when it gets his heart broken.

Well, maybe ‘broken’ isn’t the right word. He doesn’t think he’s had his heart totally broken yet. It’s more like little tiny scratches and bruises that he acquires every day, every time someone forgets to include him in something, every time someone cancels last-minute on plans he was really looking forward to, every time he says something and is ignored. Every time he puts a piece of himself out there, hoping for someone to see that it’s him looking for a connection, and gets nothing in return. He should learn that not everyone is as emotionally driven as he is, that not everyone can empathize like he automatically does, but it’s been twenty years now and his heart is still tricking him into trying over and over and over again.

“Today in my lecture, my professor,” Nursey starts, but trails off as Holster and Ransom jump into a story. They’re across the table so there’s no way they heard him, but they’re always loud enough to encompass the whole table with their conversation. It’s not a big deal. They don’t even know they’re doing it. It’s just another little scratch.

He feels a kick against his shin and snaps his head up, meeting Dex’s eyes.

“What did your professor do in lecture?” he asks, eyebrows raised and eyes meeting Nursey’s like he’s genuinely interested.

“Yeah, Nursey, you can’t just give us the intro and leave us hanging,” Chowder murmurs, nudging him.

This is it, he thinks, the reason his heart always talks him into trying again. Because sometimes, with the right people, it’s worth it.


I drew a lot of bookplates for the Year Two Kickstarter.

- Jack and Parse as kids in the Q - Lardo and George talking about their dumb boys - There’s a huge S in the Samwell hockey locker room for this purpose - Parse, at home, probably on insta - Bow before Lardo, Flipper of Cups, Ruler of Bros - A swim (◡‿◡)


I too am procrastinating!! I'd really like to see Dex and Nursey sharing Lardo's room, Dex becoming more comfortable with himself and Nursey, and realizing that the team has his back


hooray for procrastination! okay room sharing, lets bullet point this shit (also i kind of stuck to the prompt but the main focus is on room sharing and being comfortable with each other and less on everyone having each others’ backs, sorry it kind of ran away from me)

  • to start, dex gets the top bunk and nursey gets the bottom obvs bc honestly can you imagine nursey successfully climbing up to the top without falling off the ladder at least once a week?
  • music is a big point of contention for the first month 
  • dex blasts dad rock whenever he’s coding and nursey listens to his indie shit so loudly that even when he’s using headphones dex can hear it from the top bunk
  • they reach a weird understanding one day when nursey puts a playlist on shuffle and they end up both singing along to the middle by jimmy eat world and they discover they both  are still in  went through a punk rock/pop phase (yes i have been reading @heyfightme‘s punk au)
  • from there on they reach a pretty easy agreement that when they’re both in the room and neither are studying, it’s tb punk from the 2005 era or anything they’ve recently discovered
  • (for the sake of avoiding arguments) 
  • (also because both love watching the other get lost in the music as they scream the lyrics)
  • (please take a moment to imagine two 6′2″ hockey players yell the words to i don’t wanna be an asshole anymore by the menzingers to each other as they jump up and down in the middle of their bedroom at 4pm)
  • it takes a while to get a bathroom routine down bc nursey has A Lot of skincare products and he likes to bathe william, not all of us are neanderthals that enjoy feeling crusty

the rest is under the cut bc i got carried away

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