
Nature or Nurture? But all of us Geeks

@mrsmarymorstan / mrsmarymorstan.tumblr.com

Morstan, Gender Queer, They/She, 30+, British, Four Nurological Disorders In A Plaid Shirt. Does not know where her towel is. Interests Included: Middle Earth, Manga, Comics, Star Trek and DnD. Plus whatever else takes my fancy. Yes, that is my real laugh.

Manga Recommendations!

I've been asked a few times to recommend manga for people, so this is my Master List for Recs! The basic rules are that I have to have read at least 3 available volumes before recommending it, unless there are less than that available in English. I've included any major content warnings, but I will miss some stuff. I've differentiated between Romance, BL/GL and Queer Positive mostly because of vibes and the fact that I figured if you wanted to pick out Queer Stories then it was easier to jump to that section than scoot through romance! And also I didn't want people to think that just because I'm recommending a BL/GL series doesn't mean I think it's good Gay Rep! But as they say, I support Gay Wrongs AS WELL as Gay Rights.

If the series has a * it means it's available on the Shonen Jump App/Viz Media Website as part of their subscription service.


Me whenever I see the intersex flag in any pride stuff ever


Please mention and include us. Why do you all use the progress flag that doesn't include us?

"The orchid is used as a symbol by many intersex-led groups, particularly those by, or originally by, people with androgen insensitivity or resistance. The word orchid comes from the ancient Greek word ὄρχις (órkhis), for testicle or testis. It describes the shape of twin tubers in some species of the flowering plant.

A form of gonadectomy called an orchidectomy or orchiectomy refers to the surgical removal of testes. This remains a common experience for people with androgen resistance and other intersex variations. Due to a poor or very poor evidence base, such interventions are controversial.

Orchids appear, for example, in the logos of the AIS-DSD Support Group (USA), AIS Support Group Australia, and also in the film Orchids: My Intersex Adventure."


This wasn't a random cutesy decision, and the use of orchids to symbolize intersex people is tied to surviving medical abuse and accepting the self despite it. There are a lot of flowers used as symbolism to represent queerness of all sorts. Do research into your history and see what is already out there. Things like this carry weight and history.


Remember: behind every robot that turns evil is an engineer who specifically installed red LEDs into the eyes just for this occasion


Listen, that is a mandatory safety feature. This is like saying, "Behind every building that starts on fire, there's an architect who specifically installed a fire alarm for just this occasion." Yeah, of course.

If the eyes didn't turn red when the robots turned evil, that wouldn't stop it turning evil, it would just mean you don't have any warning!



I would love to know what program determines whether or not an AI has turned evil to activate the red LEDs.


If { evil= true

Red lights = on



as a knitter, you start to notice how rare it is for characters in tv shows and movies to knit correctly. from worst to best, it ranges from:

- laughably incorrect, just flinging yarn around

- knitting the most basic scarf incredibly slowly because the actor Learned How To Do It For The Role

- old lady actresses casually knitting an intricate lace pattern while doing a monologue

- gromit from wallace and gromit

1. that’s a garter stitch, which you can clearly see despite it being made of clay

2. they took the time to animate a modified continental style of knitting, including showing how his working yarn is wrapped around his pinky, and that he’s flicking with his index on his right hand

3. he only has four fingers and yet this is better than the vast majority of knitting on tv


“come, let us march against the powers of heaven, and set black streamers in the firmament to signify the slaughter of the gods” is such a raw line you’d think it’s from Shakespeare, but it’s actually from the slightly earlier Elizabethan dramatist Christopher Marlowe


I was chatting with a friend who has hearing aids about heard aid jewlery and they said "Omg that be so cool!" Would be?? Oh my friend,,, the rabbit holes I've gone down for the sake of writing!! I gotta find a proper diy guide but here- For those of you who might not have seen this wicked designs!!

Have them look like earings with dangling charms that fit your outfit!

Althought I personally like the ones that highlight the aid! Letting them be accessories and making ppl look at them and acknowledge them is very Startrek to me (which I love)

And who doesn't love elf ears???!!

Hope this inspires you. I am hunting down a diy tutorial on how to make it but given how expensive aids are I wouldn't feel comfy advocating for it quite yet until further research. Until then tho, start brainstorming and sketching ideas at least!

I love these! I’ve seen some of them before when we were designing Nathan’s hearing aids for the book cover, but some of these are new to me and so cool!

[Image descriptions: Several photos of hearing aid jewellery. Long descriptions follow.

1. A piece that goes over the ear and is made of pearl and flower shapes. 2. A piece that loops around the back of the ear in a laurel pattern with a chain that hooks onto the ear lobe and has a feather hanging down from it. 3. A solid wiry piece that follows the ear shape and rests in front of the ear. 4. A dangly heart shape with gems. 5. A dangly piece with a bat attached to a rod with black and silver beads. 6. A solid piece that hugs the back of the ear with several shapes sticking up and out like underwater plants. 7. A two-part piece that attaches to a bone-anchored hearing aid. It is made of a glittery leather studded with rhinestones, and the two parts are attached by a chain. There is also a triple chain attached from the ear part to a cuff on the ear. 8. A pointed piece that goes over the front of the ear. \End descriptions]


Fun game for Pride Month:

When you're at a event, count how many people with mobility aids there are. If it seens low, think about why that might be. Count how many disabled bathrooms. Count how many unavoidable steps. Try and find one accessibility issue at the event and afterwards contact the organisers to ask them to fix it.

Many disabled queer people are left out of the Pride month celebrations due to accessibility issues, so if you're able to be there, you're already in a position to make it better.

Don't forget your disabled siblings this Pride!


Before voting, spin the wheel and get a Lord of the Rings character.

Not sure who your character is? You can look them up on this Tolkien Gateway character list, or just vote based on vibes.

For the purposes of the game, assume your vote is not "LaCE compliant." (That is, fucking an elf does not instantly mean marriage or death for that elf.)


It was so so close to nudging over from Goldberry to Gollum


I neither want to marry nor kill Gimli, so I guess I'm fucking him. I would really like a fourth option though.


I got Sam, instant marry.

I got Faramir, instant marry.

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