❝ˏˋ @SEOKGAH​   /  

               ❝ YOU’RE PATHETIC, ❞  the way she hissed at him would put serpents to shame, vitriol hinged on every word. Had this tactic really worked on all those before her?  How could they stoop low enough to acquiesce to someone so VILE She found it hard to breathe, claustrophobic, as he moved in on her like a vicious predator.  ❝ I’m not interested. ❞  He probably wasn’t used to being told ‘NO’ — too bad that’s not an acceptable excuse.  ❝ So, if you’ll excuse me, ❞  both hands collided with his chest, shoving him away FORCEFULLY,  ❝ I have things to do. ❞  Though the distance between them was still minimal, So-rin seized the opportunity to step around his towering frame, freeing herself from a most UNCOMFORTABLE trap. While generally optimistic, she certainly didn’t expect him to let her go so easily  ( such a WICKED game wouldn’t end this fast ).

❝ˏˋ @QOLDHEARTED​   /    

         ❝ FOR THE MOST PART, YES — there are days when I struggle to accept the turns my life has taken, but in the end I know that I’m the master of my own FATE. ❞  While she meant well, trying to encourage the young man with such an optimistic viewpoint, Gameunjang couldn’t help but wonder if she was testing the boundaries of morality. Was it WRONG to let the mortals think they had control over their destinies?  Or did their false hope prove to be more beneficial than if they had none at all?  Thoughts churning in her ANCIENT mind, she returned his pleasant smile and eyed the instrument held in his grasp.  ❝ You know, I read fortunes for a living… Shall I look into your FUTURE for you? ❞  Even if he considered it nothing more than a party trick of sorts, she could at least work a little magic for him — he deserved some HAPPINESS this time around.  


                    SOME HAD SEEN IT AS A CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION, but all kai could think about was the possible sorrow currently weighing on eun’s shoulders. he arrived as fast his legs would allow, granting his lungs the time to catch up before making his presence known. it was as he had feared; tears stained flawless skin and he struggled not to fall to his knees in front of her. the sadness clung to her bones like a cage and it felt as though he was permanently locked out of it. as to be expected, her plea fell on deaf ears. kai could pretend a whole lot, but not when it came to matters like these.

     a scoff was swallowed as he took his seat, ignoring her commentary. if anything he had come at the RIGHT time, a time when she needed him the most   (  the ache in his own chest told him as much  ).  uncertain of what amount of physical contact was deemed appropriate in her eyes, the side of his leg fully connected with hers; the bridge established between them hopefully transferring some of her sorrow over to him.    you’ve never been weak in my eyes.  ”  the soft whisper was barely able to carry his voice. mild confusion began to fester; why would a goddess such as herself worry about his conception anyway? he was far below her and his opinion held no substance in the grand scheme of things.

     the hand offered to be read was a ploy, and as soon as her own hand was close enough his fingers wrapped ever so gently around hers.    i’m not here for me.    the fact that she even assumed such a thing offended him; not that any of his features gave that indication.


         ❝ KAI... THANK YOU. ❞  FOR EVERYTHING, NOW AND ALWAYS. His selfless loyalty nearly brought another round of tears to her eyes, yet she managed to hold them back — if not, it would make it seem like his efforts were in vain, and Eun couldn’t bear for him to feel as if he’d failed. Don’t take all of this MISERY, please… don’t suffer on my behalf; she wanted to tell him that, wanted to stop him from siphoning away her aches and pains, but it just wasn’t right to keep him from his DUTY. No matter how much she craved fairness in this world, such a concept was nothing more than a pipe dream.

         Reading his fortune would be the PERFECT distraction, a way to anchor her mind to something other than Seokga's downfall. Little did she know that she would stumble upon another reason to be UNSETTLED.  ❝ I just need to concentrate for a moment — It's better if I start with a clear head if I want a clear vision. ❞  Eyes closed, all thoughts vanishing until she was left with a BLANK slate; from there she focused on their entwined hands, his lifeline beginning from the start. Hwanin, The Jade Emperor, had made sure his beasts were HARDENED since creation — such needless suffering, needless cruelty.

         Humans were short-lived, thus it only took a minute or two to see what their futures held, but traversing the way to an IMMORTAL being's destiny proved to be much more challenging. Ah, but finally it appeared, the picture forming slowly, although BLURRIER than Eun preferred. Brows knit together as she tried to make sense of it all, like her domain was still deciding what it had in store for the hound. Vivid amongst the haze was the color RED, a pool of crimson; blood, she assumed, no — she was sure of it. And pain, EXCRUCIATING pain struck every nerve within her body. To spare him, she wretched their hands apart, grip taken upon the rug beneath them, leg moved away from him to sever their connection completely.  ❝ Something isn't right — That... that CAN’T be what happens. ❞  Eun met his gaze, panic-stricken.  ❝ I think I saw your death. ❞



  • ❝ i’m holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies. ❞
  • ❝ wanna know why i’m whittling? ❞
  • ❝ you know, this is — excuse me — a damn fine cup of coffee!  ❞
  • ❝ i’m beginning to feel a bit like dr watson.  ❞
  • ❝ one day my log will have something to say about this. ❞
  • ❝ don’t drink that coffee!  ❞
  • ❝ there was a fish in the percolator. sorry. ❞
  • ❝ i hear that you’re really good at what you do.  ❞
  • ❝ following a dream i had three years ago, i have become deeply moved by the plight of the tibetan people, and have been filled with a desire to help them.  ❞
  • ❝ that gum you like is going to come back in style!  ❞
  • ❝ one day, the sadness will end.  ❞
  • ❝ you’re the most cold-blooded man i’ve ever seen!  ❞
  • ❝ i’ve got compassion running out my nose, pal! i’m the sultan of sentiment!  ❞
  • ❝ i just ask you to get the hell outta my way, so i that can finish my work! is that clear?!  ❞
  • ❝ there’s a sort of evil out there. ❞
  • ❝ there’s something very, very strange in these old woods.  ❞
  • ❝ look in the mirror. what do you see? is it a dream, or a nightmare? ❞
  • ❝ we had a long talk, he’s staying there. ❞
  • ❝ look at us. two men apiece and we don’t know what to do with any of the four of them. ❞
  • ❝ he doesn’t talk, he hits.  ❞
  • ❝ he was great at first, you know.  ❞
  • ❝ i’m running late. i only have time for coffee. ❞
  • ❝ i can’t believe you were ever my age. ❞
  • ❝shh, i’ll do the talking.  ❞
  • ❝ i’m telling you this because i don’t want to have any secrets from you. ❞
  • ❝ it’s the secrets people keep that destroy any chance they have of happiness and i don’t want us to be like that.  ❞
  • ❝ you’re gonna be lucky tonight. ❞
  • ❝ how much would you like to start with? how about three hundred? ❞
  • ❝ every day, once a day, give yourself a present. ❞
  • ❝ this is wrong, and we both know it. ❞
  • ❝ what you need right now is a friend. ❞
  • ❝ please don’t make me leave. ❞
  • ❝ are you disappointed in me? ❞
  • ❝ you don’t know all the things i was gonna do for us. ❞
  • ❝ rejected. that’s what he said. ❞
  • ❝ don’t you give up. don’t you dare. ❞
  • ❝ it’s still a fine-looking trophy, no matter what the size. ❞
  • ❝ so how long have you been in love with them? ❞
  • ❝ i’m late for work, but i’ll make time for us. ❞
  • ❝ there was a time we’d go all afternoon. ❞
  • ❝ you asked me for proof last time, so i followed them and took pictures. ❞
  • ❝ they’ve been seeing each other on the side, it’s been going on for years. ❞

“I’ve never seen you cry before.”


         ❝ AH… IT DOESN’T HAPPEN OFTEN, though I’ve more reasons to let it all out as of late. ❞  Motherhood brought about fresh challenges,and most of all: a source of STRESS that Eun had never anticipated. One might thinkher divine duties, which included shaping the lives of each and every mortalthat walked the earth, would have prepared her to care for a new soul, but itcertainly wasn’t so SIMPLE

         She spared a glance to the sleeping infant curledup in the nearby bassinet — LUCKILY her sobbing hadn’t woken the baby from herslumber. Quietly, Eun rose from her seat and led her friend into the adjoiningroom, not too far from Juri, just enough distance to MUFFLE their conversation.  ❝ I worry about every little thing now, my mindjust won’t STOP — I don’t know what to do, Ki. ❞  Had she experienced something similar Didshe constantly fear that something would happen to Deokwon?  Yeomra wouldn’tDARE allow anything to happen to his son, likewise Eun wouldn’t let anythinghappen to her daughter… so why did she feel the need to FRET so much?  ❝ Maybe I need a break, but isn’t that TERRIBLE to say?  What kind ofmother would choose to be away from her child? ❞  


“I’ve never seen you cry before.”


         ❝ PRETEND THAT YOU STILL HAVEN’T — PLEASE. ❞  As if by the goddess’ will, no customers had sought their fortune today, allowing her to deal with the TURMOIL that had been building up for weeks, maybe even months, now. Did her distress SUMMON the three-legged hound?  Or was he here for other reasons?  ❝ I must seem so WEAK, ❞  she thought aloud, lithe fingers shaking as they wiped away the tears strolling down her flushed cheeks,  ❝ You’ve come at a bad time. ❞  It was tempting to ask him to go, to LEAVE her there to her misery, but something about his presence soothed her, CALMED the turbulent storm inside — stay, just for a while.

         Scooting over, Eun patted the cushion on her right, signaling for him to sit down; it would be RUDE to keep her guest standing there on his  ( presumably tired )  feet. If Kai-ren wanted an explanation, she would give it to him, though word of her husband’s DEMISE had probably already reached every deity and divine creature alike; it traveled fast, didn’t it?  ❝ —— Even so, what can I do for you?  A READING, perhaps?

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