
Pixelberry Owns My Ass I Guess



pixelberry has committed lots of crimes against humanity but they have also committed specific crimes against me and the worst one was not allowing me to tell drake and olivia to hook up at the end of trf as if they hadn’t been engaging in weird foreplay for the past 7 and a half books

sorry to care about pixels from a mobile app but they really constantly subjected their friend group to this shit huh


since im cycling through my various fandoms again in an attempt to Heal My Inner Child i have been back on my harry potter bullshit and now im thinking about the trr hogwarts au again. none of you rats appreciated that honestly it was some of my best work truly a gift to this fandom. maxwell and riley as pining idiot beaters on the quidditch team??? drake constantly being hit in the face by bludgers regardless?????? liam as a lil ravenclaw prefect who brings his books to study during the quidditch games???????? WAKE UP PEOPLE THIS WAS GOLD

Me @ at all the Choices readers who have been around since 2016 and are now watching the writing of recently released books turn into what it is today:

Happy Birthday Hayden!!! What can I say about Hayden?

Hayden shows us that no matter our limitations, it is always possible to overcome them and evolve into our best version. Hayden is an example of self-acceptance, loving and being understanding with yourself is the key to happiness. Of course we only saw a little piece of Hayden’s amazing life, but with that little piece, we learned to be strong, trust those who really love us, always challenge ourselves with new things, explore what life has to offer… And so so much more 😍😍😍😍 So Happy Birthday Hayden!!! And you? What has Hayden inspired you to?


have to admit, i’m gonna miss this series and this cast… so here’s a tribute to the edenbrook crew! 💕and thanks to the community here for making playing these books so fun because seeing playchoices trending every friday always makes me giggle 🤩🤩


Phrase watch this.


My name is Brandon Boulware and, Chairman, I’ll go as quickly as I can.  I’m a lifelong Missourian, I’m a busy lawyer, I’m a Christian, I’m the son of a Methodist minister, I’m a husband, and I’m the father of four kids—two boys, two girls—including a wonderful and beautiful transgender daughter.  Today happens to be her birthday.  And I chose to be here.  She doesn’t know that.  She thinks I’m at work.  

One thing I often hear when transgender issues are discussed is, “I don’t get it.  I don’t understand.”  And I would expect some of you to have said that and to feel the same way.  I didn’t get it either.  For years, I didn’t get it.  For years, I would not let my daughter wear girl clothes.  I did not let her play with girl toys.  I forced my daughter to wear boy clothes, and get short haircuts, and play on boy’s sports teams.  Why did I do this?  To protect my child.  I did not want my daughter or her siblings to get teased.  And truth be told, I did it to protect myself as well.  I wanted to avoid those inevitable questions as to why my child did not look and act like a boy.  

My child was miserable.  I cannot overstate that.  She was absolutely miserable.  Especially at school.  No confidence, no friends, no laughter.  I can honestly say this—I had a child who did not smile.  We did that for years.  We did that against the advice of teachers, therapists, and other experts.  

I remember the day everything changed for me.  I got home from work, and my daughter and her brother were in the front lawn.  And she had sneaked on one of her older sister’s play dresses.  And they wanted to go across the street and play with the neighbors’ kids.  It was time for dinner, I said, “Come in.”  She asked, can she go across the street.  I said no.  She asked me if she went inside and put on boy clothes, could she then go across the street and play.  And it was then that it hit me.  My daughter was equating being good with being someone else.  I was teaching her to deny who she is.  As a parent, the one thing we cannot do, the one thing, is silence our child’s spirit.  

And so on that day, my wife and I stopped silencing out child’s spirit.  The moment we allowed my daughter to be who she is, to grow her hair, to wear the clothes she wanted to wear, she was a different child.  And I mean it was immediate.  It was a total transformation.  I now have a confident, a smiling, a happy daughter.  She plays on girls’ volleyball teams.  She has friendships.  She’s a kid.  

I came here today as a parent to share my story.  I need you to understand that this language, if it becomes law, will have real effects on real people.  It will affect my daughter.  It will mean she cannot play on the girls’ volleyball team, or dance squad, or tennis team.  I ask you, please don’t take that away from my daughter, or the countless others like her who are out there.  Let them have their childhoods, let them be who they are.  I ask you to vote against this legislation.


idk some of u are nearly fucking 40... too damn old to be crying at someone correcting you on your ignorance because you’re piss fucking poor at understanding how racism and exclusivity in fandom affects black writers and readers

pls go to hell, disrespectfully 🤝


Remember when one of the writers confirmed Hanna as bisexual and because she never showed romantic interest in Liam everyone just continued to deny it and say she’s a lesbian?

Adding to that, it still blows my mind that there’s so many people on here who will continue to say that love interests like Jake or Ethan are straight despite the fact that you can romance them as a man or a woman???

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